I fucking love black girls
I fucking love black girls
I love blacking white women.
me to user
It's 2050. India reached superpower status in 2020 and by 2025 was annihilated in a war against Pakistan which turned nuclear. Europe and America were consumed by the Islamic and Spic hordes causing massive instability and destruction, which lead to civil war that ultimately collapsed the Western world.
Chinkcels from China were furious about the migrants from Europe and America pouring in and taking their women. Rather than fighting, they spent half their time playing Fortnite or some Tencent funded MMO and the other half bitching on r/aznidentity about how China is superior than the West. Regardless to say, the CCP were controlling them through newly inserted Neurocyte chips in their brains like Stroggs in Quake 4.
Imagine you are an Indian soldier. The authority which you sworn allegiance to has long vanished. You struggle for materials throughout the wastelands of India,
to construct a ship, and head into the Indian Ocean, finding greener lands. Days pass like months, the heat almost kills you, but the perserverance of your Dravidian ancestors combined with the intellect of your Aryan forefathers, you survive, as you witness something massive emerging from the horizon. That's AFRIKA.
As you crash on the shore, you see something profound. Exotic. Exhilarating. Ecstatic. Your body is unable to get the strength to lift itself up from the sand. Instead, she approaches you and lifts you up, looking at you with such aggression, yet it felt soothing and erotic. Her thick lips run across your neck, her thick hips engulf your starved tiny frame, her calm voice reminds you of your comfy NEET life, back when none of this shit had happened, for a moment, you forget all struggle and give up.
No longer are you going to be dealing with fatty, salty Pajeetas heading 30 settling for an arranged marriage, or arrogant pasty blondes, or stuck up noodlewhores.
This is the power of the BLACK QWEEN.
I too partake in delicious ꜱoylent, you could say that I'm a ꜱoy enthusiast. A ꜱoy conniseur. Mmm, yes, maybe even a ꜱoyboy!💯
>literally all of them are whores
You do realize its fake hair?
All of them have fake hair.
Original hair looks like steel wool and is repulsive.
When I was walking my dogs this morning there was a sheeboon walking a little niglet, bitch had a Bluetooth speaker bumping some jungle bunny shit but every other word was curse words.