What's the number one thing someone has done to you that immediately ruins your attraction for them?
What's the number one thing someone has done to you that immediately ruins your attraction for them?
Ask this question.
Say "I can't"
Weak, continual excuse-making for not taking the steps to free themselves of misery/unhappiness/lack of success.
over reacting to stress. also, incuriousity. I guess those are two things, but they are the most obnoxious traits and will instantly kill any interest I have in the person. like, I don't even want to keep talking to them.
reacting badly to stress is probably the worst, but I don't know... basically, when put in a difficult situation, if the person can't stay cool and work things out, it is a problem for me. Just small things, like dealing with a rude person, trying to navigate a busy street, or having to make a decision where the choices are very similar. Just failing at small things like that will instantly turn me off.
What do you mean by incuriosity?
Showing a severe lack of drive or independence
>What do you mean by incuriosity?
I'm not the user who posted that word initially, but I agree with them so much that I am compelled to suggest what I think they meant.
Incuriosity would be the acceptance that we need to breathe without ever once wondering what it is we breathe.
Incuriosity would be the acceptance of money as valuable without ever once wondering why or how value is assigned.
Incuriosity, ultimately, demonstrates the desire to be led in entirety instead of effectively choosing a leader. Not just in political situations, but every situation; every conversation has a leader. Every hobby has leaders. Etc.
Original user feel free to correct me, but when you said "incuriosity" this is exactly how it hit me. Anyone capable of floating through life without pondering causality is a fucking waste, even if they push the best pleasure buttons you can imagine.
>Completely shuts off something for vapid or superficial reasons
Sorry, I'm not a pedo, so I don't date children.
Not that user, but I think this is a good way of explaining it. I was curious because overeacting and incuriosity seems like two extremes. One of the ways I deal with stress is shutting down and focusing on the job at hand, and maybe it sometimes seems like I'm not curious.
There's been lots of times where people start off well, but someone ends up becoming distant, and the other person is left wondering what went wrong. I think about all the things I did, trying to pinpoint exactly what I did to ruin the relationship.
I meant shutting off something as in "I'm never doing this or that".
Bruh. I'm pretty sure they mean not interested in much about them personally.
Not being interested back in me
When I go on a date with a girl and she doesn't offer to pay for anything or split the bill. Unironically will never meet anyone who does this again.
being an NPC
>Sporting a man-bun
Ffs, this never looks good on a dude. Don't give a fuck who you are, it just make you look like a weak-ass hippy and probably act like one
Not explicitly telling me they are attracted to me.
not wanting to swallow my load
I mean, disinterest in anything beyond what they are familiar with.
this guy has a good explanation, but I am focused on the more practical side. Not so much with questions of the nature of the galaxy, but questions of what cardamom gelato tastes like.
I can deal with a person with very simple philosophies. I cannot deal with a person who rejects experience. And, this is something you run into, long before you start talking about the deeper meaning of those experiences. People who won't try new foods. people who don't like "weird" music. people who think foreign movies are stupid. people who are afraid to try, don't care to know, never bother to look it up, and trust whatever is told to them, at face value.
people who live in a small, gray box, and don't care.
I am a person who ponders causality. I do like exploring the nature of experience. the nature of "nature". but, I realize that these are just immaterial. thoughts are a simulation, in your head, and when you die, they evaporate like steam. the physical world is real. the stuff you taste, touch, see, and do, are real. if God exists, then he created this world, and created us, and we are duty bound to explore his creation. sitting in a little corner, eating Doritos, doing nothing with your life is fucking Satanism
there isn't just one.
-during initial conversations they try to one up you
-when they try to prove how macho they are
Isms. Don't be an ism person.
And honestly, anything tied up with the new age race/gender politics. Miss me with that shit. I do not care; life sucks for all of us. Do not imply that people are privileged by the color of their skin or the people they choose to fuck.
For me, it's not something that someone has done to me, but if someone has a stringent routine that makes them feel like an "adult," I'm out.
In my 30s, the issue I run into is that every girl has her "tiny dog and glass of wine" routine, and I'm just not there.
"I don't want to have kids"
"open relationship" or wanting anything less than the 50's ideal household
emojis, I fucking despise them.
Bitches who play games.
I'll just block you and find another one.
Like other user said, a lack of curiosity, critical thinking and just overall passivity drives me crazy.
Oh and competitiveness in tastes and sensibilities, where someone HAS to one up you with their own opinion. The whole pleb patrician shit used unironically, most obnoxious shit ever but also one of the most common. I think autists think it's a form of negging and instantly changes how I see them but not for the better.
Polyamorous relationships, they’ll always prefer and listen to their main partner over you
Someone who is quick to anger and gets annoyed easy. Also, overly pessimistic people. Especially when they try to turn something positive that is going to happen or has happened to you into something negative and claim that they're just being realistic for you, not allowing you to enjoy a good thing. That was what made me really make me realize that I didn't like them as much as I thought and then when they kept getting mad at very minor things, that was my final straw.
Why do you think the 50's ideal is still the current ideal? Do you realize how little your life has in common with the typical American male in 1950?
I'm with you on party poopers, my mom was one and over the years it really did a number on my mental health. I'm just getting back to a healthy state of mind and it has taken years of therapy and a really positive social worker on top of that.
