Why do people recommend online dating to men? It's been proven that online dating is mostly useless (especially tinder) and doubly so for men.
Why do people recommend online dating to men...
Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it'll never work for anyone
Do you have the source site of this info?
So the sources says that it is mostly gay girls there for other girls?
Because a straight girl having success, means a guy is having success too. Just because you are too shit at landing any girls, doesn't make it useless. I know it is easier to blame it on a made up issue, but at the end of the day, you are just projecting your own massive failure onto everybody else, instead of taking personal responsibility.
Where has it been proven? Are you going to post the same old meme charts created by angry neckbeard manchildren incels like you?
What the incel will show you are outdated and poorly executed okcupid statistics
to get you to stop complaining about your nonexistent dating life.
I don't ever see it recommended except in the case of finding hookups and shit like that. Otherwise people just tell you that even the rejections in person are more valuable experience than most shit you'll get out of online dating
As you can see, the roasties are already trying to discredit objective facts.
But that's just because they enjoy the ego boost of getting tons of matches, even if they never intend to humor 5/6 of them.
So you admit you are an ugly insecure little bitch who doesnt know what he wants? Because 50 out of 300 men has a ton of sex because they aren't shitty human beings, but you would rather blame the women, rather than blame yourself for how much of a lazy failure you are.
Get a spine, dont be a lazy fat incel, and figure out what the fuck you want.
The disparity is because women on tinder actually make an effort to look good and make themselves dateable. You dont.
>just change your genetics is YOUR fault now let me get back to tinder
>"do not message me if you are less than 6'3 "
>objective facts
You posted the completely made up "study" that incels to this day believe is real. This one is completely, utterly, made up. Someone posted it on a webforum to troll incels. If you read the original post you can easily see it's complete bullshit. There was no such study done, the guy made it all up.
Imagine your entire identity being based on believing a troll post. Incels truly are the dumbest of the dumb.
How about you post just one objective fact instead of your incel meme charts?
Online dating sites are nothing more than a brothel for women. The women can look and pick a number, go fuck and return for another. Funny thing is men don't get paid, they are too stupid to charge.
These things have been known since long before you ever learned the word "incel" sweetie.
Why even get this upset about it anyways? You don't want to date 80% of men anyways, why do you care if they stop wasting their time on tinder? Is the attention and free dinners really that important?
>Doesn't like the truth
>M-must call it names
>These things have been known
Ntayrt but by idiots who think feels > reals. If you have no scientific basis for your opinions and instead go off anecdotal evidence supplied to you, you're a retard, sorry.
You've yet to post a single fact or truth.
Incels can't tell the difference between science/facts and pseudoscience/feels/anecdotes. That's why the best way to cure incels is to educate them.
Oh so you accept that it was all made up? So why do you keep believing in something you know is fake?
Oh aye, but you have to point out the fact they don't know anything first. A lot of them are genuinely surprised when they realise how illogical and irrational they are about this when they're usually quite scientific and objective about the way they take in information about other things.
Where exactly is your proof it was made up?
Hmm, let's see
>be tall
Sure, but it's not really a requirement as long as your personality seems good. Aka. Ensure your profile isn't garbage.
Fixable. Work out, lazy.
>wide shoulders
What? No. The width should come from you being fit, not from you being deformed from birth.
>average penis
You most likely have this. Small is only a problem if it is in the bottom 5%, and even then it is not a dealbreaker unless you are a faggot who refuses to give oral.
>not balding
This is you guys being stupid. If you are balding, go bald. Shave it all off and own it. Dont run around with an empty spot on the top of your head. Easily fixable.
>jawline, jaw and cheekbones
Not at all as important as you guys think it is. It gives a solid first look, but matters very little compared to who you are. Make sure you don't look messy, and this will easily be overlooked.
...what? First of all: fixable. Second of all: not at all important, as long as it doesnt look comical.
>all of the rest being pedantic stuff that is just reiterating what was already mentioned, but stated again to make the list longer.
Moreover, the female side is missing "dont be too fit", which is somehow a problem to guys. Also, more successful than the guys she wants to date is also a death sentence.
See? It's easy to make up arbitrary subjective traits and claim it is fact.
Find the original source, it wad posted on a webforum. If it were a legit study it would have been published in a peer reviewed journal. It would have actual data you can check. It would explain how they collected data. And it wouldn't say "I am a student of sexology" (lel). If it was not made up then you should be able to find it published somewhere with all the data. Go ahead, come find it and post it here.
