Like-sharing thread

Here's the deal, ITT we exchange likes and give the gift of gif, so everybody can dinosaur and spook.

Attached: dinosaur_gif.gif (451x75, 21K)

>Mfw phonefags can't compete

Attached: 1522981815556.gif (400x304, 895K)

Just like this post if OP is a fag

Attached: OP fag.jpg (709x571, 83K)

Attached: cops.keks.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

There really needs to be a dislike option to remove perks from faggots like OP.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

dino gang

Like this post and soon you will find your qt gf💯


if everybody can dinosaur and spook...
nobody can
this thread is communism
