Daily reminder that nothing happened at Tiananmen Square on 4th July 1989

Daily reminder that nothing happened at Tiananmen Square on 4th July 1989

Attached: insect tiddies.webm (368x640, 1.67M)

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Holy mother of milkies

Attached: 6302FEA3-4959-476F-B1A4-DB9666C9AF1C.jpg (657x527, 34K)

id like to suck on those

Attached: tenor.gif (312x234, 787K)

God, I wish that we're me

Jesus Christ do they not have bras in nipland?

why cant i upboat deez tiddies

See that Chinese soiboi with the half-shirt? That's what 99% of Chinks look like. That's why I'm not scared of their military at all

Video was better than expected. Every time I see a CCTV footage with Asian people I expect a very gruesome gore ending.

All she wants is big white cock

Attached: Support.jpg (1280x1120, 207K)

She was horny and looking for someone to fuck her.

10 points were removed from your social score

Attached: 1552834255136.png (2000x1125, 2.09M)

i love chinese women


Don't force my hand, citizen #563289716

Attached: epicGamesCEO.jpg (472x555, 42K)

Wtf why did my TikTok get banned

She goes right to the fag to masculate him.

If you know what I mean. ;^)

Do you have any proofs?

>attracted to insects
you sad pathetic cunt

Attached: evil gooks.webm (206x368, 2.59M)

gib milkies

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And the only guy she could find was a fag. Let this be a lesson to you soi boys

The actual fuck is that shit?

Roast some more legbeard

Stop asking questions and get back to wolk

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Aborted fetuses being used to keep the commie elite alive

The fuck is goin on there ?

Attached: chink_put_cat_in_washing_machine.webm (640x640, 1.94M)

Explain the video please

Reminder that Asian tits are well shaped because they take extra care of their skin and don’t let it get damaged.

Attached: loving chinese mother.webm (224x400, 2.85M)

I regret asking for this knowledge, also they look too developed to be fetus's

Attached: if only you knew.jpg (1500x1494, 303K)

They're all babies in my mind m8

haha look at him go!

It was June 4th you fucking retard.

At the exact second of my birth thousands of chinks were dying, I could feel their despair and it gave me strength.

Oh I totally agree its vile all the same

Just preparing a meal to share with their long nosed friends

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Poor kitty

God I wish that were me

Fuck you and fuck nigger chinks

What did Italy mean by that ?

Fluffy got the fluff cycle

You fucking niggers made my blood boil, next time i meet a chink i'll bash his fucking skull

Attached: 998_1000.jpg (673x900, 97K)

Think about it user.

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Hey Egyptbro, is your country stabilized yet?

We are supposed to believe the same kike government that said Hitler gassed Jews and Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction?

Politically, yes
Economically, no
More importantly than Egypt, we must devise a plan to nuke china and save innocent animals.

>tenderizing meat before cooking
Basted and masterchef pilled

It was just simple bug control

Can you please nationalize the Suez Canal again and sink any Chinese ships that come through? That'll be way better than just a nuke

OMG I bet those Chinese milkers provide the best sake in the province.

Attached: 20181214_210634.jpg (522x511, 154K)

Pence looks so much more presidential than Trump.

Also, the Chinese Communist Party totally didn't change the written Chinese language in an attempt to hide God.

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Fuck you and fuck her

The army gave up on nationalism for absolute capitalism. If the fuckers only realized the asian jew influence no gook shall be safe when DOTR comes

Yes it did and there is more then ample evidence of that

If God ever gifted me with power, I'll make nanking look like a fucking joke compared to what id do to these gooks

Yes, sir

Attached: 20190326_114147.jpg (822x479, 147K)

June 4th you retard.
And you can bet your ass the chinks would happily do the same thing to white people. Don’t know why our cuck government sucks so much chink dick. Like they think if they just cuck to chinks the chinks will have mercy.

shut up singapore💯

Fucking based. Just between us, I work for a non-profit based on improving living conditions in remote parts of an African country. Yeah, we help them, but a large part of our budget is based on spreading anti-chink propaganda in the region. The Chinks dump money into the region but don't actually supervise it. My people take down their flags sometimes or we pay off the Chink's people to not work. It's great fun. They own the government/military though so we can't do much

*laughs like a little girl* tihihihihihihihih! her boob r like out lol get a bra omg

those chinks sure know how to make me afraid of pressing clicking "play".

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So it was you all along stopped Lao Yang from getting his gravel.

