Why do they do this?
God is real
Proof God is a WHITE male and on our side.✔️
All Hail Poseidon
liked and subscribed
for every like this post gets, one more migrant will sink to the bottom of the Mediterranean sea and eaten by sharks. Also if you don't, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Sharks don't give a flying fuck about feelings and fleeing subhumans
They probably drowned before the sharks got them desu.
I’m disappointed they just drowned and weren’t eaten alive
Could have been worse, the Clintons could have gotten their hands on them.😹
I hope those sharks don't catch aids.
fuck these people
Best news I've read all day!
They probably tried to copy the shitskins coming to Europe with their sink-our-own-boat-to-get-free-taxi trick😂
>15 killed
Could have been a bigger boat, but I'll take it.
oh no
You guys will never believe this, but all of my guns and bump stocks were on that boat!!!
poor sharks have aids now
based boat god
Poor sharks got hiv now
I hope not.
I pressed like OP. Good news.
I would have given you a like if you didn't include the last part, faggot.
as were mine, too bad I dont have guns anymore D::
Dude what shitty luck, my cryptocurrency and collection of books banned by the west were on that boat too!
I feel sorry for teh sharks :(
These kikes are responsible for encouraging them to come
Glad the Negros died
These numbers don't lie.
I LOVE YLYL threads!
Quints of based nazi door
>Why do [illegal immigrant rapefugees] do this?
Because they're stupid.
>Why do [journos] do this?
Because they want the government to open all borders and ship the nonwhites in on the public dime.
Those are rookie numbers. We need to pump those up.
I have been saying it for years now. Trained dolphin rape gangs. Death by fiki fiki clicky squeaky.
that’s not cool
The only saving grace is that niggers can't swim.
Moats will be popular again in the future.
What do you expect from a leaf?
I'm sorry if I have offended you.
womp womp
You have been visited by the Atlantic Shark of Border Protection. He will keep your country of welfare queens and rapists, but only if you comment
>Thanks Based Sharker
Great White on black violence?
fuck, I miss my lads
Racist sharks