Where is your proof it is legit?
>asking someone to prove that something didn't happen
I really don't want to believe anyone is this stupid. This is why I wish you needed a certain IQ to be able to vote, just so we could weed out the retards who are legitimately too stupid to understand very simple concepts, that most people learn when they are 8.
t. has NEVER dated a guy with any of those issues yet insist they're not issues, she's just never dated any guys with them by coincidence
It's not useless if you're Chad. So Chad recommends it and because everyone is pretending to be Chad in the era of instagram culture, they won't admit they never got a match there.
Are you doing the "if someone doesn't agree with my brainlet incel cultist beliefs it must be a woman" thing again?
>all these normies and female trash ITT denying the statistics and facts based truth
Why are you so delusional?
Why do you completely ignore numbers and statistics?
Because they hurt my feelings. I don't want to think about how my life is on easy mode and how shallow I am.
source pls
I've dated an overweight, round faced guy who was just as tall as I am (5'8). His problem was being too childish and incapable of taking responsibility for basic shit, like cleaning up after himself, and bathing regularly.
And he still managed to land someone, because he knew what he wanted, and wasn't afraid to take it. That's the barrier. The list there is creating fictional issues that excuses how much of a massive beta bitch you are. Your problem is not your physical attributes.
What statistics and facts based truths have been posted in this thread? I haven't seen a single one, I must have missed them.
This is the most desperate, pathetic samefagging I have ever seen. Is this what being an incel is like?
>always "dated" never "dating"
>lists physical flaws first, subconsciously makes up behavioral flaws later to justify hatred of the physical flaws but not feel shallow
>is no doubt currently dating 6'4 guy who miraculously doesn't have any behavioral problems.
Guys in this thread, instead of whining and crying about how terribly unfair your fate is, how about taking matters into your own hands?
Learn how to be attractive. Yes, attractiveness to a woman is mostly about behavior.
If you exude alpha traits, bitches will be after your dick in droves.
Being a whiny, bitter manchild is the biggest turn off there is.
OP is in probate.
Being less than 6 feet tall with a weak chin, receding hairline are the biggest turnoffs of all.
>Because a straight girl having success, means a chad is having success too.
typical incel cope.
these are excuses because you are scared of actually trying and failing.
What are these “alpha traits”?
Typical woman mental gymnastics.
>I hate short, balding men because of their ATTITUDE! It has nothing to do actually do with their physical traits! like for example, my 6'8 boyfriend with a full head of perfect hair NEVER acts insecure over being short and bald, and that's why I love him! Because of his attitude! It's just that simple.
literally more cope. You'd rather imagine a whole different reality for someone instead of accepting that you're a coward
>lists physical flaws first because that was the discussion point
>making up false assumptions and accusations because it doesnt match your incel worldview
>>is no doubt currently dating 6'4 guy
Never have. They tend to feel stupidly superior, and are extremely disrespectful and acts like autists, so they have so many behavioral problems I never even let it get near the bed.
And if I was a happily married girl, i wouldn't be wasting time on Jow Forums. So obviously the common answers here will usually be "dated", and not "dating".
>mfw I am dating a South Korean midget with a cute babyface
If I manage to get married to this guy, I can die happy.
What this study tells you:
>the girls described the men's attractive personal traits as "they know what they want, and don't hold back to take it.".
Build muscle, it's fine if you have a small beer belly even, so just worry about bulking up, and grow a spine to act the alpha way.
Good luck user.
It pisses me off so much how normies can't even fathom how impossible it is for the rest of us.
I truly fucking hate you faggots.
I do all that, still highly unsuccessful on dating apps
Then become the Chad, faggot. Read this, it gives an easy way to do so. Stop being a faggy and bitter Nice Guy, and start being a man.
> Well endowed
How on earth would that correlate. Are these guys putting pics of their cock on Tinder?
high T males have bigger dicks
> Being short is a death sentence
I'm 5'8 and smash a new Tinderella or two every week, and have done for a long time.
If anything height matters LESS since Tinder became popular than it did when most people hooked up in clubs and bars.
How do you do it, what gets me is successful men on apps never give advice...
Social status is more important than looks on tinder. Have photos of you travelling or doing exciting stuff gets you more replies than bathroom selfies.
No, it's bullshit "facts" made up to excuse beta incels for not trying.
