ITT: we are Reddit
ITT: we are Reddit
orange man has small hands xD
He guys did you get the new mario game on nintendo switch.
So... just post-2016 Jow Forums?
how did you get so many scores swissfag?
orang man bad lol xd gib leiks nao
Wubba dubba dub dub
Edit: Thanks for the Gold!
Hows it goin, pedes?
He has been shitposting since morning.
EDIT: Wow, thanks for the gold, fellow Pedes🐸
We're already on Jow Forums
true. even though I have exams next week. kill me already🙁
and its a good thing!😃
Hey gaise I just got a vasectomy as a birthday present from my wife! I'm giving her a Playstation and I'm buying extra controllers she, her boyfriend and her son can play with me :D
-1 karma
How 2 get likes?
Turns out we were the cancer.
I need Reddit gold
orange man bad, ragnaaaahl kgrruuuuumpf in peach !!!!!
edit: OMG, this is on the frontpage with thousand likes, also thanks for the gold my fellow rebbitors it's the first time I get some omg I can't even right now
Am i a cute gril?
le narwhal bacons at midnight
First off, forgive me , I'm typing this on , so hopefully not to many auto corrects. My wife and I started dating 3 years ago, 6 months in we started trying to have a kid , which didnt take long, about a month. and about a year and a half later we got married. We had a perfect relationship and marriage , we were very open about our sexuality and started playing around in the cuckold realm about 3 months arlfter we started dating. So during the time we were trying to have a kid we didn't have anyone over for fear of her not being on birth control. Well fast forward to August of last year when she told me during one of our heated sexting sessions , that she used to fuck our mutual friend , who happens to be our old manager , and is married to our old boss. So I asked if his wife knew, and she didn't, so basically they had an affair until we got together. I was upset but dealt with it, but lots of suspicion set in and for the next 7 months I heard her story change etc. So a month ago I downloaded her Facebook messages and told her I was going to read then if I didn't hear the truth. She finally admired that she kept fucking this guy for 9 months after we got together. I don't really buy that story since they continued to talk until August when i made her block him. Well she left for tje night after we started fighting , and long story short ,found out she was also fucking her ex boyfriend for months behind my back as well, and had planned on leaving me for him until she found out she was pregnant she also told me that she was raped by her exs brother during this time too. Since all this came to light I've been furious , I feel most of this lifestly e is based on honest and truth and to find all this out is tearing me up. I got a paternity test on my daughter just to be sure, thankfully she is mine. But there was a legit concern it was one of the other 2 guys because she would fuck them without condoms and let them cum on her.
We have started counseling but I don't feel it's done anything for me. I was hoping maybe other cucks had a similar experience and how they dealt with it. One of the harder parts to deal with is that both the guys had much bigger cocks than me, this used to be a huge turn on for us, talking about bigger cocks in her, but now it makes me sick to me stomach thinking about. Sorry this is so long winded hopefully it made some sense
like this post if you haven't forgotten about Colby 2012🙁
I always had conflicted feelings around the idea of someone close to me hooking up with someone I was attracted to. I never knew that it was a fetish until I revealed my feelings to my now girlfriend of 5 years.
We had been together for 2 years when I first told her about it. In the typical fashion she thought it was me trying to broach the subject of being in an open relationship. But it wasn't until she came across one of my friends in particular, did the thought of fucking someone I knew appeal to her.
It was someone I worked with, who I quickly became best friends with. He was tall, in good shape and had a cocky but charming attitude about him. After we had all hung out together a few times. My girlfriend had asked if I still thought about being cuckolded, but I naively didn't put the two together. That was until we were fucking one evening and she started to call out his name. I basically exploded inside her the moment she did.
After that she started to message him privately over the coming weeks. She told him that she thought about him fucking her, and would say his name when we fucked. And I was basically put in a position where I had to admit I was ok with him being a bull.
They both arranged a day off work (without me) where they would spend the whole day just fucking. I had a knot in my stomach when I left for work. It was clear they already had chemistry, as they would flirt infront of me. Thoughts like "how many times will they fuck", "is he bigger than me", "will she want him to cum inside her" running through my head.