Loudly makes jokes in a movie theater while the movie is playing.
can't stand girls who swear
I hate when girls call their boyfriend "Daddy" I prefer bae or boo or really anything other than being called "Daddy". Nothing kills your boner faster than thinking about your parents.
what kind of outrageous circles do you travel in that this is even an issue? like, do you exclusively hang out at Burning man, or something? What the fuck am I doing with my life? I have NEVER heard a girl demand this
Not him but I've dated 2 girls who were polly, one I knew, the other wasn't doing it right. We dated for a while before I found out I was one of many.
I'm not really sure you'd call that "polyamory" at that point though, more like "being played" and then she tried to justify her shitty ness by calling it polly lol
The other girl was straightforward and just wanted a fuck buddy on the side so that was cool with me at the time, but it can get hairy if you get attached
Someone finally fucking gets it. Unless you are a samurai and currently protecting the shogunate, get that shit out of here.
Being overly self conscious, reject/ignore the help offered to help cope with issues and proceed to go off on social media about said issues.
If a girl overly invested in a social media. Hate those always sitting in a smartphone, for no reason
This shit is common as fuck in Seattle.
> friends, traveling, good vibes, harry potter nerd
> I never write first
on their dating profile
incuriosity as has already been mentioned
When they refer to themselves as "manlets", "autists" or "retards" in a serious manner. I'm all for a joke but 9/10 times guys who use those terms seriously aren't men you can date publicly.
A guy who has had 5+ partners.
a girl who has dated everyone I know
Looks like you're too much of a slut to make the cut.
I'll be honest, that is my preference, but I can look through a small handful if they are legitimate attempts. There are so many disgusting fuckboys out there these days.
Might also add: having slept with a prostitute.
That's fair, it's fairly personal. If I found a dude that was otherwise perfect I'd maybe consider it. That last one is also a very good shout.
"I'm not into dating"
And I wasted my time with you for what?
there is never than just one. Mine is actually the negative qualities I see in myself.
ambitious ppl, your shit smells the same as mine, you will die just like me
stop taking yourself so seriously
Says they are "with her" or other retarded sjw liberal tranny crap. I was litterally inside a lil blue hair lib and got up and walked out. she is red pilled now and said she will vote Trump if i take her back.
Pfft there's no one thing. I mean obviously showing themselves to be cunts ruins attraction most efficiently but that's early in the game.
What I can say is that something that has turned me off often is the guy having an ostensibly defensive/damaged attitude. For example I was once hanging out with a guy I had just met and I asked him to call my phone because I couldn't find it, which was the first time I shared my number. Because it was on silent and somewhere deep in my bag we couldn't hear it ringing right away and he started freaking out that I'd given him a fake number.
Which would've been insanely stupid as I had given it specifically to locate my phone but still, when I feel like there's a default expectation that I won't like them or worse I'm not going to exhaust myself convincing them.
Also don't like it if men are very upfront about how different they think men and women are. Especially when they say shit like "men and women will just never understand each other, you know". Not everyone feels that way, I do not feel that way, and I'm not looking to date someone who thinks I'm an incomprehensible alien being.
Also shitting on exes or divulging humiliating intimate details about their bodies/preferences.
Good taste in drama user
Most of the people on Jow Forums are the type who back in highschool smoked weed in the bathrooms
Hey sometimes you just want to try what's the fuss about.
t. Guy who didn't sleep with a prostitute but considered it
>emojis, I fucking despise them.
fucking same, user.
Having sex/relationships with significantly older men, 8 years+
Like Harry Potter/Hunger Games, Girlboss, likes Hilary Clinton
Self-centeredness. Dem hoes who can't even grasp the idea that other people have their own thoughts, problems and emotions. There are few things I despise more. And I swear to god, so many fucking people are like this these day.
I can't really give an example of something they've done, because you can't tell from just one thing if someone really is like that, but once things start to pile on it becomes pretty obvious. It's stuff like talking only about yourself and not wanting to listen anything about other peoples ideas and interests, making plans then canceling at the last minute without even a small apology, getting upset when you're legitimately too busy to talk or hang out with them, saying things that other make might find hurtful for the sole reason of inflating their ego... list goes on.
I swear to god these are the real red flags. This is the shit you should be looking out for. But most men just put up with it because "that's just how women are lol". If there's one thing I hate more than self-centered cunts it's the retarded cucks that enable them to act like that.
Yeah, sorry I got a little heated here, you get the idea.
Oh fuck, this is why I don't date. I'm morbidly afraid of the task of sifting through a hundred egomaniac bitches to find somebody down to earth, and she'll be talking with a dozen other guys exactly like me already. How do I free myself from this hell?
by filtering them out lol. As soon as you figure out she's like that you move on. It doesn't take long if you actually pay attention.
That's only half the problem. Then you get to the girl that's already being wooed by all the guys in this same situation. How to cope with that?
>a lack of curiosity, critical thinking and just overall passivity drives me crazy.
This 100%. A girl was visiting me and I asked her if she could help me put together a shipping box while I wrapped the content. She said she didn't know how to fold them together and I said just try you'll figure it out. She clumsily tried for 20 seconds then put it away.
It's a freaking cardboard box how are you not capable of doing this!
They don't accept my crossdressing. Which is like 99.9% of the population.
Let us be the judge or that.
>if someone has a stringent routine that makes them feel like an "adult," I'm out
Can you elaborate on this? Are you just saying you prefer spontaneity?