>get ridiculed for being a creep due to lack of experience
>don't try
>get ridiculed for not trying and told to 'man up'
I hope you die during an incel's school shooting.
I am decent looking, BUT I used to look like a pudgy faced cherub in my early 20s.
What helped me was losing body-fat and debloating my face by not drinking booze all the time and eating better so my jaw and cheekbones showed.
I learned to hide my giant bulb-like forehead with an appropriate haircut.
I learned to mask my weakish chin using facial hair.
I found which angles I looked best at and how to take good photos of myself, used photofeeler to select the best ones.
Then when I got matches I experimented with different approaches, from super direct to building more rapport. I found it best to build rapport and commonalities first, later peppering in a few direct sexual statements and flirting.
Idk, maybe it's just advertissement that targets males because they make the bunk of dating apps.
>school shooting
Problem located, you are a child.
Grow up before you complain about this shit.
>>get ridiculed for being a creep due to lack of experience
That happens. Assholes will be assholes. Move on.
>>don't try
>>get ridiculed for not trying and told to 'man up'
Not trying is worse. You are not being ridiculed, you are being told to stop moaning or man up. You have the option, and you are free to just skip it entirely. You'll never find someone, but if you have decided you sont want to put in the effort, then that's on you, not anybody else.
>I hope you die during an incel's school shooting.
Yikes, I thought I was talking to an adult. Seems like you are a bit too early out for this to work, more than anything else.
I wish I was still a child, I'm 27 actually. My life's pretty much over socially/romantically etc.
It's everywhere I look. Average looking men don't exist, it's only Chads that I see with girls. Average looking men just get ridiculed and are made fun of.
As a bellow average looking guy, why should I even try?
And I do wish death to normies for this culture they've created. School shootings in unis are the most common, but you can get ran over by a truck or a BMW if you like.
Yeah I’ve done all that, still no matches. I’ve been told I’m handsome apparently, what good that’s done
>It's everywhere I look. Average looking men don't exist, it's only Chads that I see with girls.
I have the opposite experience. When I walk through my city all I see are average looking men.
It's so rare that I see a 'chad' that when I actually do I follow them for a bit to see women's reaction to them.
Funnily enough women never seem to even glance at them.
You're getting ZERO matches?
Post your pics.
If anyone needed more proof that incels are closeted homosexuals. Literally all your posts are nothing but fantasizing about big muscular men.
Lmao you're a confirmed neckbeard, it's fucking obvious.
Special snowflake syndrome right there.
>on Jow Forums
No, I’ve got matches on tinder but they’ve ghosted or unmatched. Same on bumble, either ignore me after a day or let the match expire.
It's almost as if that entire thing was made up.
We do give advice but you don't want to hear it.
You're 27 but acting like you're 15. Get therapy.
See what rating you get on /soc/
You might just be genuinely irredeemably ugly. Or maybe you give off a weird vibe in your photos.
What? I’ve been given advice I’ve already done myself
The only people who recommend them are the people who had been fortunate enough to meet someone on there.
Of all the people I've known to meet partners etc. on OLD apps, ESPECIALLY shit like Tinder, I've noticed some things
1.) the relationships don't last very long
2.) even if they do, they are based so heavily on physical attraction that one or both people tend to ignore any or all red flags
With number 2 in particular, I remember this girl I knew who met her now-husband on Tinder. She had 1800 matches in a Middle Eastern country because of some ass shot she took. She picked the guy who she claims "looks like a model". Dude's a complete asshole, calls her fat even when she's not, gives her the bare minimum attention, is full of himself even according to her. All she ever says positively about him is how good looking he is, and he also spoils her financially and kisses her ass (so basically she found a really good looking guy to treat her like a princess. It's really worrying to think about what some women expect in a relationship). She also did weird shit like ask him to make out with other women because it turns her on, among other weird shit. The relationship itself is really fucked, and if that's what a guy has to be and how a relationship works with the average Tinder girl, I'm thoroughly uninterested.
One thing I'll never forget is telling a coworker I struggle a bit finding someone good to date. He said I should try dating apps and websites, a friend of his, a woman, is standing next to him. I just looked at both and said "I tried, I got ghosted or ignored by everyone I talked to or went out with on there" and the woman just looked away almost shamefully, it was pretty telling.
Oof, dunno why I bothered lmao
Is he wrong though? Or do you actually think that an average guy has as many options as even a fat girl?
