How do I cope with being physically attractive and tall but still an incel...

How do I cope with being physically attractive and tall but still an incel? I'm an incel due to slight autism and big time fear of rejection.

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>slight autism and big time fear of rejection
Not a problem when you’re on cocaine, trust me

There is no easy way user you must get rejected it sucks but guess what you are still alive, go out there and get rejected for fucks sake make it a goal to get say 15 rejections. Trust me there is no other way you must realize its all in your head

Because of your physical traits you will be considered attractive by some girl eventually, so I'd say you shouldn't be worried too much and just meet some girls somehow.
t.incel with slight autist and fear of rejection who is physically unnatractive and short and will never get laid

Yes but I can't know for certain which girls find me attractive. Therefore I can't know before asking whether a girl will reject me or not. She might say yes, she might not. But unless she comes right out and says with words that she finds me attractive, i will never know.

Although I've had girls tell me to my face that they thought i was attractive before, and I still did nothing because I thought they were just being nice.

I don't even know what incel means anymore.
Are you single but doesn't do anything about it or are you single and resentful about it?
Because the first category isn't the traditional incel, you solve that by putting yourself out there or so I am told.
If you are physically attractive, learn to take pictures of yourself so you can use online dating.

Alcohol, xanax, prostitute.

Also practice gf is a thing. Ask somebody who looks like pic related on date.

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>Are you single but doesn't do anything about it or are you single and resentful about it?
Single, never been on a date, never kissed. Desperately want to do these things but my fear of rejection and fear of embarrassment is too strong to try.

>online dating
Doesn't work if you're too scared to message girls.

If you are truly attractive then you'll get laid man, the redpill is that muh personality and muh money doesn't matter when dating. physical attractiveness is the key determining factor

How often have you gone outside and interacted with the world in the past year?

Truth is it doesn't matter how attractive you are if you're a pussy like me. I don't know how attractive I truly am, but I do know I'm attractive enough to have been outright approached and heavily flirted with by women on many occasions (one girl even bought ME drinks at a bar).

Doesn't matter how much a girl flirts with me. I even had a girl in the same bed as me cuddling me and touching me everywhere and staring into my eyes almost begging me to kiss her. I was still too much of a pussy because I thought I'd fuck up and be bad at kissing due to never having done it before. If you're a pussy as a guy you cannot get laid or get a date.

Do you honestly think girls give a fuck if your autistic if your really good looking? If they can be with assholes who are good looking, why would you do any worse?

Yeah autism doesn't prevent you from getting a girl, of course not.

BUT autism combined with fear of rejection totally fucks you up. That's what I have and it means I second guess every sign of interest from girls and have crippling fears that prevent me from approaching girls even when they're clearly interested in me.

There are definitely autistic guys out there who succeed because they don't give a fuck and just say and do what they want, and women find that attractive. But that's not me unfortunately.

Ok, now that's a bait. I'm wayyy much of a pussy than you but I still would have kissed the girl. I think you're just retarded or baiting

Honestly, no bait. This really is my life. I think I'm the only guy in history to be like this.

You're not more of a pussy than me. On top of the previous experiences I mentioned, I've had girls grind on me in clubs, tell me to my face that I'm attractive/hot/sexy, even straight up offer me a blowjob once. In hindsight all of those were obvious opportunities but standing there in the moment I just thought "oh she's just being nice" or "she's joking".

I told two girls I was a kissless virgin once and they offered with 100% seriousness to teach me how to kiss. I said no because I was scared I'd kiss wrong and that they'd think I was pathetic for being so bad at it.

You gotta go through it to get over it
Start taking chances you wanna take and see where it goes.

Anxiety over shit like this will kill you

Well, guess It's really your autism then, sadly there's no definite cure for it, rip

No, these are not the things holding you back so much as you're probably socially awkward and you're afraid the girl you're with will be turned off by these things. If you're attractive you shouldn't be afraid of rejection, it's the next step you're afraid of. Going out on a date and hoping she won't think you're weird.

Same kind of guy, a lot of girls flirt with me but I don't make a move because I know where I come from and I know I'm not impressing anyone the way I am now. If I want to date, I have to change that. That's why I've been doing things most people do. Go to school, work, and slowly getting used to talking to people out there.

But user, I just can't.

