He lost 80 lbs in 5 months from dieting alone, no exercise

he lost 80 lbs in 5 months from dieting alone, no exercise.

Take the veganpill.

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>take the veganpill
you mean starvation? yeah its great for losing weight

he didn't go vegan, he went no sugar because of his type 2.

That's not a pill.
That's called: Starvation.

or just water fast.

>no exercise.
how did he get those muscles then? if he only dieted he would be skinny

>t. fat fuck

Wasn't veganism, just starvation, retard

Meat wasnt making you fat, dummy. Why does every retard think this?

No one sensible questions that it is the diet that dictates whether or not you are fat, you retard.

Only people who are fat idiots think it is the lack of exercise that's making them fat.

may as well fast, which is pretty much what he did.

Losing weight is easy as fucking hell

Yeah this, it's carbs and sugar that make you fat. Not meat

Look at the exif data, I bet the pic on the right is older.

.t seething vegancuck who passed out from low blood sugar minutes after posting


vegans stay away from carbs?

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that's another person, it's the other way around or he has miracle skin

Or he just stopped eating 10,000 calories a day. He wouldn't even need to change what he ate.

that is skinny.

And he'll continue losing that much weight if he continues lol

Anyone who eats a vegan diet for a year literally looks like they have late stage cancer and about to collapse and die.

Agree, his nipples changed colour and size and he has no stretch marks.

Also he has slight shoulder/arm and chest definition in his muscles.

Gonna be back into fatland in no time.

I meant he should either have floppy skin or surgery scars

lol he lifting op vegans dont have shoulders like that

and his skin magicaly disapeared too?

there is a healthy way to starve yourself and there is an unhealthy way.
congrats on choosing the unhealthy.

he was a dummythicc chungus before, capable of easily carrying a woman against her will for over a mile
what a loss


but nevermind. it's another person. you got me good with your bait april fools.

>muh starvation
not an argument. I get the same nutrients every meat eater gets.

Yes, by eating all your essential vitamins and fat pills and drinking a ton of water.

an after/before picture. wake up pol.

except you literally can't make certain hormones without eating animal fat you stupid fucking retarded nigger faggot

>you stupid fucking retarded nigger faggot
wow, you got me good there. post source or shut the fuck up animal murderer.

His face looks better on the left tho
Chonk master race

Fuck vegans lmao haha eat more chicken

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Fuck that. That the Metamucil pill. It's good shit.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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this - it's a hoax.

This, sage

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blah b12 blah blah creatine blah glycine blah

I've seen enough transvestigation videos to suspect any male vegan model of being a hidden FtM tranny

transvestigation is bullshit or otherwise irrelevant to 99.9999% of people's lives
same as flat earth and a whole host of other limited hangouts

I lost 60 lbs in 3 months from a carnivore diet and exercise. And I weighed less at the start than him too.
Vegan is trash tier.

Starvation is redpilled, it's called fasting

Every day something dies so that I can live...how does that make you feel tree hugger?

I did the Penn diet. Nothing but potatoes for 2 weeks. 35lbs gone. Introduced veggies and eggs back slowly. Gained 15lbs in muscle with 10lbs fat. Going to repeat process again soon.

You think hauling an 80-lb fat suit for most of your life won't get you a decent layer of muscle?

Based fiber poster

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>35 lbs in 2 weeks
Jesus, how fat were you?

He literally didn't. Too shredded

you dont loose 4lb a week without starvation. 1% of body weight per week is the max you should do without fucking up your hormones and getting loose skin.

just learn to count macros, and cals, figure out your TDEE and be at a 500 cal deficit per week. there u go...all of weight loss simplified.

Yeah, I was going to say your nipples are your nipples and don’t change and color with weight loss.

I'll take the rainbow pill🌈

I think it's true for a lot of Hollywood celebs, but not all . Hollywood PR firms are behind the channels calling EVERYONE a tranny to mask the true ones

I lost 50 lbs in three months by just cutting sugar, eating 1500 calories, cutting sodium intake, and exercising. Vegan food don't mean shit

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Dude is still brown eyed
I dont see a difference he is still a shitskin

You fucken fatty. We all know you won't hit the gym, so at least you can starve your fatass and slim down. It requires no work you lard ass piece of shit.

Kill yourself

Or lose weight.

But mainly kill yourself

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this is all you need.

veganism is nutritionally retarted and harder than necessary.

How so

That’s way more than 80 pounds diff in those photos.

I've done keto and vegan, keto hands down for mental clarity and overall energy levels. Both were fine in my experience but I stuck with keto after comparing.

Meat doesn't make you fat. Sugars and carbs do. Although he cut sugar and starved himself to lose weight fast, you can lose just as fast on a keto diet, eating plenty of meat and fat, but cutting out carbs and sugar.

And as a bonus, you won't become a feminized little bitch like every other vegan male.

exert more energy than you take in with food, pretty simple