It was about 2 hours into the day before she messaged me out of the blue: • "If you're wondering, he's fucked me twice already. I let him cum inside me both times... I hope you dont mind x"
He ended up cumming inside her 5 times that day. I couldn't wait to get home, and rushed out of work early. What I was greeted by when I got home was their clothes thrown across the hall way.
Did you see what Derpold Hurumphf did yesterday? This is a threat to our democracy.
Them both asleep on my bed, and her cum drenched pussy fully on display. I also got an answer to my earlier question... he was a lot longer than me. Which she would remind me of frequently.
We all ended up having dinner together. But I was too nervous to ask questions about the day. But once he had left, my girlfriend and I fucked hard... and she shared every last detail with me. I've never cum harder than I did that evening.
He became a regular bull from that point on...
Wow thank you for sharing!
Hey erm *giggles* can i be your friend lol
Like this post to own orange retard😃
Wow that sounds hot and scary at the same time! Did it develop into something else?
Why isn't there a downvote button? No one needs to read fascist bullshit.
Op here
It became very regular. Almost weekly. Sometimes it would be a 3 some, other times she would go to his without me. But mostly I was only allowed to either watch or listen from outside.
They developed a sexual chemistry that I didn't have with her. But emotionally it brought us closer together... I know... counter intuitive.
Nothing changed?
This. So much this!
I hope that you licked her pussy for her, I loved doing that for my wife when our best friend fucked her. UK here too by the way.
t. inspired❤️
Stay strong my friend :)
How big are you, and how big is he? Your girlfriend sounds like a very lucky woman.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as your girlfriend, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Your girlfriend is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a girlfriend, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Your girlfriend is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Your girlfriend is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called girlfriend distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
Related articles
I was raped by my wife's boyfriend. Not sure the lifestyle is for me anymore.
My wife and I have been involved in cuckolding for a few years now. It wasn't so much a fetish for me at first, but it was necessary for our marriage as I am unable to satisfy her needs completely and she loves me too much to leave me. Until now, things have been good. My wife has had dozens of lovers and a few long term boyfriends. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement - my wife has her fun, and I have learnt to enjoy watching her. I enjoy selecting them for her as I feel it helps me improve my own performance.
Until now, I've been good friends with all my wife's boyfriends. I'm not bi and my wife has admitted it would be a turn off for her to watch me service other men, so that's never happened. Usually they'd just meet me in my lunch hour at work and I'd grab us all a coffee or what have you.
A few months ago she met a man at a work function and by all accounts they hit it off immediately. At my wife's request I tend to give her space with new boyfriends, so last night was the first time I met this guy. I don't want to go into detail, but he forcefully penetrated me. My wife asked him to leave immediately. We sat and talked the whole night (mainly just me crying and her comforting me).
This is a breaking point for us. My wife has broken up with him and will be visiting him one last time this weekend to tell him never to contact us and not to lay a finger on me again. It looks like our cuckolding adventure has come to an end.
What should I do here? I don't know whether to call the police. I guess there's not much I can do. I just wanted to warn you all, there are some deranged people in our little community and they sometimes spoil it for the rest of us. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
I never heard of Jow Forums until I got to college, and have to say...THANK YOU BROS!
22 still a virgin, never kissed or dated anyone, with no intentions of being in a relationship. Focusing on self improvement, and will be presenting my 2nd publication this week in Maryland, as an undergrad with aspirations of becoming a robotic surgeon someday. MGTOW PROUD AND STRONG!LET'S KEEP CLIMBING BROTHERS!
Brave my dude! Upvoted!
Op back again im am 5 foot 6 in Americana terms and he is 6 foot 3. Hope that hopes yall cowboy friends to understand the story a little better remember!
lol so epic, upboated, you BTFO them good
I cant even anymore.
About two years into dating, we were spending a weekend together when she mentioned how nauseous she had been feeling. I made a joke about how she must be pregnant and we both nervous-laughed about how terrible that would be. But she decided to get a pregnancy test just to be sure. And sure enough... pregnant.