I think a real issue with OLD is that it gives people a shortcut to finding someone else, or at least pretends to. So many people I know don't really want to put work into themselves, improve or invest to themselves to any serious degree. They want a good looking person to fall into their lap and make them feel good about their lives. They think any attention, even if from flakey, emotionally unavailable, shallow people looking to use them for sex is preferable to working on their own issues and becoming a mentally healthy, highly functioning adult who is truly a Good Catch. Hell, this isn't even just an online dating problem, although online dating is FULL of these types of people: the ones with so little self-esteem or respect, that they ignore a metric fuckton of red flags flashing and hollering at them like a freight train in the dead of night, because they think being used for sex by an asshole who's good looking is preferable to being alone.
Not him but my ratings on /soc/ have ranged anywhere from 5/10 to 8/10. And I've noticed the same with people in general, I'm very good looking to some, straight up average or below/not noteworthy to others.
asking /soc/ is just a bad idea, that board is full of crazies
It's that, and prior to the past decade or so you didn't have to market yourself so much with your appearance. I mean you did, but not to the degree of fine-tuning and micro-managing every facet of your appearance and body language for photos on sites and apps, because they make the difference between even talking to somebody or not.
And for as picky as women are online, I'm about as picky. 90% of the women I see in my area post a bio with no text, or simply put school name/instagram/snapchat. How am I even supposed to talk to somebody like that? I can't.
He is wrong. An average guy has plenty of options, way more than before thanks to internet.
What men here don't realize is that dudes who browse Jow Forums a lot are not really your average guys. I've only known two other people in person who use Jow Forums, one was a grade school buddy and had some uh, quirks like not showering or deodorizing and being kind of condescending. The other just had no filter and was generally a little offputting. The third guy I know I met online and he's super anxiety and depression ridden. These are not your "average men". These are not the 5' 8" dudes with reasonably fit bodies and reasonable levels of confidence and good vibes because if they were, they wouldn't be turned down all the time. And I should know. I'm here too.
>at risk of school shootings
If you are a teacher: I'm sorry. If not: I'm really sorry. Nobody should be born that stupid.
>School shootings in unis are the most common
I sometimes forget that burgers think the entire world works like this. Sorry about your thirs world country standards.
>t. Eurofag who has had 1 total school shooting in my country, all the way back in 1994, that only killed two people.
'Recovering' former shut-in neet that went back to uni at 25 actually.
I'm also a yurofag and there's never been a school shooting in my shithole. It was just a manner of speech as it's the most common type of outburst and definitely something I would have done if I had easy access to guns.
>it's the most common type of outburst and definitely something I would have done if I had easy access to guns.
I realize this is an anonymous board, but even reading this kind of thing is a little unsettling. Just for your own sake, never admit this to anyone you actually know. It could ruin your life.
That's because Tinder is not for relationships.
Even as a woman with no issue getting matches, I got nowhere due to everybody being there to have sex, which was not what I was interested in.
Tinder is exclusively useful for people looking for quick short term hookups. Anybody claiming otherwise, either have some extremely rare experiences, are lying, or are deluding themselves into thinking it might be good for it.
>I tried, I got ghosted
I have to admit that to my shame, I did this. Not often, but it happened, and it was usually because I felt the guy was too pushy or focused on sex. I had gotten too tired of it, and my profile was very clear about looking for a serious relationship, so I didnt feel much compassion for the guys at the time. They ignore my bio, and refuse to accept I am not here for random sex. Seemed reasonable that I could ignore and ghost them in response.
I unfortunately realized later on that I might have had false positives, and it was part of why I left Tinder for good. It felt terrible to use because of how hard it was to weed through the awful sex hungry guys, and the actual serious people looking for something proper.
feel free to shoot questions at me. I might be able to explain certain reactions you get there. Though mind you, I never slept with someone from Tinder, so this is exclusively for the first date/texting phase.
I'm not (too) stupid, I know enough to hide my true self in public and wear my best normie mask.
Not that I talk to anyone anyway, but in case I do.
>I have to admit that to my shame, I did this. Not often, but it happened, and it was usually because I felt the guy was too pushy or focused on sex.
I'm the guy you responded to, I want to say upfront you shouldn't be ashamed of rejecting somebody for not meeting your standards/being incompatible. I think that woman felt bad because people might do it and not realize how somebody else feels when you just ice them out. But the reality is that if you've only sent a few messages back and forth and then stopped, it's not even really ghosting.
