I originally posted this in /his/ bc they’re supposedly the smartest board...

I originally posted this in /his/ bc they’re supposedly the smartest board, but some nigger janitor pruned it within seconds so I’ll ask it here:

Why has the anti-vaxxer wave seemed to have peaked now? Where did this phenomenon originate? Why do people think that vaccines cause autism when countless studies have been proven wrong? Who’s in control of this narrative? And what do they have to gain?

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Other urls found in this thread:


/his/ is retarded. They believe in the holocaust.
The anti-vaxx thing is just like flat earth, retarded conspiracies purposefuly crafted to distract people who are a bit more distrusting of government and authority from figuring out the (((truth)))

So anti-Vaxxers is just controlled opposition?

Probably Russian taking issue with the U.S. Biolabs in Georgia killing people again. Last year they claimed ~70 or so died from leaks and them just plainly dumping their shit into the rivers nearby. We Already setup a ring of labs around Russia for "defence" so things might be getting shaky again.

By that I do mean the cause of every media/social network pushing so hard for it out of the blue.

No bats an eye about the homeless festering with typhus, STDs and etc.

Have fun pumping your child with a bunch of harmful chemicals for no fucking reason. Would be a shame if your whore baby got hep b.

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I used to be pro vax, I also assumed that if I investigated myself I’d find countless studies comparing vaxxed vs unvaxxed kids. I didn’t find them. I realise the reason people say there’s no evidence that vaccines cause injuries is because no one is allowed to do research

Read Section 2

Why on Earth would I be ok with some corporation which operates for profit, has been granted legal immunity against lawsuits, won't disclose the ingredients, has knowingly used unsafe ingredients in the past, and has also admitted that there has been no research into any long term effect, to inject me with something that can only protect against a weakened strain of a pathogen?

Vaccines don't prevent outbreaks, and they don't test for any long term effects of injecting 200 times the ppb of what's considered hazmat.

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If they’re immune to lawsuits, then why deny that they cause autism?

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He never fucking said that you coon

There must be another plague. It is part of the cyclical programming. This requires a portion of the population to be more susceptible.

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Here's the thing most of anti-vaxx concerns are true.
But still, vaccines still benefit society as a whole.
It's statistically unlikely it will affect your kid.
But you just don't know if yours will be collateral damage or not before he takes the shot.
It was always true, but now we have social medias making a shitstorm about nothing, as always.

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>countless studies
Maybe that's the problem. You haven't counted them.

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Yeah, but did any of those women get Tetanus?

Because then the retarded masses will stop taking their injections? If big pharma ever admitted that Vax-scepts were right, then they no longer get the huge profits from selling you intravenous mercury

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Look, you conspiracy fag.
If Tetanus vaccine made women infertile, then I wouldn't be here shitposting.

you should have stayed on Jow Forums
now is no going back

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You mean if the tetanus vaccine made all women infertile. Did he imply that?

Vaccines arent 100% contaminated, that would be retarded for any ruling class to do.

However, a % of every vaccine is contaminated intentionally to prune the population.
A few vaccine FACTS.
>vaccines introduce a bunch of foreign bodies and chemicals into your body
>not even your own doctor can tell you whats in the vaccine
>Top vaccine scientists admit that they conduct human testing to perfect their formulas
>They have greatly increased the vaccine schedule for children including infants
>child deficiencies like autism, cancer, and aspbergers are rapidly increasing.

purge the weak

>they've studied vaccines countless times
>Conclusion 10.6: The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between diphtheria toxoid–, tetanus toxoid–, or acellular pertussis–containing vaccine and autism.

Try studying more than 1 vaccine before you make a broad claim like that.

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Add to this
>vaccine advocates like Bill Gates are always making weird comments about how vaccines are vital for population control or will help REDUCE target populations
>allegedly vaccines help save lives and therefore should INCREASE population.

>Why has the anti-vaxxer wave seemed to have peaked now?
Russian propaganda.

I don't really have anything to say about that other that it's been going on for a few decades and nothing seems wrong with it.
>child deficiencies like autism, cancer, and aspbergers are rapidly increasing.
You know, those kids that used to just get lost in the forest.

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>contaminated intentionally to prune the population.
Never attribute to malice what could merely be big pharma cutting costs in their quality assurance department.

