Is being attracted to conspiracy theories a sign of low intelligence and/or other mental problems?

Is being attracted to conspiracy theories a sign of low intelligence and/or other mental problems?

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>low intelligence
Not really. But that's kind of hard to gauge without a proper and direct test to it. And that's really secondary to
>mental issues
which is probably more guilty of causing this. It's the separation from demonstrable reality that you want to address, not the absurd suppositions they put forward

All you need to do is google conspiracies that turned out to be tru and see that you are of low intelligence. Yeah, not everything is but plenty are. THINK 4 yourself.

conspiracy theorists are not unintelligent. some of them are extremely intelligent. several political leaders have been terrifyingly effective, and believed in absurd conspiracies.

I do think being able to get sucked into conspiracies puts a limit on a person. believing in a conspiracy means denying the explanatory power of facts. The sky isn't blue, because you can see it. The sky is actually brown, because some force is actively tricking you into thinking it is blue. This is probably because of some mental issue. Unfortunately, I have not found much that explains why. Everything I read about conspiracy theorists is just "look at these weird theorists! this is the history of their weird theories! we presented them with facts, and look at the weird reactions they gave!" it is just a fucking dog and pony show, no real investigation

it's a sign of being too intelligent. dummy sheep accept everything authorities tell them. Smart people question.

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>think for yourself
how about not? how about not reinventing the wheel, every minute of every day? how about learning about how humanity has learned things, and auditing the process, not the results? Are you going to invent Physics, from the ground up, so you can be sure that physics experiments that prove the Earth is a sphere are actually true?

How about you just learn about how scientists study physics, the brutal rigors that experiments face, and the results from those experiments, and let it go at that? because questioning EVERYTHING is a sure way to learn nothing

They want to reinvent the wheel so they get credit for reinventing the wheel.

people lie all the fucking time. why would you not be skeptical of government and institutions and individuals ?

I think it's wise to be skeptical, but from what I've seen, many conspiracy theorists tunnel way too far up their own ass, and are quick to write off logical commonsense because they just HAVE to oppose everything now.

it's good to think skeptically. not so good to fuse it to your personality and become a close minded idiot

I didn't hear you say anything that makes you think you are smarter than I. There is due respect to authority but not nearly as much as it is given. Any man is capable of reasons. Im no stranger to Occam's razor. Hitler is a fine example of having every opportunity and means of escape. My grandfather's generation says that they don't know what became of him. This generation is shouted doen and told to play with the band. The skull in Russia is a proven fake.

Depending on the depth of the theory they follow, it's not much different than a hodor tugging themselves to some T-Boy vid, the memory of a sexual experience, or their imagination of a sexual experience.

All in all, it's a self-sufficient mechanism for indulging their brain. In and of itself, it is indicative of nothing save for interest in some pathways you may find strange.

There is no measure of intelligence to be found herein, excepting perhaps the extent to which someone permits their indulgence to dominate their lives.

I don't think so but it depends on the theory.
For example the whole flat earth movement is just straight up dumb.

The media told you conspiracy theorist are dumb, right. I wonder what theories are not supposed to be investigated at all, like the finderst.

BTFO'd by drunk phone poster.

Most conspiracy theories are 90% bullshit and 10% truth. It's that 10% that hooks people in

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Hm... This really activates my progr-

This is some omnidirectional wisdom. Most people have elsewhere to give a fuck and those in the know, know to zip it. That leaves the flunkies with too much time on their hands to do the research.

To the collective: I've had my (probably smarter than you) ass kicked around tonight and you failed to read the black and the white. I'm trying to help user. Save the trolling for the trolls. To summarize it in a humorous nutshell. Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that they ain't out to get you


Why you samefagging yourself? Forgive me. This can be fun.

im not you worthless shitbag

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Is that the best you can do? Can you expound on "yep"? I do applaud you for being laconic.

yep, being attracted to conspiracy theories is a sign of low intelligence and/or other mental problems.

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>being attracted to the fucking pinnacles of confirmation bias, intentionally misinterpreted data, stubbornness and stupidity for the sake of internalized fantasy

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Ponderous. The next to tag you won't be me as I should F off but, have you read " Animal House?" It is a pretty easy read. A fictional allegory. Bullcrap that tells the truth. I just think this post is worth talking about. Even as it started in retaliation to an unfortunate user looking for answers. We can make it better than it's intended use.

>Is being attracted to conspiracy theories a sign of low intelligence and/or other mental problems?
loaded question, depends on the person and their methods of coming to conclusions but I'd say being a sheep and accepting every explanation given to you based solely on the fact that I person in a position of power said so is more indicative of low intelligence or mental problems.

