so, consider the next iPhone. Apple wants to keep the secret from its rivals, so it pays its employees well, and makes them sign NDAs. but, the cost is not just the salary, or the legal punishment, employees also have to consider the value of their future wages. thinking of selling secrets to Samsung? you need to consider all the money you will make, over your entire career at Apple. And what would that secret be worth to Samsung? not that fucking much! especially when technology cycles are so short, and it is better to just lock in your own customers, so you don't need to worry about a rival.
now, think about Chemtrails. this is not one company with its own dedicated (and salaried) employees. this is THOUSANDS of people. this is suppliers, distributors, office people handling the payments, airline workers handling the chemicals. this is inspectors, auditors, accountants, all looking for lapses in safety, breaches of regulation, funny shit with payments going weird places.
None of these people are under the direct control of the conspiracy. any one of these hundreds of thousands of people, around the globe, could blow the secret. how do you keep them all silent? how do you keep them all loyal? that shit is hilarously expensive. And for what?
if you need to pay billions to keep a secret, the secret needs to be worth billions. Apple pays to keep its secrets, because those secrets are worth it. I mean, it is a tautology. whatever the secret is worth, is what you pay to keep it a secret. which informs the cost of the secret, and thus, its value.
Chemtrails? billions? secret Illuminati cabal? Trillions? what did you do, OP, to warrant the salaries of dozens of officers, keeping tabs on you around the clock? Men and women getting paid $40,000 a year (maybe more), plus pension, plus health insurance, plus hazard pay (you clearly are dangerous), plus the equipment they will need to keep the surveilance up,