There's a ton of news recently about the mental health crisis among young men

There's a ton of news recently about the mental health crisis among young men.

What has caused this?

Was your father in a better place, mentally, at your age than you are?

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yes but he also wasn't able to dino-post
so I got that going for me which is nice

>What has caused this?
Yo momma

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Young white men are a rocking time bomb. Better add more plastics to the water.

Lol boomers are even more mentally fucked. They just didn’t have to deal with societal consequences yet

Single mothers caused it
Now what causes single mothers? Hmmmm


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Ticking* obviously. And fuck like niggers their destroying this website.

"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death."

Mark 13:12

We don't compare ourselves to others. If you feel like you get too emotional than work on you user.
Talk to your dad if you can... He will tell you it's funny looking back on a life lived and to enjoy it

>What has caused this?

Government has shifted to become the provider. Men are not needed. The problem is taxing men is how the government function so guess what happens when most men no longer have a reason to get a big taxable income.

father was a crackhead that left my mother and I homeless, he's a mental wreck. I definitely got his addiction genes but it's not that bad as I've been through robberies, have killed a man, etc put hair on my chest. Plus knowing you are an addict means to never try coke or meth

How was it, to kill a man

We see what the future holds for us

>What has caused this?
Modernity is soft, men need challenge to be happy, men need battles to fight, men need families and tribe, strong ties to spirituality, to ancestry, to their history.

The Enemy has destroyed community, family, tribe, and replaced it all with individual consumers and wageslavery. They've erased and changed history, and they've destroyed spirituality.

>Was your father in a better place, mentally, at your age than you are?
No, he was cooking meth and staying awake 4 days in a row tweaking on shit, and about my age he lost my mom and sister to divorce, I stayed with him.

I'm not doing great but I'm trying. 2 kids, good wife, pretty fucked up in the head but I ain't giving up.

Yes, I believe he probably was

My father was definitely in a better place at my age.
Then divorce broke him and he ended up dying at 52 yo in a care center.
I'll try the no divorce route, that might get me to level 53.

Being gangstalked since I was 5 or so.

He was married to my mom and I was 2, had a nice paying job since he left high school which he used to buy a business from some aging guy.
I'm living with my GF and I hate it, can't find a job and can't get welfare because I don't qualify, we're living off of her scolarship which isn't much for 2 people, also live in the middle of nowhere without the means to buy a car so job hunting is even harder.

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Empowering, and just a confirmation of what I already knew I was capable of if put into a situation that called for it. The first month you'll be completely fine if it was a surprise home invasion like me, but then your body starts to get overly anxious best I can describe it is a constant flight or fight and you have a hard time even reading or doing basic activities. Then after about a year I started having nightmares every night about being killed or killing someone else again, but it's over a year now and I'm getting back to baseline. All in all it's a good experience for your character

>Was your father in a better place, mentally, at your age than you are?
Yeah he was in a way better place, but he had better parents. I dont hate him im just disappointed in him.

Too many young white males live in shitty rural areas and suburbs providing very little stimulation and variety in day to day life to stoke motivation to do anything meaningful. As a result, they’re depressed, miserable, anxious and use low functioning alternatives to entertainment and socializing like the internet and Jow Forums because there isn’t fuck all to do in their hometowns.

I know because ever since I relocated from New York City to a southern shit hole I’ve been more depressed, unexcited and uninspired, and playing games/shitposting far more often than before.

Want happiness? Get out of your backwater shithole

Sense of being powerless i guess. At least in my circle of acquaintances. Shit's fucked and all i can do is vote for some other lying rat the next time like a good goy.
I can't even imagine what it is like for you guys in the west, where you can get sentenced for a mean tweet and dare you say you dislike muslims oh boy it's over for you.This stuff builds up and eats your soul away.🙁

It's good of your girlfriend to stay with you during this time. You're lucky in that respect.

>surprise home invasion
Was it a nog?

>guess what happens when most men no longer have a reason to get a big taxable income.
Tons of dead roastie beef.
The end is near.

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t. Unhappy without quinoa waffles and onions tea

What about people who live atomised lives in big multicultural cities without community, family etc?

