No feelings

I feel no emotion for any girl I've dated. Ever. I think it's something wrong with me because most girls I date are great girls and are willing to do basically anything. Any anons been in this situation or can give me some Jow Forums

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>I think it's something wrong with me because most girls I date are great girls and are willing to do basically anything.
What? You just contradicted yourself.

No I mean that it must be me who has something wrong with themself. This is because these girls are practically willing to do anything I ask making them great

>do basically anything

Are you implying sexual anything, or other types of anything?

Feeling no emotion for fuck-toys is normal, because the integrity of your self-image is dictated by you, and not by them.

This is probably something they can sense, which is likely why they're willing to try *anything* with you. There's no penalty to them for growing bored of you, nor you for growing bored of them.

Revel in it, while also looking for something that yields emotional value. Sex fills that void for some, but eventually there needs to be a reason for existing which transcends it. Sounds to me like you're either 1) a sociopath or 2) someone who needs more than society's most degenerate currency to have a purpose in life.

Celebrate that others cannot dictate this purpose to you, whether you are 1, 2, or both. You won the game.

That makes no sense....

unless you are 8/10, but i doubt that

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Thanks man, yea I've had a few people say I may be a sociopath idk maybe I am I've revealed in the thought before.
And by anything its not just sexual.
For example, if i told them to buy me a sandwich without hesitation they would

I'd say I'm at least a 8/10 or 9/10 because most girls will approach me without me having to put any effort

>And by anything its not just sexual.

Sociopathy isn't bad unless the owner discovers pleasure in exploiting this vulnerability. Don't fret, assuming you even can. :D

Just be wise about what you're doing. Fake the empathy in your own thoughts by not getting them pregnant and *then* not giving a shit. Don't be stupid with diseases, either, and don't forgive those who are.

You may not be like them, but you still live in their world. Figure out a set of rules you'll agree to, and start testing prospective friends/partners for their understanding of these rules. (You could ask outright, but if you're as young as I think you are like teens-20s, most of your audience won't be ready for this level of honest reflection.)

Still, it might be fun to find the one who is. That one could surprise you. Don't be Christian Bael. Be the one nobody ever recognized as a sociopath who did no harm. There's honor in that, even if you're the only one aware of it.

That's how me and my best bud are and I'm usually the moral compass because while I do things quietly he is more brute and rash with his responses.

Question user, would you consider yourself a sociopath?

>Question user, would you consider yourself a sociopath?

I'm not qualified to self-diagnose this one. I have emotions and they used to ruin me. I'm older than I think the majority of this board's users are, and I have a lot of lifetime practice in suppressing emotional responses in order to properly understand verbal transactions. (I've had friends accuse me of being a robot, but that's just because they forced me to that denomination.)

I don't think I'm a sociopath IRL, but if I ever had an acting career, I think I could adopt the character better than many, as I have depersonalized and repersonalized myself several times throughout life.

tldr; no, but i wish i could play one on tv. :)

I wanna try and get a diagnoses, but than the doc will prolly put that on the ol record book and and I'd be fucked when wanting to purchase some things, and trying to get a job if the diagnoses is correct.
Sorry for the constant naggin, but what would be your suggestion on my next step?

Your next step, friendly user?

What next step would that be? Confirming that something is wrong with you because, based on your OP, you believe something is?

Your next step is what I've already suggested. Find something that really pleases you, while routinely considering your impact on those whose emotions dominate them in ways you cannot understand or preempt.

If you are genuinely living a world apart from everyone around you, your life might be a very difficult one. Or it might not be, depending on your luck of the draw.

Ideally, I think the world needs fewer people vulnerable to emotional suggestion. It is beyond clear to me that suppressing emotional responses is necessary to achieve clarity in the most critical matters of life, at which point emotions can be selectively emulated or reactivated in order to demonstrate a matching telos to others.

Thank you, I will attempt to find something over the next few weeks, and I'm doing an internship this summer will let you know, by posting on this board how it went

Godspeed user

L Lawliet, why do you feel the need of being noticed? must you be a namefag? If you embarrased yourself and decided to drop the name, why the need of choosing another? Why can't you stay anonymous?
I know, you'll just deny it or come up with a pretty bullshit argument. Just wait 9 or 10 years when you are a mature guy. Then you will remember your namefag days and cringe.

Just don't date until you know you're actually interested in them.

do you care about people at all? or like, your cat? maybe you're just pathological and should go to prison immediately

stop dating girls youre not attracted to

Well see the problem is I'm attracted to them, and then after a week I get real bored and just don't feel the same as I did the first week

Love isn't a flu you get, it's a house you build.
Get one of them that you think might be a kickass roommate and start building.

I feel the same. I think it's just a symptom of having an adequate testosterone level.

Right there with you, OP. I also don't feel any sort of emotional connection to my family or friends. In the absence of any strong emotion, my actions are guided by an abstract sense of duty and obligation. All of my relationships are contractual. This is also the reason why I've avoided dating, because I know I won't be able to provide the things that are expected of me in romance. Our society spends a lot of time emphasizing the transcendent bliss of love and I still hold out hope that one day I'll meet a girl who will help me to feel the things I'm not able to. However, it hasn't happened yet.

maybe you're poly like me. find a girl who is a cuck and wants to watch you fuck threesome tinder dates. that's what i did