>is correlation causation

I Think you guys are based but I'm less than a Jow Forums year old so I'm not sure on the language. You done swallowed the red pill.

lack of critical thinking comes from lack of basic knowledge that your school shouldve taught you instead of homeschooled inbred mother billybob

its not a sign, it is low intelligence, also a mental problem when it starts to hinder ones wellbeing, which happens always

Heh, I could trick you into thinking whatever I wish. If I was such a dummy, I'd be smart enough to keep my mouth shut.

I think it's more likely that believing conspiracies causes mental problems.

Imagine you 100% believe that every world government is run by the Illuminati hellbent on furthering their evil agenda. Do the details of your job and social life matter as much when your taxes fund this organization and everyone you know is indoctrinated by the media? Sure, you need to work and socialize still, but you would be much more detached from it since you know ultimately your taxes are just funding this organization and everyone you talk to is indoctrinated by the media.

Of course, being isolated and on the skirts of normal society might make you more susceptible to conspiracies to justify your lack of integration.

Depends on what "conspiracies" we are talking about.

The main stream population also believes in conspiracy theories pushed by the media like WMDs in Iraq and Trump being a Russian spy despite zero evidence.

Good point. How about that "the earth isn't flat" conspiracy a lot of people participated in during the precolumbian days?

It's a sign of boredom

The unabomber was no kurwa conspiracy theorist. This pierdoĊ‚a was a skurwiony fortune teller and we are experiencing his prophecy since the 1st iPhone came out.

It depends. There are bullshit conspiracies like the illuminati then there's shit like the Dancing Israelis where it's fucking obvious something real is going on.

Conspiracy theorists always seem to be lonely people reaching hard for something to find in common with folk.

it has nothing to do with intelligence. The smartest person in the world is probably some savant that can't wipe his own shit, while the wisest, most insightful person is most likely not the one with the highest IQ.

From my limited sample rate I've found out this trend
>conspiracy theories involving politics (shadow govt, assassinations etc) tend to be more often true than not
>conspiracy theories involving "alternate" interpretations of natural science (flat earth, aliens, angels/demons) tend to be almost unanimously false

Agreed. But the inverse of this is troubling. I think that the scientific coverups are sometimes just a rare honest mistake. But lines of science are blurred and step into politics. "Egyptology" stands on shifty sand with the dating system and is convenient for the oppression of a certain type of people. It wasn't long ago, when geologist gave no regart to the earth suffering impact damage. Kinda makes me wonder why nobody questioned Aristotle gravity until Galileo. And surely there were those who could reason that the earth was round before it was popularly accepted. I don't know why these things are political but, they are.

Low intelligence, nope. Mental issues, more likely than not. Paranoia and delusions make the dumb shit easy to swallow even if you're not dumb yourself.

A lot of shit involving politics is in the open just on fucking wiki and from there on one can conclude pretty well that some conspiracies are just idiotic in comparison to real events.

As a rule of thumb, anything that can be explained with incompetence usually has incompetence as the answer. And stuff that relies on a complex chain of events tends to be bullshit.

With Aristotle, it was because the world was drunk on Christian anthropocentrism. Rulers controlled the masses by the christian ideal that God's word is universal law and this is his chosen planet, the center of the universe - that they're significant in the grand scale of things and thus disobedience to "God" (through the lens of rulers) is a grave matter.

That might be because proven conspiracies usually make it to wiki after they've gone public, don't you think? Think about president Park in South Korea, that was moon landing conspiracy tier for fucking years. And here we are.

>I don't know why these things are political but, they are.
You answered it yourself.
>"Egyptology" stands on shifty sand with the dating system and is convenient for the oppression of a certain type of people.
There are always ways to use knowledge for political gain, even if it's some shit that sounds insignificant.

>Think about president Park in South Korea, that was moon landing conspiracy tier for fucking years.
The whole corruption case? How is it shocking in any way, specially when it's basically an open secret that Korea is run by chaebols that make the MIC look like amateurs.

There has been a shift from "god" but i cannot see how any methods have changed. We are still drunk. It is quite common for science with a dissenting viewpoint to me ridiculed. It takes some strong characters and a lot of hardship to unveil the truth. Another example would be human/Neanderthal mixture being unthinkable at the start of your lifetime. Infact, I was made to sit in the hall for calling bs on that in school. I was right. I wonder how much of that was lack of discovery and how much was not even looking.

Depends entirely on the quality of evidence. I tend to think most conspiracy theorists are a bit stupid desu, or they don't know how to think properly and use fact based reasoning. A lot of them don't have an appreciation for basic science. Flat earthers/anti-vaxxers are a really good example.

