Im being kicked out by the end of the month. I only have $200 in my bank atm. I don't know how to drive...

Im being kicked out by the end of the month. I only have $200 in my bank atm. I don't know how to drive. I live in IL where apartments are 700+. I bring in about $500 a month. What do i do?

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$200 + $500 = $700

ur welcome

If ya can't get enough, money, time to suck dick for cash, bud. Worked for me anyways ;)

I was in a similar situation in 2013. In the end I moved to LA with 100 bucks in my pocket, fell onto welfare and public housing within days, and got my life together. I'm quite well off and happy now.

My advice would be to spend those last 200 bucks on moving to a big city. Pick one, look at a map and listen to your heart. For me it was LA. But just make sure it's a BIG city because that's where all the opportunity is, money, and public services.

Also big cities always have great public transport. Like buses that come so often you don't need to plan ahead or check timetables. Metro trains, etc. Or at the very worst, you can just walk everywhere for free.

oh boy, more fucking hobos in the already hobo infested cities

Off topic,

But a problem of society. Everyone goes where is best for them. Even if you have money and a family, you'll move to whereever is best for you. If hobos move into cities, that's only to speak of all the opportunities cities offer.

In my case, I never begged for cash nor looked dirty. It's very easy, in a city, to find a free place to stay, shelter, food GALORE, showers and where to wash your clothes. Very quickly you learn all this stuff. The antisocial stereotype you're thinking about are just awful lazy people

500$ a month? Jesus Christ what do you do?
I make 500 a week in a basic office job

so hard to settle to nothing but being open to do anything at the same time.

it's in those moments that what matters are peoples around you.

Last thing: You better not have some heavy bagage because you won't get a second chances if you're not worthy of it.

Don't get an apartment!!! Rent out a room on kijiji, should be cheaper.

>Rent out a room on kijiji, should be cheaper.

"musrim onry!"
"hindu onry! must speak urdu"

There. Just saved you a lifetime of browsing rentals on Kijiji, where everyone but you is allowed to discriminate.

Oh boy, I know that feel, was even thinking of making an add for Irish males or something to see what'd happen.

But it's still possible to find a place if you're white lmao, even if it's harder than it should be. It's really OP's best option right now, since they're in a bind.

Get on welfare right now (SNAP and insurance). Also find a room mate or rent a room. Do NOT fall for "weekly" scams. Monthly or bust.

Well, you're a hobo living in LA who beats his spouse if she mouths off, quite the picture that's being painted here PB

Sew one button, doesn't make you a tailor. Cook one meal, doesn't make you a chef. But fuck one horse and you're a horsefucker for all of history.

Way to hold me to the lowest, brief moments in my life.

If you want the picture of me now, I'm amazing and living a high life.

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What does that have anything to do with this thread

You said it was only the lowest of points in your life despite the fact you STILL hips the belief that beating your partner for verbal abuse is reasonable because 3rd world countries do it, being a namefag doesn't mean your advice is any good

Nobody wants the picture of you now. We'd just kind of like you to drop the trip, leave your (deeply flawed and poorly recovered) life experiences behind and go to any other board. Maybe /b/.

Your advice is usually derisive at best and most of your opinions are the mind of an incel with the mouth of a hipster. You used to be somewhere but after you kept admitting that you didn't really have a leg to stand on to give half the advice you gave, people called you out and now you're just kind of a shallow, pathetic attempt to copy what you once were. Even here, you're waxing in platitudes that can't be backed up by any sort of substance. Hobos don't end up in cities for any one reason and they're not all one kind of person anyway, so that's an irrelevant statement. And 'where you want to go' is not what he asked. He's trying to go up, not just embrace going down.

We understand that you enjoy pissing people off. We know that that's the kind of person you are.
We're just saying we'd rather you weren't also convinced that that's the kind of person who should give advice. That's it-- that's all.

1st question. are you white?
if yes . profit
if no .. even pajeet won't let you into his basement, die on the streets bigger where u belong


I came out like a phoenix from the ashes from some pretty hard things, things people don't normally emerge from. And I'm doing quite well now. I'm perhaps the best person on this board to help with these sorts of things, because I KNOW HOW, from experience, to escape them.

That's a whole lot of smart words just to say you dislike me and that I should stop tripcoding. You're just like all the other lame trolls, only more pretentious and sophisticated.

yeah what is up with that nonsense
"punjabi speaking only"

Your advice is shit because you're telling him to just accept being a hobo in a city instead of doing something to improve his situation, be gone tripfag

>I think I'm a phoenix
>even though at the summation of all my experiences, I still wage internet fights for my online dignity

I'm asking you to put your money where your mouth is and to be anything but exactly what we expect from some incel who makes up bullshit to sound significant and cool. You talk of all this 'phoenix' action, but you're not demonstrably better. You constantly leverage your situation and your suffering against people to brand them and damn their advice, you constantly contradict yourself because "lol internet :)" and you refuse to take any criticism seriously because it, at my guess, opens raw wounds you believed yourself above.

I don't think anyone but you buys your phoenix act. I don't think anyone buys the ashes act. I think we all just think you're a glorified shitposter with a chip on his shoulder.

If I'm wrong, I welcome anyone to discredit that statement.

That was not my advice at all. I directed him to the greatest opportunity to get him out of that situation, offering him near-term and long-term solutions.

You're full of hate and contributing absolutely nothing but hate. Delete system32

Well I compliment you for being a sophisticated troll, but you're still a troll. I'd advise you to also delete system32 but people like you use macs. So sudo rm -rf that bitch

Whiny hypocrite who argues off-topic

>I think I'm a phoenix

(borrowing truth from 20855915)

Put your bullshit on some black & white image of a random woman, and post elsewhere about being reborn from the ashes and blah blah.

You don't have to hide behind that bullshit on Jow Forums, yet you still are.

That makes you far too stupid to be a phoenix.


Yet you both create and offer nothing. You guys are evil

>you guys are evil
Nice choice of words from Abdul that believes a firm hand is the best way to discipline his gf for mocking you with a funny voice

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>You guys are evil

Honest, yes. Evil?

What does that even mean? Do I pour water on ashes to keep them from being reborn, or do I deny people the ability to delude themselves in my anonymous yet trackable presence?

>In the end I moved to LA with 100 bucks in my pocket,
Why did you move to LA of all places, with only 100 dollars to your name? This is kind of retarded...

>My advice would be to spend those last 200 bucks on moving to a big city. Pick one, look at a map and listen to your heart. For me it was LA.
Nevermind, confirmed retarded. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I live in Iowa. Right over the bridge. Lots of flooding right now but you could easily stay at the homeless shelter here in town and after working just two or three weeks at a factory you could probably afford to move in somewhere.

How the fuck do I do this

I want to move to a big city but I wouldn't know where to start

Seeing as I left that place with over 100k to my name, I'd say I did pretty well in my decision-making.

You're a fucking faggot :-DDD

my god

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