Every time I'm in the moment and an opportunity comes up with a girl, I freeze up and/or second guess myself. Sometimes I literally become speechless. It's like my brain knows, logically, that if a girl flirts with me I should flirt back and try to make a move. But in reality, if a girl flirts with me, my brain goes blank and I start panicking and my heart starts to beat really fast. Then i fuck up the opportunity and I have to wait for the next one, which sometimes takes a very long time.

So how autistic are you OP, you don't sound like you are from your posts.

Some of the girls who have flirted with me have been friends/acquaintances who already know who I am and my personality to a decent extent. So I'm not scared of that.

I genuinely am just terrified of two things
>1. I might misread her interest and think she's interested when she's actually not, and then get rejected
>2. She might say yes, but then I have to kiss her, and I've never kissed before so I'll be really bad at it and I'm scared she'll think there's something wrong with me because I can't kiss correctly (I have the same fear surrounding sex and any form of physical intimacy)

So if you lack dating experience you're naturally not going to know how to do things the right way. If these girls know you haven't date, they shouldn't expect too much. You should only be doing these things when you're comfortable enough with someone anyway.

You might misread a woman's interest, don't make the jump right away. When a woman is interested in you they'll usually do subtle things so if you're bad with that then yeah, it's going to be complicated. If they know you're interested in them they might go the extra mile to make it a little more obvious for you, don't sweat too much over that.

>If these girls know you haven't date, they shouldn't expect too much

That's the thing. No one but my closest friends know that I haven't dated. Even some of my closest friends don't know. No one would guess from my appearance and personality/social status that I would be a kissless virgin. So I'm scared that I will disappoint girls by not living up to their expectations. They might be expecting me to be a normal guy who can kiss and date and do everything normally and with experience. But I'm not that.

Hell I once knew a girl who used to flirt with me all the time. I wasn't interested in her in that way, but we were kind of friends. She tried to invite me over for a booty call once and went in to kiss me. But whenever she spoke about guys she kept saying how she really didn't want to fuck or go on a date with a virgin, that she would find it really awkward and not cool. So i can only presume, given how forward she was with me, that she never guessed that I was a virgin. And that scares me. It makes me worry that one day i might meet a girl I do like and who likes me back, but then she discovers I'm a kissless virgin and loses all interest.

Idk how any of you could deal with rejection. The moment of getting rejected isn't the hard part, it's every single moment after that when the person who rejected you sees you and associates you with the creep that asked them out. You have to live with th consequences of rejection permanently after the fact


>big time fear of rejection.
Sounds like you have too strong of an ego.

Try taking loads of acid.

Dealing with that rejection is a hell of a lot easier than dealing with rejection from the one's you do ask out but who then drop you after getting to know you. It's far more cutting.

I can deal with a girl not finding me attractive and not wanting to go on a date. What I can't deal well with is meeting a girl who finds me attractive, going on a date, then watching what we could have had slowly slip out of reach.

So tell the girl up front you're a virgin. There's bound to be at least 1 girl out there OP, that won't give a shit. Just watch out for STD's. Shit's been spreading around because idiots don't know who they're sleeping with. Once you've dated at least a few women, a lot more will likely be willing to date you if they're the kind of women you want to date. By that I mean, those who discriminate against virgins.

The guy you replied to isn't me.

Like I said I told some girls I was a kissless virgin and they even offered seriously to help me and teach me how to kiss, but I couldn't go through with it because I'm too scared that I'll be a terrible kisser and I'll humiliate myself by doing it so badly it's pathetic.

I don't know how to get over that fear of being bad at kissing/sex.

Stop making this FUCKING thread, Jesus Christ.

>So tell the girl up front you're a virgin
I wish that were the issue. She's just too savvy to get in to a relationship with a guy who doesn't know if he'll have a job in a couple months and will probably have to move across the country to get one.

DUDE, women are willing to teach you how to kiss WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT? Who cares if you don't do it well, that's what they're expecting and are trying to help you fix that. You get over a fear by facing it, no other way. How you face it is up to you but you have to face it.

Yeah I know it's retarded of me. I just can't explain it, it's an irrational fear. I keep thinking "she just doesn't realize how inexperienced I am. If she lets me kiss her, she'll realize that I really have NO clue what I'm doing"

Also I'm scared that if I'm bad at kissing it will lower my status in her eyes. She'll start to view me as pathetic and a laughable excuse for a man because I can't do something as simple as kissing.

