Do looks matter? I am an average looking dude according to my friends...

Do looks matter? I am an average looking dude according to my friends, but I think I'm handsome and I am confident in my appearance. Problem is, do girls care? What is the extent to which they do?

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Looks is only half of the battle.

And the other half is how I convey myself?

Looks are very important, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, if you lack looks personality will not carry you through, If you have looks you NEED a good personality to have something sustainable

Only the half of looks that you have some control over really matter. No one wants to fuck a dude with a perfect jawline if he's unkempt.

As long as you practice good hygiene then you should be fine..

How do you practice good hygiene? Not having shit on hands? Piss smell? I mean those are pretty noticable even to self-consiciouss people. What do you mean by good hygiene?

Smell nice, clean teeth, soft/clean hair, etc.

Why do you care so much about hygiene? You cop or something? Why cant i smell like shit? Are women really this demanding? Like just gurl hold your breath. The shit is wrong with women.

>How do you practice good hygiene? Not having shit on hands? Piss smell? I mean those are pretty noticable even to self-consiciouss people. What do you mean by good hygiene?

Live somewhere that isn't New York or San Francisco.

How she supposed to hold her breath when you...

...take her breath away

yeah they do, but they take for account the personality behind that face.

Looks get you in the door, but personality will get you laid.

In other words: being good looking will make girls like you and be attracted to you. But you'll need a confident personality to take these opportunities and get these girls to your bedroom both literally and figuratively.

Looks are THE most important factor.
Have you ever seen someone ugly or short that wasn't rich score?

Ignore all the retards talking about 'muh personality'. Females will always go for the good looking Chads, no matter how emotionally abusive they are.
Then they will complain about it, untill the next good looking 'bad boy' comes along.

Was your dad a bad boy user? How the fuck did you end up here?

Yeah, loads.

Of all of my current female friends I'm in contact with (about 13 or so), I can think of only 2 who have dated bad boys in the time I've been with them. The ones from my younger years were almost all virgins into their 20s, too.

A bad boy and a drunkard.
And one of the biggest Chads I've ever met, he had women fawning over him despite being peniless all the time.
Females lie. What else is new?
But everyone with a brain knows they always want some bad boy Chad to fuck them silly and will always prefer that over anything else, risks be damned.

As a male, looks are far less important than you think. Women are only maybe 25% attracted to looks, it's an accent to how they value you, not what defines it.

Women are attracted to social value. Now, to have social value, being good looking certainly helps because even people of your own sex will instantly respect you more off the bat.

An average looking guy who dresses will and is decently fit with (and this is important) success and charisma willl win out over some ripped dude who is genetically good looking but wears shitty T-shirts and lives with his mom.

Social value? I am fucked forever then

Yes, looks are important. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

as long as you're not hideous, it's more about attitude than looks.

yeah that's a certain low-value type of woman. you think it's all women because it's all women that you see.

who cares what girls care about