Shooting going on in Oklahoma City right fucking now. No news coverage.
What the fuck?
(Pic related)
Shooting going on in Oklahoma City right fucking now. No news coverage
Nigga looks like he’s fuckin 12 how did he kill anyone
only false flags get coverage
Why does everyone forget about 9/11
By pulling the trigger
Fuck niggers
You could be the first to call attention to it here. Got any sources?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
any onions boy can commit mass murder if he has a gun i guess
only lead on the name of the shooter is his first name is Raphael
don't open the mail, not worth the bump
Fake and gay
Boom. No gun required. There are no deadly weapons, just lethal people.
only source we have right now is local police chatter in Oklahoma City
not even fuckin local coverage
OKfags with a CB radio are encouraged to listen for a short, Caucasian brown haired male entering Emanuel Synagogue
shills don't want you to see this thread
it’s actually real based
>OKfags with a CB radio
nigger, do you even know how radios work?
Take your meds, user.
happening HAPPENING
Bullshit, you can't get that high score on single player
What did you hear?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
He was a white american who launched an attack against the government on behalf of all races.
I don't think its his current high score but its the only slither of evidence or a dox we have
It's almost a daily occurrence in the us so why bother
Who was John Doe #2 OpFag? Wasn't mentioned in your government education facility was it
>Emanuel Synagogue
media links if you plan on following this up
>One dead by cops shooting after fight
cool story, back to more important things
>senior citizen
I guess they're getting pissed
lmao google shills know whats up
nigger shooting shit
business as usual
shit dog, no wonder the cell reception is so bad here, people are busy calling their family
Hi Kayla
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
die faggot
i hope you livestream when you off yourself
but wipe the gay off your other firearms and give them to me first
both unrelated
short brown haired brown eyed Caucasian male was last scene on route to Emmanuel Synagogue according to police chatter between 11:30 to 11:45 AM in Oklahoma City. Seen as person of interest
What are they starting? Looks like go-pros
Fuck yeah, it's like shooting Jews in a synagogue!
>Walk into synagogue
>Throw money in the air
>Shoot Jews as they scurry to collect the money
This is what Jesus would do.
>your fortune: BLACKED
What time is it now?
A shitskin fatality for every like this post gets!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
seething that we do everything better
This is the villain of an episode of The Punisher on Netflix.
So what's the deal with the pic? That's obviously not the guy if all we have is police radio
posting OC for likes
Your fortune is a rare merchant.
How do I upvote you fellow goy? My son showed me this site it is very user unfriendly :(
If this is not bait, hit like to the right of the post number. this function will probably go away tomorrow
White people murder.
11:43 OP is a dumbfuck
How many niggers live there?
Is this legit?
>niggers murder more people in ten years than white people combined over U.S. history
>ree it's the whites that are the problem
lol sure kid.
>168 killed
>600 injured
Highly doubt it, did he drive around in a tank or something