Some conspiracies are true though, or at least seem difficult to disprove. In these cases people that believe them might actually be smarter than average.

>Flat earthers/anti-vaxxers are a really good example.
The interesting thing is that specially the former do use the scientific method but skip the parts that destroy their theories or come up with amazing mental gymnastics to make it work. It's not a hallmark of a stupid person.

The core dichotomy of conspiracy theories is
>government is doing shady shit
>the universe is doing shady shit
No points for guessing which one is more plausible

You like fiction, I guess.

If they are using the scientific method and are arriving at the wrong, already verified conclusion, it means they don't fundamentally get it and are using it wrong. A pretty good hallmark of a stupid person that can't into science. And also probably one of the most degenerate possible things, people like that can end technological civilizations if there's enough of them.

I point out a phenomenon that you just demonstrated. Categorizing two totally different things. (Im not picking on you) but that is how free thinking is suppressed. My reasoning tells me the earth is not flat and I don't need affirmation from science. I don't have the tools to determine much about vaccines. But i can identify false correlations from parents. Yet, it does smell strange that we are told not to eat tuna and shoot kids with mercury. Beats a polio epidemic, but i know that I don't know. I think that this same method is employed with all the squak about the JFK shooting, people don't even look at the Regan shooting. And that one stinks to high hell. So you may (fuck if I know) be diminishing a legitimate group by putting them in a group of dummies.

Your teachings have been accepted

>it does smell strange that we are told not to eat tuna and shoot kids with mercury.
>Beats a polio epidemic, but i know that I don't know.
Even this very limited example is a simple "risk and no benefit" vs "risk but huge benefit" scenario. What is there to doubt, even without information about the dosage of mercury which is likely to be much lower in vaccines.

More of "a person who did get into science but let their worldview and bias affect their performance". And that shit is very common for reputed scientists too. Look back and most people who are considered geniuses in their discipline had couple of whacky beliefs. Just with flat-earthers the bias is turned up to eleven, and the scientific side is not too advanced. People like that are definitely dangerous if they can amass enough numbers to have a larger impact but stupid just doesn't seem like the correct term.

It's one of the first phases in developing critical thinking skills. I think every (mature) man goes through this phase in some capacity.

But like any phases of growing up, you'll always find a tiny handful who are stuck in it.

>how about not reinventing the wheel
Do you know what marketing is? Did you know that most of what you buy is a variation of the same thing? "Lol, I'm an inventor haha. I'm gunna b rich." Really worked out for tesla huh.

And maybe even a larger handful who never reached that level of maturity.
ITT: "the herd."

Why is the hermaphrodite attention whore soaring to the top again? Conspiracy?

Low wisdom, not low intelligence


Its possibly high intelligence and even more certainly paranoid schizophrenia.

The Earth is actually a giant turtle swimming in celestial water which sparkles (those are stars) you idiots.

I thought maybe the trolls could have some fun here too.

No, paranoia is what makes the mental illness part. Having fun with what, which probably isnt, could have happened is just to make life more interesting. Some people find reality disappointing and chase these mysteries because its enjoyable.

simply put it isnt a conspiracy. It's because a large group of middle class people who want more drama in their life so they create a problem to be a victim in. Trans people exist, but there are people who are using the trans movement for attention through victimizing and making themselves a hero. It's just over inflated ego coupled with white guilt and hides behind a trans flag so they can call themselves a minority.

While people are actually fighting cancer and can't get laid and shit on this board.

yes, you see the real world is boring to them, they have things going too well for them so they make problems. It's why so many people are oversensitive now, they are just looking for a moral fight because they have nothing better to do.

Partly yes but surely a part of it comes down to minorities being tired to be shitted on or ignored?

It won't get you laid anytime soon I can tell you that much

real minorities yes, but what I am talking about is people in a shallow attempt to use their culture to be seen as victims then sjws. Now before we go all red piller blah blah blah. The issue is that these people know who they are and you can tell the fake ones from the real ones pretty easily. The fake ones over compensate and find outrage and place they go, they are the ones who are controling and act just like a right wing Christian outraged on the made up war against Christmas. the real ones are the ones who keep quiet about their victimhood because it's a very traumatic thing to happen to them, they know that the fakes have good intentions but their actions are destroying what they are trying to build. Real victims and minorities dont focus on how to be talked to or how to be treated. Simply put you treat them like you would treat anyone else who isnt different from you. Like a black guy, I treat them like I treat everyone else but I do recognize the past but never let that depiction define the guy I am talking to.

The fake ones however cant stop doing the opposite. Their over sensitivity makes it seem that's all they are and it's pretty insulting to some.