Bf moves here to be with me

>bf moves here to be with me
>bf is controlling, has all my passwords, messages my parents if I don’t respond quickly
>breaks up with me and moves away
>I cry and beg for him to come back because I was an utter idiot
>he does
>calls me clueless stupid bitch worthless whore when he’s angry
>threatens to hurt me
>no matter what, he always apologizes and tells me he will always love me
>has days when he’s affection and gentle so I try to look at bright side
>but after so long, finally get the nerve to break up with him
>he goes homeless after we break up because he can’t afford to live here
>still asks me for sex and gets angry when I say no
>I give him thousands of dollars, everything I have trying to make sure he’s safe
>not able to make 200$ one night
>ghosted this morning

Does he have a right to be mad because I asked him to come back? It genuinely hurts being hated by someone you’d give your world to. I want to forgive him, I don’t want to be angry. It worries me out of my mind that he hates me and that I deserve it. I hate the thought of him being homeless, but he didn’t want to accept help from me. I just pray to god that he will be okay, and the tiniest part of me hopes that he will see inside of himself what he’s been doing and how cruel it is. But I know he will never because I hardly ever stand up for myself.

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Reminder that guys like OP's bf are able to get girls. You literally have no excuse.

He sound psycho. You should avoid him by any cost

What advice are you looking for? You sound like a stupid doormat. Were you raped as a kid or something? Just let this guy be homeless and find someone that doesn’t treat you like literal garbage.

He's probably really good looking so she lets him use her like that because thats how whamen are

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I also had guy like that and he was obese, sexist neet with no friends. Now he's part of "men's right" movement and sympathizes with incels. Also he still blames me for his unhappiness. So no, nolt only "chads".

I forgive him because he’s been fucked over by his family his entire life and he has mental problems he was born with. I used to panic and beg when he would ghost me, it would happen weekly. But I think this is the last time I’m ever going to try to be there for him if he can’t treat me like a human being

I broke up with him

>has all my passwords, messages my parents if I don’t respond quickly
Ahahaha, what?

>but after so long, finally get the nerve to break up with him
Thank fuck, there is still a happy end to this shit!

>he goes homeless after we break up because he can’t afford to live here
>still asks me for sex and gets angry when I say no
>I give him thousands of dollars, everything I have trying to make sure he’s safe
>not able to make 200$ one night
Nigga, what? Should've cut contact with his toxic ass after breaking up.

>ghosted this morning
Probably the best thing he did for another person lately.

>I want to forgive him
No, what the fuck. Just no, user.

>But I know he will never because I hardly ever stand up for myself.
If that's what you want, your best call is still cutting him off completely. Maybe he grows the fuck up eventually and will realize what he threw away all by himself. You can't help people who don't want to help themselves and given your handling of the situation and reactions, you might want to look into getting help for yourself and your shitty self-worth. Please for the sake of both of you, you do you and let him do his thing away from you.

yeah I’m a big time pushover. I wasnt looking for particular advice. I wanted to post this on Jow Forums but he browses that board lmao. I didn’t meet him on there but I think it was a mistake dating him after he told me that

Girl, don't be like that beaten wife from memes and drop that "he family hurt" attitude towards him. This is his problem and being his beating bag won't solve it.

>muh family
>muh brain problems

Doesn’t matter. You aren’t obligated to diminish your life experience and be an eternal punching bag because he can’t get over his childhood. Ditch this faggot and move on. You sound like you’re really empathetic if you’re willing to stick with this shitbag, so I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding a good man

I always thought i was too emotional OP, that i would be too much of a drag on my partner and am not ready for relationship. And the prophecy sure did come true, i never had a gf ever and was always alone. I will most likely be alone for the rest of my life, regardless of my actions. But there is always one thing i am glad of, really one small ember that keeps me going

I will never be pathetic as you or your your bf, jesus fucking christ wtf is this. Come on girl you see all the signs of a bad relationship and you still gave him money time and energy? What is wrong with you?

Get your life in order, cut him out of your life. Make yourself a self sustaining human being, get help. Come on now..