Basically. Idk why Jow Forums isn’t on board with this since most people are calling for genocide. Elites=Pol. They both call for mass graves

Genocide is fine when it's directed at your enemies, genocide is annoying when everyone around me is still mocking me for not sticking the genocide needle in my arm

Those ailments listed in such small text can be caused by a number of things. Many of those vaccines weren’t invented until years later and they’re spread out over time to NOT cause complications

>Why isn't Jow Forums on board with forced government injections of unknown chemicals on themselves.
Gee, I wonder why.

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As an anti-vaxxer I will shoot you in the face if you try to pump that poison into me. Fuck off and die.

Uh... Spread out?
>8 doses at 2 months
>7 more doses at 4 months
>8 more doses at 6 months
You've got 23 shots by 6 months old, and that is considered spread out? And there is still another 27+ you get until the age of 6 years old.

It just seems lazy. The people who believe that the globalists are going to purge vast swaths of the population are also the same people who want to purge vast swaths of the population. It’s the tiny-brained solution to big problems. You just think that’s going to happen bc that’s all you can comprehend

It does cause autism, one kid in 1.000.000 gets retarded. Chances are so small. Don't get me wrong, I'll never vaccinate my kid for the flu but for measles or some other shit, why risk it?
Anyway, as a kid, I've lived in pretty unsanitary conditions (at my grandparents during holidays) and I almost never get sick, once every 5 years. George Carlin had it right in his talk about the germs and immune system.

that seems pretty excessive, but there’s a lot to take into account these days. When I went through basic I got a few booster shots. No one complains about that. the people in the movement make it seem like your baby is getting hit with 100 shots in the span of one visit which isn’t the case

Measles is a joke of an illness. It used to be considered a typical childhood disease like chicken pox, you get it and its over with. Media fear mongering makes the retarded piss themselves over something so harmless to healthy people.

If you are following the CDC schedule you are literally getting 6+ shots in a single visit. They have a fucking 6 in 1 vaccine now, just because they put it all into 1 syringe doesn't mean you aren't getting hit with 6+ diseases all at once and over stimulating the immune system.

Not only do you act like vaccines are not dangerous, but you lie and pretend that babies aren't getting dozens of them all at once. At try to have faith that your vaccines are safe if you're gonna inject babies with dozens instead of lying and saying "Nobody gets that much". IT'S ON YOUR RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE TO GET THEM ALL AT ONCE.

I agree with this sentiment. A lot of people have dogshit DNA and probably won’t make it. I had trouble breathing as a kid until my tonsils got axed. A lot of us shouldn’t be here

>I took my good goy shots
Kys Shlomo

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He implied it with his wildly wagging eyebrows

Yes, such weird comments from Bill Gates, brainlets can’t fathom.
> 3rd world has high infant mortality
> they counter by having loads of kids
> by giving them vaccines, more of their children survive
> this leads them to have fewer children as they no longer have to offset high infant mortality
> hey wait a minute, if more bebies survive, how can they be having FEWER BABIES?!?!!? Bill Gates is admitting to killing babies with his bare hands!!!!

>countless studies
First-hand experience with their children changing in behavior is much better evidence than studies from institutions that are extremely dishonest and biased.

>third world african kids are dying
Wow, I wonder why, could it possibly be because they lack access to clean water, proper nutrition, sanitization, emergency medical care, and many other basic necessities to life?
Now lets look at
Oh look, for some reason first world children aren't dying of these diseases even before vaccines. I wonder why, maybe it has to do with the fact they have basic life necessities like clean water. Or you can continue to remain ignorant and think that the only difference between third world kids and us is the amount of vaccines given.

You get sick from people, not from the environment.

Lets take a quick look at studies that have never been conducted on vaccines.
>Long-term health study
>vaccinated vs unvaccinated
>study of cumulative vaccine use and the vaccine schedule
>Study comparing vaccines to a placebo.
Wow, look at all the science they've done, they compared vaccines to vaccines for 5 days and showed how safe they were.

> the only difference between third world kids and us is the amount of vaccine
Nobody thinks that, total strawman, and has nothing to do with the point being made and concerned the logical consistency of BillG’s vaccination efforts. I guess you’re just another brainlet eager to shoehorn any of the three “facts” (none of them true) that have managed to lodge themselves in your brain due to their unwieldy nature.

