You're thrown back in time to 2015 to stop the Trump presidency, how do you do it?

You're thrown back in time to 2015 to stop the Trump presidency, how do you do it?

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why would you want to stop it?

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You don't. Cause there weren't any other good candidates.

I stop the jews with my knowledge of the past. I consequently stop his presidency

Dress up like Trump and shoot up Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

That's right goy, you just have to pick the lesser of two evils!

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>get to experience that night again

thank you OP

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Whoever picked me for the job fucked up. I'd just use my future knowledge to win the lottery, bet on every big sporting event and fuck bitches. Then I will invest and become the richest nigga in the world and personally fund the wall. Also fund a northern wall.

I don't. Checkmate Atheist

>I'd just use my future knowledge to win the lottery, bet on every big sporting event

Implying you bothered to record those things. The best you could do is dump every penny of your life savings into the betting on Trump winning election, then dump all those winnings into the stock market for a 40% return in 2017

>why would you want to stop the biggest kike shill in the history of US presidency from subverting your nation for israel

I lie say I am going to stop it and then just sit there watching it and laughing my ass off instead.

I don't.

Tell Obama he needs to investigate trumps financial history. Get him dinged with a felony and thrown in prison before the campaign even kicks off.

The lottery is a stretch, but I've autistically wasted my life following sports. I would definitely remember the outcomes.

Willful ignorance deserves severe punishment.

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Pay an ex MI6 agent to come up with some dirt regarding Trump colluding with Russia and plant some dirty lawyers in his transition team.
This definitely would have worked, i'm sure of it.

Travel further back in time to 1945, grab Hitler on his way to Argentina, bring him to 2015 and run him against Trump as a Democrat.

Put $50,000 on ETH

Without Trump we would be fucked.

It's ok to not agree with some of his policies, but you have to realise that he is far better than the deep state and Obama.

Trump will win in 2020. Then after that there will be 4+4 years of Don junior, 4+4 Years of Eric Trump, 4+4 years of Baron Trump.

If the deep state was in power for 60 years, we should be in power for at least 60 years.

Trumps are rich already which means they cannot be bribed or bought. It makes them corruption proof.

In ancient Greece, only the super rich were allowed to govern. It wasn't really about entitlement, but they knew that super rich leaders were the least corrupt, they couldn't be bribed. I am talking about people who got rich outside politics, not the deep state thief leeches who got rich through the embezzlement of gov budget money.

The right wing, new right powers, leaders, parties should have long term plans and visions. 4 years won't be enough to clean up this mess.

I'm getting everything that I hoped for from my vote for Trump: chaos

>Without Trump we would be fucked.
You're right, without Trump we would be overrun with illegals with the border getting worse everyday.
Oh wait, that's still happening.

Washington Free Beacon (Republican) was the impetus for the Steele work. Fusion only took over. Who's playing who?

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Israel helped Trump and right wing governments everywhere, I don't see them as enemies.

They contributed a lot to our movement. Look at people like Aaron Klein, Charlie Spiering, they fought tooth and nail to protect the west from this globalist liberal nightmare. They worked hard 24/7 and this is the only thing that matters.

They are white, they are half Christian.


Don't forget to buy bitcoin for sub $500 and sell when it hits 18/19k