You just a city fish outta water. Fuck off or get a redneck hobby. Shooting, fishing, and fucking around in secret swimming holes inna woods, having bonfires, and other such things are great. I moved from a rural area to an urban area and feel the same as you describe. About to fuck off back to my woods when I can afford it.

Nah it was a drunk white guy with a hammer going through some type of psychotic break. I live in a white neighborhood too, can leave any kind of power tool out for weeks and it will still be there every morning. Can leave the doors unlocked, etc. Not worried now as the likely hood of it happening again is low but now the hard part is out of the way if it does and it will be even easier the next time.

>more puschasing power
>more white
>more masculinity
>more feminity
>less worry
>family unit
>old world lore wives tales and memes still ring true passed down from ancient fathers and forefathers
>enough advancement in infrastructure and technology allowing up for new frames of mind beyond food and survival but not enough for you to lose that natural edge

And many more OP. Even gen X at one point used to roam about being able to scrap in their thousands at the football. Try doing that now and not have some onions faggot with his kid bitch about "muh bootiful gayme".

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just give me 60mg of adderal a day and ill be fine.

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Yea she's a nice girl, trad and submissive and when I get mad at her she usually realizes she has to shut up instead of provoking me further.
But she's still 100% a woman and I can't stand women anymore. Sometimes I think about just leaving her and moving back up north to my family for a bit but I want children some day and she would make a great mother, I don't think I can easily find a woman like her again in this day and age.

since you mentioned it, since the home invasion my tolerance for adderall has decreased immensely. I used to be able to take 60-90mg a day but now I can't take 20mg without completely shaking it's nuts, even a few sips of coffee makes me shake now, feel like a pussy but not complaining

>3.7k points
How are you doing this?

it's the endtimes

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half of them are stolen from unsuspecting canadians

who could ever really know
Me: I don't know it's weird bein a kid

This. Jews have subverted the natural order of humanity and taken away the man's purpose. They removed the biggest linchpin with the women's-lib movement in the '60s. If women are able to provide for themselves and their kids (while being subsidized by the government and child support too), a man is relegated to being nothing but a labourer and a sperm machine.


>If women are able to provide for themselves
They aren't.
They are a big minus when you look at the total.
The state simply LARPs as if they were able to take care of themselves.

Reality is:
White (and Asian) MEN are paying for all the shit without getting anything in return.

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This is why tax evasion is the best route to take. Been working 10 years getting paid under the table. Feelsgoodman.

>Unhappy without quinoa waffles and onions tea
I don’t think neither of those things exist, but your response is unironically mocking otherwise totally healthy food choices. It says a lot.

I’d take an organic soi beverage any day over estrogen pumped, processed chicken tendies and hot pockets or the greasy heart clogging garbage southerners prefer.

>What about people who live atomised lives in big multicultural cities without community, family etc?

I’m not a boomer. My life doesn’t revolve around these silly things. I care more about having my gym, grocery store, leisures, and a variety of women all within a block radius. Pretty sure a majority of rural/suburbanites spend a majority of their waking hours at work and commuting in traffic If they’re lucky they might have a gf/wife waiting for them at home who MIGHT not be taking BBC on the side.

>Was your father in a better place, mentally, at your age than you are?
Probably. It doesn't take much effort to mentally be in a better place than I am right now.
>What has caused this?
Helicopter parenting gets my vote.

Fuck the whores aka single mothers.
Fuck the state.
Let them all burn to the ground.

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My dad was an uber chad special forces guy popping towel heads in the middle east at my age. And I'm just a sad fuck who got denied from the military.

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Young Jewish men are also suffering. Don't be a dingbat.

Porn drugs chans lack of mindfulness

>Shooting, fishing, and fucking around in secret swimming holes inna woods, having bonfires, and other such things are great.

All these things sound incredibly boring and simple minded, and if I wanted to do these things I’d just go hiking somewhere nice. Probably the only shit rednecks can do for fun.

In a big city you’ve literally the opportunity to do and discover something new everyday the minute you walk outside.

Men have an inherent biological need for competition, comaraderie, and conquest. From the earliest ages, boys are indoctrinated to believe these are toxic traits. Young men can't compete in healthy ways, cannot associate with their own kind, and conquest on the micro and macro level is functionally illegal.
All young men have left is work, movies, and video games. Modern society is a prison for the male soul.

