Baby boomers are a generation of psychopaths

Why do millennials want the baby boomers to hurry up and drop dead? Because boomers are holding back progress. Baby boomers are slaves to the concept of capitalism, which is a soul-crushing system of fascist oppression. Let’s look at the top two issues facing millennials and the reasons why these issues are causing millennials to literally HATE baby boomers and want boomers to drop dead.

Home buying vs renting
Very few educated millennials are buying a home or apartment. This really pisses off the boomers because the boomers can’t make money if no one is willing to buy their house. Many baby boomers bought nice big houses in the 80s or 90s for 200,000 dollars. That same $200,000 house is now worth a million dollars in many places. This is also why baby boomers favor open borders and mass immigration because immigrants tend to buy homes at a much higher rate than millennials. What kind of sociopath betrays their own children’s future and sells it out to foreigners?

Jobs not paying enough to survive
Many baby boomers didn’t even go to college and yet they were able to get 100,000 dollar a year jobs. Meanwhile millennials go to college and get saddled with 50,000 dollars or 100,000 dollars of student loan debt, and on top of that most jobs barely pay them enough to barely survive. Millennials can BARELY afford to even rent, and yet baby boomers expect us to buy their shitty suburb mansions?

I cannot wait for the real estate market to collapse because it will cause a massive baby boomer suicide.

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Rolled 4 (1d6)

Burn it all down


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soul does not exist faggot

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Drop dead gramps, you kike worshipping retard

No 70 year old senior citizen is holding you back.

You’re just a worthless millennial piece of shit. You’re lazy, unskilled, stupid and you laughably believe that the world owes you anything other than a kick in the ass.

You are quite literally the worst generation ever. Boomers, 70s kids, Gen X, and Gen Z all agree. You’re hated by everyone,

genx here, why are people so useless now?

I was rebuilding motorbike engines aged 18 with a haynes manual.

Boomers will soon be skellies

yes baby boomers are jew loving faggots

boomers need to DIE!

awesome image

>drops the C word within tthe first two sentences
>not a chapo tranny house faggot
ok sure.

>blaming your shity life situation on your parents

cope harder failure.

chapo tranny?

>”muck it up”
Britain is dead

Based & upboated💯

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Take your divide and conquer bullshit and



Kill yourself you filthy kike scumbag

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fuck off boomer, you'll soon be a distant memory.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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i'm talking about boomer's personal life choices.

The government didn't put a gun to the heads of boomers and tell them to neglect their children and not force them to study hard so they could get a good job.

As a result, most millennials barely make enough to survive, what to speak of taking care of their boomer parents.

Anyone who fails to either save for retirement or create a strong family to take care of them in old age deserves to die a slow, painful, lonely death

here is the boomer's whore daughters

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