I really fucking hate hippies

I really fucking hate hippies

Is this reasonable or should I try and accept them? I feel like I may be projecting but not sure why

Attached: hippie.jpg (500x333, 135K)

I hate them as well. They're always dumb as fuck, smell bad, and have awful music taste.

Why do you guve a shit what ither people do? I think people whi eatch tv or enjoy football are complete morons, but I don’t concern myself with them because they dont effect my life. I avoid sports bars...

You hate us because we are mentally and morally superior. It's a common response by dumb and insecure people like yourself

I admit that is part of the problem. I shouldn't care how other people live their lives. But I tend to hate anyone I don't agree with

Being smart is a individual trait. There are smart hippies, just like there are dumb ones. And a dumb person with a lazy lifestyle is bound to look even dumber.

Probably because they're having a blast with their brief lives while you live in a constant state of anxiety.

Aren't most of the original hippies just wagecucked boomers by now? Are they even real hippies left?

That's why people hate on vegans for sure.

Which part of hippiedom do you hate? In many ways, I'd be considered a hippy. In others, not so much. For example, I care deeply (almost entirely) about the environment (although I don't think car emissions are the problem), I am critical of the materialst society I was born into, and am willing to work with other races to achieve my goals. On the other hand, I refuse to take drugs, I'm not a "peace and love" XD leftists (in fact many of my leanings after anarchy are monarchist in flavor), and I don't believe in forcing people to accept me like they try with their constant non-violent political activism. I believe only in direct and meaningful action

We were never supposed to have fun on this world. Whatever fun they are having they will suffer later on.

I'm sure working your life away for Shekelberg has some really rewarding outcomes as well

Lol are you a 70 year old geezer or something? Who still just gets generally pissed at hippies? The original hippie movement was back when liberals were actually cool and just wanted peace and drugs. I'd take a hippie over a modern SJW style liberal any day.

yea they are called money. I dont live off from rich papa and mama. You will experience this too

I just hate these "holier than though" types, that shame you for eating a sandwich with a plastic wrapper or buying clothes at a retail store.
They feel SOOO enlightened and morally superior, and I can just think "The only reason you can even afford to think about this bullshit at all is because you are among the most privileged people on the planet."
Ask some african kid if they think overfishing matters.
Shut the fuck up.
If you really were such a charitable person, you wouldn't care who knows about it, instead of constantly virtue signalling on social media.

How many of these people actually bitch to the unprivileged though? How does it affect the overall point? A chainsmoker telling you that smoking is bad is still 100% right.

You're affected by their shaming because you realize that they are right, hence need to come up with shit to block it out, by creating hypothetical scenarios, caricatures of their character and motivations and so on.

Let me eat my sandwich bro. Do your own thing, but leave me alone.
You are part of this machine just as much as me, you just like to pretend you are part of the solution instead of the problem.

Hey, I'm not one of the types. I'm perfectly aware that I'm a lazy cunt who prefers his comfort. Just like you and your plastic wrapper sandwich eating ass.

But if these people can motivate even a single person to adjust their habits a bit, they are slightly improving the world. Whether they are hypocrites or attention seekers doesn't matter for the big picture.

Look at your arrogance. Hating someone for not sharing the same ideology with you. Pathetic.

Wow, at first I kind of agreed with your distaste for obnoxious and lazy hippies. But after reading this I would much rather be around a group of hippies than you

Why don't you just die quicker so everyone else can enjoy themselves in your absence?

You're better off dying than doing something you hate and then dying later.
Life's a nightmare. People are a fucking party, though. You can live in a cage of your own comfortable misery, or you can do something worthwhile.

He sounds like a fucking nightmare. What a shitty ideology he has

The ones who go off to live in and contribute to communes are superior people, Full stop. Poseurs always suck. But if we had half the test they do to drop technology and the trappings of modern life to go work on a permaculture while smoking weed this world might not be headed to fucking catastrophe.

This. I visited one once and I have regretted not staying ever since. The world is shit and I'm contributing to its destruction. I've been making arrangements to visit another and hopefully get some membership going

I'm with you op. Fuck people different than me