Why are male female interactions so awkward for most people in comparison to same sex interactions?
Why are male female interactions so awkward for most people in comparison to same sex interactions?
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Because woman are boring.
Because marketing made us belive men and women are different species and we rise both sexes separately. When you look in more liberal countries like Germany or Sweaden, people have much less problem dating.
Men and women are literally different species
Youre making mbv fans look bad
germany is liberal?
Compared to most of Burgerstan beyond Cali they sure are. Take their pretty right wing ruling party that would look like fucking commies next to demcunts.
Maybe not so much in economy but society sure is. There is no religion and people don't really care how you look like and what you do. There is no pink and blue blankets, just kids.
This is a shit opinion
My opinion on this is very simple.
The interactions between men and women are now and always have come with more expectation than the ones between the same sexes.
A man imagines small signals signify some kind of interest in him, while they might not be.
A woman assumes that most men want to get inside of her holes (they are also large and dangerous).
I would argue that the relations in same sex interactions are being strained pretty hard by the propagation of the LGBT stuff. Now a lot of people are on suspicion when you meet them.
You are shit
Youre right, but my opinions are fire.
Your opinions are shit also.
No, they are really good.
Nope, they are pretty shit
I live in Denmark and it is considered very egalitarian.
I know 7 other guys who also either have 0 luck with the women or so few interactions they marry the first girl who smiles at them.
Because we have made so many strives towards making women and men make their own choices professionally, I work in an all male environment, I only meet women in the supermarket and they don't want to chat there.
I have had several female friends complain that men never approach them at bars etc because the whole country is cucked. I don't know how the fuck we got here.
I lived in denmark and it's complete opposite from what you are saying. Only people that have problems dating were either religious or super conservative, because no women shared their worldwiev.
>they marry the first girl who smiles at them.
Very true here in the Netherlands as well.
This is the reason why so many men end up with useless, nagging fat wives. They were so desperate to get a girlfriend that they settled for the very first woman they managed to get out on a date.
Because you're not used to them. As a guy, you're used to interacting with other guys all the way back since you were in kindergarten. From that point on you've probably always had a group of male friends you talked to on a daily basis.
Chances are you didn't really interact with women all the way up to high school until your hormones kicked in. And even from that point on the vast majority of your social interactions are with other guys. Having a flirty, man to woman conversation is an entirely different kettle of fish than talking about call of duty with one of your male friends. Most men won't figure out how to properly talk to girls until their 20's and some others never will.
This video changed my life.
>Because you're not used to them.
Of course not when 99% of time they speak about shit that is uninteresting to us and vice versa.
because men are horny and want to have sex. I feel like there's an implied "want some dick" talk every time men and women interact. It's awkward because you can't be honest about it.
how do i know you're a roastie?
>I don't interact with women - the post
Humans try to be inclusive in groups. If you just watch female groups from afar, of course it seems they talk about boring shit.
It doesn't have to be if we were just more to the point desu.
>marry the first girl who smiles at them.
It's like this in America too. Lots of gymcels with fat girlfriends
>marry the first girl who smiles at them.
I wish I could have desu but I'm almost certain I'm in the process of slowly being rejected.