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Fucking based pharoabro

Do Chink tourists still shit up Ancient Egyptian stuff and deface them?

based kang

What a Dizaster.

I hate chinks and yellow fever niggers

>welcome to china motherfucker

Attached: chink nightmare.webm (640x360, 2.38M)

Fucking nips. I really shouldn’t browse Asian threads


Attached: Sucks.jpg (800x450, 76K)


>his leg

it looks DEVOLVED


You are doing God's work user. In my college some chinks came and advertised for cheap scholarship in china, bluepilled normies and NPC-professors swallowed their dogshit propaganda easily, but I am not the one who would be tricked by these mongloid cunts. I'd share these webms to show them how vile and cruel the fuckers are in reality.

Based as fuck

Actually it's a neighboring country but a similar nonprofit probably did it. If there's one thing niggs love, it's being paid to not work. The wages are so low that it's extremely effective in disrupting Chink business. Moral of the story: NEVER invest in unstable, corrupt countries (especially with niggs)

Okay but why? Can anyone explain the backstory. Is it just the sadist nature of some chink? Also I have a feeling it wasn’t the girl that did this, could be a stalker or ex getting revenge.

As if the (((ancient israelite))) religion wasn't originally a polytheistic, baby sacrificing cult like all the religions in that fucking desert at the time.
The word that is translated as "God" in Genesis is the (((Hebrew))) word "Elohim" which actually translates as "the Gods".

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Anyone who can torture animals is truly fucked in the head.

Based and same.

wow. racist much?

the chinese are beautiful people

Attached: the green dragon.webm (352x640, 1.86M)

based biz holochain poster

I wish there could just be a nice biological disaster and some disease would just wipe out the chinks leaving everyone else more or less fine. The insectoids are so dirty and unhygienic it’s amazing it hasn’t happened already. why can’t god just prove he exists just that one time? Please god just exterminate the chinks!

Im gone for two days wtf is this normie shit

Look at those chicken legs, that's gonna be a no from me dog

shitty washing machine didn't detect the unbalanced load and stop the cycle

Attached: holding-only-certain-people-accountable.jpg (800x594, 62K)

Fucking degenerate scum

No way.
movie or real shit?

who is funding your non-profit?

CIA glowniggers?


Actual Kangposting, neat

nerve gas

Attached: fucking china.webm (640x366, 1.7M)

Ignoring the content of the webm it’s still hilarious. Some fucking security guard saw those milkers and was like “oh fuck I have share this shit with the internet” then proceeded to take a video of the footage playing on the monitor

No no, for a long time on early internet Chinese would post videos of women torturing and killing cute animals. It was and probably still is a big fetish among the chinks. They would do all sorts of hottible things to cats, rabbits and puppies.
A huge sub genre in this was know as “crush videos”. This is wear a woman wearing high heels steps on the cute animal crushing it to death.


Thanks user, you're B&RP'd too.
My organization also runs a few medical clinics and I get emails every day (so I can pray for them, lel) of niggers getting hurt or killed over stupid shit
1. Yesterday a nig baby was 70% burned because he accidentally overturned a pot of boiling beans onto himself (completely unsupervised). The only good hospital is a DAY away so he'll probably die
2. We built water and power infrastructure in a village. Niggers DRAINED a transformer for PCT oil to fry food in (extremely cancerous, toxic). Dozens hurt or dead. A few also badly injured from taking apart wires and stuff with their bare hands
3. We built a cheap, (probably temporary) corrugated aluminum school (100m by 80m, kinda looked like a hangar) with I-beam supports (sorry, I don't personally know much about construction). No kidding, two weeks later, the school was STOLEN. Even the concrete foundation was partially destroyed for the new rebar

You ever see a chink woman’s feet? Disgusting animalistic claws. But why even get that far? Just look at the wide jaw and flat frying pan face, the mongo eyes. Disgusting. They usually have horrible teeth too. Vile creatures.

Since you ousted yourself as a propagandist, deep inside what's your truth opinion on what China is doing in Africa? Is it beneficial to Africa or China?

Sweet delicious milkers

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A friend of mine had sold his house and moved with his wife back to his home state, and for a while moved in with his mom. I asked him how that was going. "You know what the chinese symbol for 'trouble' is?" he asked. I said I didn't. "Two women under one roof."

I kek'd and then I looked it up. It's literally two women under a roof with two dudes outside. Ancient chinese secret.

Attached: trouble.png (313x158, 5K)