>I want to forgive him, I don’t want to be angry.
Then forgive him, and move on in your life without him. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you forget what they did. And it doesn't mean you have to get back into a relationship with him.
>It worries me out of my mind that he hates me and that I deserve it.
So fucking what? If he wants to be mad at you because he fucked up, that's his issue, not yours. Being hated isn't always a bad thing. Get over it.
> I hate the thought of him being homeless
I hate the thought of sad little puppies sitting out in the cold. It doesn't mean I'm turning my house into an animal shelter.
> but he didn’t want to accept help from me.
That's his choice. And you are his ex. You shouldn't be offering him help to begin with.

He's a grown ass man. Stop treating him like a fucking child. He can get a job. He can find a place to live if he wants. He can move the fuck back where ever he went before. These are his choices. Let him live his life, so you can go live yours.

>I think it was a mistake dating him after he told me that

Yeah, I think you may be right about that.

Just because some douchebag can use an innocent girl doesn't mean i can get a girl by be boring ol' me. I lack personality.

He’s threatening me to steal 1000$ or else he’s goinf to go homeless and commit suicide and I’m scared out of my mind. It’s like he’s either dying or I get caught and I’m so sure I’m going to get caught.

Don’t take him back or forgive him. Don’t help him at all. You need to go no contact. This kind of relationship is soul killing.

Why the hell are you still in contact with him? It's only giving you headaches and drama and makes it near impossible for you to get a decent partner.

Once this is all over hes going to be gone for good but if he goes homeless and die because of me I couldn’t live with myself

He won’t die. No contact... He’s trying to make you steal? Wake up.

Thank you user this response hurts to hear but I know it’s true

He’s tried to hang himself before I know he’s serious when he says he wants to die

let him die

Let him!

Tell him to die deep in the woods so that his body might not inconvenience anyone

You’d be surprised how fast you would get over it to be honest. He’ll probably just try to hurt himself badly to manipulate you emotionally. It seems to be working. Don’t contact him. Block him on everything and move on

Thank you guys the replies on this thread means a lot more than you realize

Why even make the fucking thread

The dude needs a psychologist, not money. He clearly has a multitude of unresolved issues.

Just re-read your fucking thread but imagine you had to give advice on it

bruh...leave that mf asap. hes nothing but toxic. not worth the work. fond something to distract yourself. rebound maybe? new bf?

i dated someone VERY similar and thought "i'll be so upset and lonely if we break up!" and then we broke up and oh my god it was HEAVEN. break up with him!

My friend had a relationship like this, he was verbally (sometimes physically) abusive, cheated on her, would project constantly and blame her for everything, call her a whore and all sorts of shit, scream at her until she cries and then turn around and claims that he loves her and can't live without her and will kill himself if she stops talking to him... And he was ugly as fuck. I hate him so much but she still hangs out with him.

I don't even bother telling her anything anymore because she doesn't listen. Sometimes I wonder how else this can end other than him seriously injuring her. This is what happens when a manipulative piece of shit with mental problems gets together with a woman who has no sense of self-respect or self-worth. It's a constant back and forth with them and as a friend there's not a whole lot you can do because these women will not listen, only they can come to their own realisation that enough is enough. Whether they come to that realisation before a tragedy occurs is another story...

God forbid I ever allow myself in this kind of relationship, my father did not raise me to be knocked about by a man, and if I ever have a daughter I will teach her to love herself enough not to have this happen to her either

OP, I doubt you're going to listen to any of the advice given her because I've seen it time and time again from my female friends, but please get away from this man. His threat of suicide is another manipulation tactic

>I also had guy like that and he was obese, sexist neet with no friends. Now he's part of "men's right" movement and sympathizes with incels. Also he still blames me for his unhappiness. So no, nolt only "chads".

And yet I'm in good shape, have friends, socialize well, decent looking, and yet here I am at 22 having never been on a date or even kissed a girl.

I fucking give up. How is it that men with nothing going for them can get girls and I can't no matter how much I self-improve?

To be fair, you might not want to date her.

He’s fucking insane

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Yeah, he's a no good piece of shit.

>you kept at it this long
Are you retarded? Just look at these chat logs.

Friendly reminder this guy dipped his stick and some of you in here are virgins. The next time you blame yourself, remember that you can't fix-- and shouldn't date-- stupid.

This is unreal, OP.

He got himself in this position. You owe him nothing. Hell, he's a grown man, even his parents don't owe him anything, why would you?!

He is like an opportunistic leech and he has latched onto you and is refusing to let go. Your choice is to continue being his victim and having him drain you of any positivity you have in your life, or to get rid of him.