You're referring to one girl, then believe me bud I've been rejected in the past and yeah it's weird at first especially if you were never interested and it was a lie from someone else in the first place. You get over it, you're not the first guy to do it just remember that. You're not going to be on the news for something like this.

So let me get this straight, if a woman walked up to you told you she didn't have an STD and asked you to kiss her, you wouldn't do it? If she told you she just wanted to know what it was like and didn't care how you did it, would you do it?

I'd be really taken aback by it. At first I'd probably assume she was joking or mocking me in some way.

If she really insisted then yeah I'd struggle with making myself do it. Even if I find her attractive it'd just be so hard for me to actually kiss her. I can't imagine kissing a girl. It's like a fantasy for me, forever out of reach. I'd be so terrified that I'd do it wrong. Like my fear is that I'd be SO bad at kissing that she would be disgusted with me.

You sure you're the minimum age to post here, at least 18? Let me tell you this, I used to do stuff like that back when I was 14. I didn't like to swear, I thought it was wrong. My family really made me believe I shouldn't do it and if I did I would be condemning myself. I broke that pledge back when I started college by myself after I realized it their belief was bullshit. I swear all the time now, kek.

I'm 22.

I don't know man, I don't know how I ended up like this. I guess when I was a teen I was just shy and fat so didn't get girls. I lost the weight and developed decent social skills but never grew the balls to approach a girl.

Now I'm at this age where I'm still inexperienced, but it's no longer in any way socially acceptable to be inexperienced. So now I'm terrified of trying to kiss, date or fuck girls cause I don't want to let them down with how terrible I'm going to be at it.

You have to start eventually if you ever want to do stuff like this user. I see a lot of teens being prohibited by their parents from doing things too early but you said it yourself, you're an adult now. From what I can see you do lack experience but the more you see stuff like this you'll get used to it and it won't be so strange. Give yourself some time but don't be afraid to try if you really want to know, just be careful.

Don't fucking COPE with it. Overcome it. You can't expect everything in life to be perfect. Go out, ask women out, and learn from any possible failures.

Be honest about your looks

>physical attractiveness is the key determining factor
I agree to some extend. But you still need to know how to act on it when the opportunity arises.

If you're physically attractive, women will become interested/attracted to you. But you still need to escalate towards dates and sex. A woman might find you attractive but if you're not properly leading her to the bedroom (both figuratively and literally), you're not getting laid. Women don't make the move, they only offer you the opportunity to make the move.

There is nothing we can do to help you OP. Girls literally throw themselves at your feet and you're still doing jack shit about it. You've got it 100x easier than the vast majority of dudes out there and you're still a KV. I'm sorry but if you never grow a pair nuts and do something about it then you'll die a kissless virgin.

I'm 28 and you're describing exactly how I am still. I realized the other day that the same fear is what keeps me from trying to improve myself in any way. "Even if I dress well, get a good haircut, etc., I'll still fail" is the thinking, but it isn't even conscious. It happens so fast your can't even tell why you feel the way you feel. You better start facing your fears soon cause trust me it doesn't get easier when you're older.

He posts the same thread everybody.

Cocaine is the cure for autism? Why is this not in the news?

bravery isn't the absence of fear, it's being afraid and doing the thing anyway. so go in and do the thing in all your spaghetti glory, user. some people will appreciate the honesty, and even if it doesn't work out, you'll find that you were capable of more than you thought.

trust me dude, it's still not that weird. I lost my virginity at 21 as a dude and my inexperience was evident even with the next 2 chicks I banged. own it. everyone starts somewhere.
>So now I'm terrified of trying to kiss, date or fuck girls cause I don't want to let them down with how terrible I'm going to be at it.
be terrible and learn from it, there is no other way. letting them down is ok, they will not die from it. likewise, you will not die from embarrassment. being shit but trying your heart out is better than being shit and paralyzed with fear. everyone likes a good underdog story so don't deny them that by doing nothing. let your success inspire others.

It once was. If you have toothache or migraine you could always use coke to fix the issue. It was ditched because it's hella addictive and because cartels grew on it but thd prohibition made shit even worse. I wouldn't recc using it like that tho. Nowadays coke is a nasty jizz mixx of coffee whitener, dairy and dry shampoo.