ADHD is one of those 'popular' conditions that 'emerged' about 30 years - money maker for drug companies. Also many (most?) ADHD cases are identified by school system.

Autism - better diagnosing and broadening of definition has resulted in an increase of *diagnosed* cases; not the same as increased incidences.

Last but not least - unvacinated home schooled children probably undergo fewer visits to physicians; therefore these conditions may not be identified.

Then why am I being told "Millions of children die from measles!", and thats why I need to be forcefully injected with a vaccine. Those are african children dying, not first world ones dying of measles. Show me any official reports of massive deaths in first world countries post 1940 from diseases like measles, pertussis, chicken pox, hep a, hib, mumps, rubella. Go on, I'll wait while you scramble to find death rates of anything higher than 0.01/100,000 cases.

Assuming this isn't just another shill thread, this is a small portion of why people think that way. And no, countless studies haven't "disproven" an autism connection: there have been two, of which one was unmasked as a fraud by a whistleblower on the research team, and the other's design was horribly flawed (they quite literally changed the definition of autism for purposes of one portion of the study).

Every bit of the science not directly funded and/or performed by the companies manufacturing the vaccines shows that they are risky if not outright dangerous. A basic anatomy and physiology education explains why. You can open up just about any 200 level biology textbook and with the slightest shred of critical thinking you can too. Or, read this image to have it all broken down for you.

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Considering how gene expression of autism has been found in utero (that’s when the kid is still inside the mother’s womb for you big-brained folks), I doubt it’s vaccines

I'm sure it has, just like the administration of thimerosal-containing (flu) and aluminum-containing (TDaP/DTaP) vaccines during pregnancy have been scientifically proven to cause neurological damage to children in utero.

Guess what the CDC recommends that all women get during pregnancy? Those. Though to be fair, the vast majority of regressions into autism come within hours of receiving either the MMR, HepB, or DTaP vaccines during infancy/early childhood.

“Exposure in utero [to thimerosal] can cause mild to severe mental retardation and motor coordination impairment. The CDC’s policy of recommending influenza vaccines to pregnant women is not supported by scientific data and should be discontinued." (jpands.org/vol11no2/ayoub.pdf)

I suppose it should also be pointed out, for people like you that pass around talking points as if they're truth, that there are no identified genetic markers for autism. None. At all. The current talking point is "we don't know what causes autism, but we KNOW it isn't vaccines!" You must have missed your recent NPC-speak downloads.

They put so much more mercury than is necessary in the vaccines, you shouldn’t inject any of them into your children’s bloodstream

Correct. Good job, Froggo.

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Its interesting that parents can simply ask for mercury free vax for their children. It takes an extra week or so. Why the hell is the merc free stuff not the standard?

Look, if I had an Autist child, it would have an accident.
That's how they dealt with it in the past.

Because they don’t really care about us

Oh hey look, women get vaccines while pregnant as well and recommended for it too!
Where is your argument now?
>Pregnancy: 1 dose Tdap during each pregnancy, preferably in early part of gestational weeks 27–36
>WHEREAS, plaintiff Informed Consent Action Network (“ICAN”) requested the following records from defendant United States Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”): “A copy of the report for each clinical trial relied upon by the FDA when approving for use by pregnant women any influenza vaccine currently approved by the FDA.”
>We have no records responsive to your requests.
We have no records responsive to your requests.
>We have no records responsive to your requests.
We have no records responsive to your requests.

Vaccines have NEVER been tested for pregnancy, yet they "recommend" that every pregnant woman get one.
You can't even use the argument of "it happens in utero" because they have already gotten an untested vaccine in utero. You absolute retards have no science for vaccine safety yet will push for it to be given to undeveloped fetuses.

>94% of the US flu vaccine supply and 100% of the HepB vaccine supply contain thimerosal (though it is not listed on the ingredients for HepB ... you have to go to the FDA for that information). The other vaccines stopped using thimerosal in the early 2000s. If you want a "mercury free" dose of flu or HepB, it's not a matter of waiting, it's a matter of not having a choice unless you are extremely lucky (in the case of flu, in which case you're now taking a live-virus nasal vaccine that not only causes you to shed the flu virus, but can cause acute infection).