Hi, Schlomo.

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Yeah, my dad was a drifting kind of guy. Worked a lot of odd jobs middle-class.

Buy a cheap motorcycle

Spiritual awakening. You are becoming more sensitive. This is good. It will show you deeper layers of what actually exists beyond the boundaries of your thoughts.

Points? What the fuck are you talking about? I dont see any points

>In a big city you’ve literally the opportunity to do and discover something new everyday the minute you walk outside.
Meanwhile everyone just walks around and looks at their phones


>social media
>breakdown of the family
>loss of religious values

>Want happiness? Get out of your backwater shithole

City isn't fun either. No stable base to form a family, because rents are too high.

Welcome to 21st century warfare.
If you haven't noticed, we have already been in WWIII for a while now. Many countries have actually gone hot. Other countries are only experiencing infrastructure/cyber/psyop attacks. Some of those places may go hot after a while.

Is this verse from the book of Mark implying the day of the pillow for boomers?

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>he admitted to getting paid under the table
Never fuck with the tax man they will fuck you six ways til Sunday.

Identity politics, globalization and divorce.

>was your father in a better place
Yes. He had a career (not a job), he was living independently and was able to pick a woman to be with. This is far more than most millenial men get by their late 20s.

How did he do this?
Entry level jobs weren't outsourced so he was able to start working in something he had an aptitude before studying.
When he got into university he was actually good at what he did because he was good at his job, he didn't figure out halfway through that it sucked then had a mountain of debt and unemployment to look forward to.
A well paid, career job followed that with bitches and all the perks of a professional life.

It just doesn’t seem worth it. I constantly constantly think about death. I feel like I’m living in a black and white silent film

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its nothing new under the sun. yeah people have mental health issues in the 21st century. But was it ever different? How would people not be depressed, in the living standards at any point in time before our generation?

I mean a janitor or a toilet cleaner has a higher standard of living, than a lot of kings during medieval times.

I'm not wrong. Most young Jewish men have the same problems. Just the very rich ones are better off.

I'd like to see 'em try.


I think the current era where there’s no conflict, hunger, danger, etc causes a lot of people to have mental problems. They literally have no motivation to exist really

>Was your father in a better place, mentally, at your age than you are?
Yes, he was married and had a 2 year old

You think this is why SJWs are always looking for imaginary boogeymen to battle? Conflict is in our DNA. Take away the conflict and we will make artificial conflict, like a cat smacking a toy mouse around when there are no real mice to hunt.

Isn't it weird to think about? I feel so incomplete and incapable of raising a son. Yet my father did it with no hesitation. I once asked my parents how they decided to create me, they simply answered that it felt like a good time.

lol no
my dad did every drug that didn't include putting needles in himself and yet despite all that had 4 kids, a full time job, and still made enough money to spend time with us and provide for us. Mental health sucks now in young men because we can't get what our dad's had

We are not living in our natural state as our ancestors did. We are forced in this multicultyshit and we are suffering. You britfags did everything wrong during WW2 btw.

But there's a happy news: take the honkpill fagglet and you'll be fine.

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>What has caused this?
Where to fuck are we supposed to start?
Maybe the part where our status in society has been blown to bits while still being treated like cannon fodder.
Maybe media and comedy has gone out of our hands and we're not allowed to properly joke about things, maybe the constant bullshit about "showing ur emotions :(" the wamin are trying to push on us is actually hurting us?
Honestly there's a plethora of angles you can take on this and make a solid argument for most if not all of them.

Tax man is above the law

No and he left the family too. He's a loser.

I'm very successful. It's lonely when you are.

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Yeah, same. Quite a few of my friends from high school have kids and I just don't feel like I'm anywhere near that.

because the pharma capitalists want to make money from your "sickness" , ultimately the systemic outcomes of capitalism

This too. "ADHD" is just a motivated person who is above average intelligence, creative, and good at multitasking. Being energetic is a "disorder" these days.

yeah, both eras have their burdens to carry. I prefer the one with health care, porn, travel, infrastructure etc.

literally suicid ideation is becoming worse.