Gay Pride

>We're Normal
>We're Just like everyone else
>Why all the hate you bigots?
>does this in public

Why can't you just accept people for who they are?

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Are you TRYING to make me mad?

What about the gpmood lookin gays. The yaois? You know, the yaoi boys, you dont hate us right?

I recommend you broaden your horizons! Yaoi guys rock! I lost my knack for making gains and cutting wheight after the yaoi times ended...

Those were the days

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Can you imagine a better picture of main street America? Have you tried being inclusive?

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Lol. Those are actually pony fetish thingeys.

What about the yaoi boys!? Surely you wouldnt mind us? We like the same stuff you like! We like punk rock, we like cool baggy clothes, spike emo hair and such.

We are not morbidly obese. We are not even super faggy and shut. Our gay is probably just a phase.

Surely you are not mixing us up in this?

We say no homo after we kiss bruh

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my fetish is to endlessly gas degenerates with delousing agent

can I join too??? remember to like and upvote this comment

EDIT: Thanks for the gold!

EDIT 2: wow rip my inbox

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Why can't we send them back to their maker as defective?

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In Berlin there are meetups where passive gay men larp as female horses who get bred by ransom stallions (active gays). red blindfold means no condom, white blindfold means condom.

that's antisemitic!

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While we're all getting mad at gays, pls give me a like
1 like = 1 dead homo

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this is fake

Pretty sweet maga lion tattoo desu

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what matters is that you can't even be sure anymore

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Go back to Jow Forums.

Um... wh-what are they doing?

Whats the problem? Your barber doesn't shave your balls in public?

People should only be allowed to either be sexual hedonists or a food hedonists; you shouldn't be able to be both.

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Teacher in the background has 2 kids sandwiched on his dong.

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Right? I always thought that one was true, but now that you made me think about it it's obviously just a sarcastic meme about some habbening we already forgot about

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Fake and, dare I say it, gay.

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brave and stunning

Should I post my "kill all faggots" folder ITT?

That's a bearded pregnant woman lmao
What a mess hahahaha
>I'm so ugly
>Fuck it I'm a man now

No, this is antisemitic.

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Dumping my rare folder hope you guys are ready to hate faggot pedos.
Make sure you are ready for this.

there are too many degenerates roaming not to post it at each and every occasion

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Jesus, Jesus Christ.

The instagram account is called

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>Why can't you just accept people for who they are?
What I don't accept is what you do. But
>Why can't you just accept people for what they do?
doesn't have the same ring to it. It seems you'll have to do better than that, faggot.

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Who don't the mudslimes allow this thing in their countries?

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absolute DISGUST

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Is that Kahl drogo

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Yeah theres more videos of him doing the same shit to a girls "chest"

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all of these mental mutants could be crowded together dressed normal & you wouldnt suspect they are completely demented under the surface.

its the same with the freemason cult.

If you pay attention to the photos youll notice theyre all doing fag shit.
Like for example in this one the little boy is tugging on the mans nipple:

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wat the fuck how does that chair hold all of that weight

Notice the hand? These fags are just pedos.

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Jesus Christ what a scumfuck

will the baby come out all fucked up because of the hormones?

They always seem to have their shirt off when they are with "their kids" too.

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How did you even have the indecency to save this file onto your PC?

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>with delousing agent
>implying that works
You'd be better off hooking car exhaust up to a vent leading to the room they're in.

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Wow, you can't be outsmarted right?

wtf is this?

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Speaking of faggots, all my points disappeared and I blame gookmoot.

I wish that were me

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would you want that man's hands on your tonsils?

Ironic considering OP is a cocksucking RAM RANCH NIGGER BALL LICKING FAGGOT.

Folsom Street Fair gave us the best rebuttal (heh) image ever.

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I doubt that's really been tested. We'll find out when the current crop of kids with bearded mothers grow up a little.

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There's solution. One day we, the righteous, will smirk again.

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At least the kids are black.

>thinking gay pride is about pretending to be straight
fags pretended to be normal for ages before stone wall and it got them nowhere.

Now they just get off to making straight people throw tantrums

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You are aware that "sodomy" in biblical terms means any sex that isn't penis in vagina, right? Blowjobs and handjobs are sodomy. Man on woman anal sex is sodomy. Sexual act with an inanimate object or an animal is sodomy. Arguably sex with a condom is sodomy. Even solitary masturbation can be said to be sodomy.

Its not an anti-gay thing, its anti-sex.

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this always makes me smile


there are actually faggots who don't walk around the streets like porn stars. Why do they let these people represent them? I'm surprised there has been no violence between the LGBTBBQ groups.


someone post this on the gays with kids insta

Where’s Mateen when you need him?

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This. faggot hate exists because there are pride fags that fuck each other in the ass in broad daylight and the other homos don't get in their face about it telling them to stop making them all look back.
That's why all faggots are culpable to the degeneracy blame. If they don't actively participate in it, they stand by and allow it.

Same attitude with niggers and mudslimes. It's not a problem of people not being tolerant enough. People are plenty fucking tolerant. People within their own ranks need to take some responsibility instead of blaming everyone else for a change.

I'm on mobile but i still hate fags