>Why has the anti-vaxxer wave seemed to have peaked now?
? doubt it, this will continue until all the sheep admit they are state property
>Where did this phenomenon originate?
pacific northwest, wives of tech people refuse to use pharma products
>Why do people think that vaccines cause autism when countless studies have been proven wrong?
countless studies are full of shit, nobody trusts science with profit motive
>Who’s in control of this narrative?
interested parties, pharma money
>And what do they have to gain?
continued enterprise, protect the vaccine court gag order status, profits

>That's how they dealt with it in the past.
murder is ok when the person is a big pain in my ass, let's not sue the company dumping chemicals into my water or anything, whats the point of prosecuting those who are to blame?

>They believe in the holocaust.

As should everyone. After all, 300 thousand Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

>I doubt it’s vaccines
who cares what it is, point is why pay for products that don't work and that someone really really wants you to take, that only makes it more likely to not take the damn thing

>300 thousand Jews were killed in the Holocaust.
there you go making light of the 600 thousand jews murdered in the holocaust again

don't bring up the 1200 thousand jews murdered in the holocaust again

Get real dude.
The surge in autism and the likes is just that we let them live.

good point


but it seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't unless you're really lucky. the pubmed abstract in the link above states women who get infections during pregnancy are more likely to have kids with autism

I don’t think vaccines alone cause autism and what little science has been done to prove the anti-side is shaky at best. Feel free to call me a soros shill, although if I was getting paid by him to shitpost it wouldn’t be enough

Don't worry, I know all too well the suffering of the 2 million. I lost three of my grandfathers in the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Close but not there completely. Anti-Vaxx is manufactured opposition designed to make the public support mandatory vaccination by making the opposition look like flat earthers. There’s nothing wrong with vaccines in and of themselves but the Jews want to have so much control over our bodies that they can force us to inject whatever the fuck they want into our veins or face prison time. It’s funny how much the left loves to cite body-autonomy when it comes to abortion, but not when you don’t want something manufactured by (((pharmaceutical companies))) injected into your body.

And thats why women got these diseases as children. Most people would get measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, chicken pox all before pregnancy. Most people also aren't at risk of tetanus either, also hopefully std diseases as well unless they're thots in which case that isn't a vaccine issue. So there is no real argument there.

>I don’t think vaccines alone cause autism and what little science has been done to prove the anti-side is shaky at best.

The point is not that skeptics have major science backing them, it's that they have major proof of no science has EVER been done.
>No vaccinated vs unvaccinated study
>No pre-licensure study for placebo comparison study
>No long-term health study
>No cumulative health study of the vaccine schedule
>No double-blind rct placebo study on vaccine licensure studies.
The best study that vaccines get to prove safety before being approved is comparing an experimental vaccine to another experimental vaccine for 5 days and calling it safe.
Wow, poison is as deadly as poison, therefore poison is safe!

I’ve met leftists and pseudo-progressive Bernie-bro tier mfs who are anti-vax. This hot button topic thrives on the fringes of both parties

So does Flat-erf.
It just says people are equally retarded.

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>I originally posted this in /his/ bc they’re supposedly the smartest board, but some nigger janitor pruned it within seconds
25 year rule you idiot
no current events
it's a history board ffs

Pregnant women are encouraged to get shots and vaccines too you retard

I love all the sources this graphic cited.... oh wait.

Look at all the sources pro-vaxxers cite for safety- Oh wait, there is none.

You are arguing with someone else. I have never cited those numbers.

You don't cite those numbers because thats what the real rates of death from measles is, not a million, billion, still rising deaths.

The pro-vaxxer logic is:
>millions of kids die from measles, your child is at a huge risk if you dont get the vaccine!
Which is a total lie because my child is not at risk since my child doesn't drink shit contaminated water, lack nutrition or is malnourished, and actually lives in a clean environment.

How about instead of spending billions of dollars on vaccines for the sake of pharma profit, which doesn't even remotely lower the rate of infant mortality in children, merely changes the cause of death since vaccines only suppress the disease symptoms, not prevent the disease itself, we give these children clean water and food and a roof over their head.

But nah, lets push for more vaccines, because thats what these children need, more diseases and chemicals entering their body, not basic necessities of life, thats clearly not what the issue is.

I'm pretty sure the "epilepsy" I had when I was younger was due to vaccines since it started when I got vaccinated and ended when I was done getting vaccines.


even polio is non-issue (flu like symptoms). they all are. people dumb as a bamboo stick....