You've done far more for him than you ever should have. His total lack of appreciation or any shame is more than enough proof that he doesn't deserve you. This is not love.

I never had sex with him. Ever since we met I’ve told him I’m waiting until marriage. He was okay with it at first but now he’s extremely angry about it

We broke up. But id much rather never had a boyfriend in my entire life than date someone like this

Why don't you just block him? I don't understand

>either help me now and significantly
>I don’t care what you do
Dear Lord, is this shit what counts as manipulation these days? Reminds me of being 11 and trying to guilt trip mom into buying me some shitty toy, and I still didn’t sound THIS entitled.

Let him!

I mean this user, just ignore him. This will be good fornyou

>probably the best thing he did for another person lately

He came back and I’m praying he ghosts me again

This is the blueprint on how to keep a gf.

Of course, the fact that you didn't fuck him is what's crucial here

Maybe it’s your turn now. Send him a link to the thread for extra keks and block him already. No one deserves such a toxic element in their life.

You also shit up a thread about some chicks stupid boyfriend whining about not getting your dick sucked because apparently you’re less of a loser than her abusive ex. It’s not a good look, bruv.

But guys like OP's bf is exactly what girls want.

My excuse is that I'm a decent person but women don't like that if you don't look like chad

being a well-rounded guy with confidence and good intentions > being an angry tryhard > being a fearful beta

I don’t want this

That's what all females say, but they always end up getting dicked by these 'bad boy' types in the end.
Your whole gender are just hypocrites and sociopaths.

Seek sunlight incel

But she says "I don't want it" but keeps it around
She's demonstrably doing the exact opposite of what she said
This is the literal one time on Jow Forums incels are absolutely right; this is a dumb bitch who entirely deserves this. She could have kicked him out any time but she kept taking him back.

This is what women like this deserve. If you won't fight and work for your lot, why the fuck should it just drop in your lap? Maybe if she'd fucking kept him out the first time, she could have not been a gigantic hypocrite

>be male
>not an incel
>not an angry redpill
>not a spineless bluepill
>post on Jow Forums
There's no place for me here; I'm going back to /sp/

>call females out on their bs
>lol incel
This mentality is why things are so fucked atm.

please dear god stay, your influence is sorely needed

>help me now or i'll kms
call him an ambulance, tell them he's suicidal and threatening you

HER bs? he's the one who treated her badly in the first place. if he was going to be a dick he should've had a backup plan

She fell for this 'bad boy so exciting eks dee' in the first place.
And she keeps taking him back, instead of kicking him out the first time.
Say what you want but this is a typical bad boy Chad and dumb roastie situation.

It’s OP I didn’t type that.

don't ask anyone to stay in this hellhole.
Fucking run and never come back. Jow Forums is probably the bottom of Jow Forums.

Nah I am done taking this. You guys on the thread helped me come to that conclusion. I’m tired of being a people pleaser and letting everyone walk all over me like I’m a slave. I

>I’m tired of being a people pleaser and letting everyone walk all over me like I’m a slave. I

A-Are you okay OP?

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LOL I had more to type but erased it all and forgot to delete the I. but no man

The last time someone threatened to kill themselves if I did not do X, I left. It's textbook abusive. Stop replying by the way, you fuel it. Let him kill himself, he deserves to die.

Bump, i want toknow where OP lands on this

Dude has all the red flags of someone with NPD. You should see a therapist.

Is there a height range thats implicated when you mention being “well rounded”?

Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail. Bail.

I’ll let you guys know. He used to be very tame and nothing like this

Yes they do, but the women who like it don't look like Stacey. You want a hottie who isn't "shallow" enough to mind that you're ugly. That's the hypocrisy.

Yeah yeah we heard it before, now dump his ass and tell us how he squirms!

Update I’ve told him to shut the fuck up or I’m done and he stopped being insane

More referring to the past past, r-right?

Also wasn't he supposed to steal some shit and kill himself by now?

You should be done regardless his changenof behaviour now, good going OP. Just stop indulging him.

Here have a picture of a cat

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>still hasn't blocked him

For what purpose?

Any time I'm under the brief illusion that women aren't weak and pathetic, all I need to do is stroll on over to Jow Forums and I'm quickly snapped back into reality.