Luckily we were both on the same page from the start. We split the cost of the abortion and continued on with our lives. Every once in a while we'd stop and think, "God, we'd be 6 months into that pregnancy right now!" Or, "Ugh, can you imagine if we had decided to have that kid, it'd be 3 months old and we'd be stuck at home with a newborn tonight."
So we decided to celebrate what we now call our abortiversary -- once a year we treat ourselves to something that we could never do if we had children, and celebrate our freedom and independence.
For our first abortiversary, we spent a week at Burning Man and had the time of our lives. (Later that year we decided to get married.)
For our second abortiversary, we spent two weeks in Las Vegas, going to shows and hiking around. (I also got my vasectomy that year.)
This year, we're treating ourselves to a 15 course meal at one of the best restaurants in the country.
Funny enough, we tend to keep things pretty low key for our anniversary, birthdays, etc, but this is the one event where we go all out. My wife was firmly #childfree when we started dating, whereas I had more or less resigned myself to having kids, since I was sure whoever I ended up marrying would want them. When my wife and I started dating more seriously, it suddenly dawned on me that maybe I could spend the rest of my life with someone who wouldn't pressure me into having kids. It opened up a whole new world of possibilities and made the future seem bright and exciting. So, my wife and I always try to take the time out of our year to appreciate that we've picked a life path that lets us continue finding new things to try!2026
Wow come on guys don't you know its illegal to post things like this
Edit:Wow thanks for the karma guys!XD
Edit2:Wow so sad to see how many racists are on r/memes the mods should really do something about this
You’re such a lucky man! Jealous!
Did I get banned yet?
Listen up y'all sweet summer children. Your views are problematic. So let's expand on them.
Yikes! sweetie let's unpack this
he also wears a long tie XDDDD
which one?
ok fuck this i'm going to say it , bring on the downvotes twatwaffles
So, by showing disdain or outright rejecting minority and marginalized communities, we become more insular.
In this, we lose out on the chance to not only show compassion to these people, but also the chance to grow our
own community and diversify the demographics of those involved in it. Whether it’s misogyny, transphobia, homophobia,
racism or a host of other discriminatory practices, now is the time to stymie the flow of regressive ideas and prevent
them from ever becoming the norm.
At Jow Forums, our community is becoming increasingly responsible for perpetuating a significant amount of these combative
and derogatory schools of thought. We remove those comments, we ban the perpetrators, but the issue still persists at a
fundamental level: the notion that it’s okay or acceptable to ridicule and demonize traditionally disenfranchised and
marginalized members in the politics community. This is not just an issue in Jow Forums or on Jow Forums alone; this is an issue
deeply embedded in the ranging depths of the internet, frequently in communities that center around the discussion of memes.
*dab* *dab* *dab* *dab*
Make sure to put your blind faith into the government, they know whats best to inject into your day 1 old baby. Doing your own research is bad, you're not qualified to read the package insert that warns you of the dangers.
Just do what makes you happy :)
That's what being a man REALLY is about amirite
Idea concentration camps but instead of numbers
they get pickle Rick tattoos
Please upvote
Is this real?
Unpopular opinion: Orange man bad
Yeah i literally just went on r/cuckold and copy pasted the first story i saw
Orange man good
I agree with these opinions the most because they're at the top and have the most likes
any takers?
Jow Forums wins le internet today xD...
we did it Reddit!!!!!
what is wrong with those people
Refugees are not any more criminal than us!
Dayum! You win the whole internet, good sir xD
EDIT: Thanks for the gold!
All 3 stories i posted were real♨️
DiD yOU KnOWw ThAT I HavE 3 RiDdDiTT GoldD
no one likes me.
Please fuck my asshole kind stranger💢
thank you, my good sir, it takes a man of high intelligence and remarkable insight to see the humor and meaning behind my post. i am glad to see I am among such company. the nietzschean unterman truly does live and is in all of us here
Shut up and take my gold