>I had gotten too tired of it, and my profile was very clear about looking for a serious relationship, so I didnt feel much compassion for the guys at the time. They ignore my bio, and refuse to accept I am not here for random sex.
Many men, especially so-called PUA's/"dating coaches", have told me and others that women who put this in their bio are the easiest to get with and the pushier you are with sex, the more sex you'll have, so you should be more pushy. I still question why anyone would want to have to basically wear someone out until they reluctantly hook up with them.
>seemed reasonable that I could ignore and ghost them and response
Of course it is reasonable.
>false positives
What do you mean by this, exactly?
>never slept with someone from Tinder
Same, I went on dates with different girls before they ghosted me/we stopped talking, but I never liked the idea of fucking on the first date. I know somebody who has fucked loads of guys and I don't mean to judge her, but she seems miserable and unable to find a good guy (I've already told her she keeps picking bad men, and I'm not even the only person to say this to her either)
This is true. I'm a handsome, autistic shut in that has some photos that show of some really good looks, good facial features, etc. but I am utterly unsmiling and they are bathroom selfies, so I was out of luck when it came to Tinder, and I've consistently lost the popularity contest compared to guys absolutely ugly, my height, and with skinny-fat bodies cause they have bubbly, charismatic personalities, etc.
Just buy a selfie stick and go outside.
>But the reality is that if you've only sent a few messages back and forth and then stopped, it's not even really ghosting.
Nah, I dont consider it ghosting when I don't respond to his third message that is "so when are we gonna fuck?", but I have ghosted someone after the first date, because it was extremely clear that he was there for sex, and nothing else. 3 times have I been to a restaurant, asked for a split bill, and been told by the guy that "it's only fair he pays, as I can pay him back later tonight". The tinder culture some guys have is so horrendously disgusting that I dont even know how to properly out it into words.
>Many men, especially so-called PUA's/"dating coaches", have told me and others that women who put this in their bio are the easiest to get with and the pushier you are with sex, the more sex you'll have, so you should be more pushy
What the fuck. I mean, that explains why I got so many matches but... that's extremely stupid.
I guess i should have researched more how to best make a profile to weed out those types of guys.
>false positives
Aka. I assumed they were after sex, but was actually after a serious relationship.
I'm not sure if I actually did, but I just stumbled on one message from a guy I ghosted, where I felt like I might have been too quick to assume it about him. The idea I might be doing it to legitimate guys hurt a bit too much for me to keep doing it, but I also didnt want to deal with the usual guys... so I just quit altogether.
This is all good advice. Women on Tinder have been doing this forever. Watch how carefully your female friends take and select photos. You have to be at that level or above. A bad photo of an attractive dude can be eclipsed by an excellent photo of an average dude in online dating. IRL, not so much.
Also all the crying about weak chins and receding hairlines in this thread-- unless the front of your mandible is touching your neck, you're fine. Look at Jeremy Meeks. Weak chin and balding, yet creaming panties everywhere. Though hopefully you have other redeeming features like a wide jaw or a nice eye area.
You can't make a profile to weed them out, all you can do is match them if they don't give off red flags and if they act dirty too soon then out they go.
I'm curious though: when do you think it's appropriate to start talking/getting sexual? Would you be open to being sexual early on if you were really attracted to someone or do you still think you should wait? I ask because as a guy I don't like to push for sex early, i want to get to know somebody and feel comfortable and ready to engage in that level of intimacy. I actually sort of hate how sex is so cheap nowadays but that's a topic for another thread.
>I'm not sure if I actually did, but I just stumbled on one message from a guy I ghosted, where I felt like I might have been too quick to assume it about him. The idea I might be doing it to legitimate guys hurt a bit too much for me to keep doing it, but I also didnt want to deal with the usual guys... so I just quit altogether.
I see, it's good that you're being reflective and rational. It's sort of rare, not just for women but people in general. You've made it clear in your profile you don't want sex too early and so it's up to them to read and understand.
After a spell with Tinder and bailing on it, that was it for me. I really don't like using the app. Plus I'm mentally pretty fucked. I think I'm too scared to step out of my comfort zone and prefer wallowing in my loneliness. Only last Sunday when I went clubbing with a friend, I bailed on an encounter with some Scottish girl when the conversation was getting quite friendly cause of how uncomfortable I am with intimacy when I'm not absurdly drunk, which is what I'm actively avoiding right now.
getting girls on tinder is easy I dont understand how you guys cant get a date
>getting girls is easy bro
maybe if you're a normie