Four years wife just won't take care of herself

I don't know what happened, but she just stopped altogether taking care of herself. She used to apply lotions almost daily, shower daily and stuff like that. Now she won't shave, her armpits started to look like a forest and even her nipples are full of hairs, her skin has become awful and all she does is eating and laughing at Facebook memes. She got fat to the point even her face isn't the same anymore, sex is awful, and when I tried confronting her she said that if I love her, then I have to accept her like that. She doesn't even look remotely like the person I married, and when I told her she threw a fit and said that then I fell in love with somebody that never existed to begin with. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

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Congratulations, you fell for the wrong woman

Tell her to take fucking care of herself. Stop walking on fucking eggshells dude.

Don't let her drag you down. Try to do the extreme opposite of what she's doing and make sure you look tip top troughout the entire day, every day.

Also don't have sex with someone you don't want sex with. But stay loyal. Don't go fucking other women (yet). It will be tough, but she will suffer, as she needs to.

>known her for almost 10 years, never been like that
>you fell for the wrong woman
I told her more than once, every time I do that it just gets worse
Already doing all that, I'm afraid now she might just leave me because I'm not "romantic" anymore. Despite everything I still love her

sounds like depression, i suggest she goes to a therapist or a doctor at least. maybe say "im worried about your health due to your weight"

>falling for the marriage meme
Congratulations, you ruined your life. You gave this roastie the freedom to get fat and lazy and your expense.
Enjoy having all your stuff taken away from you when she inevitably divorces you.

Did that too, but she's not yet at a life threatening weight. She used to be very petite, small frame, cute, child like face and everything, and the smallest amount of fat changed her like this, I think she's around 120lbs (used to be 100), but won't weight herself anymore because she finds the scale oppressing
Even her hair started to get all damaged. She always used to have them ass-lenght, but now they barely reach her shoulders (she never cut them)

wait lmao that's not even fat. Just tell her to shave her fucking legs lol

Dude you need to see her to understand

OP often times married couples start to mirror each others depressive mind set and Express it in different ways.
Now you seem to have changed too and that took away a spark in her while she took away the spark in you. You might have gotten to a phase where you are doing things over and over and over again that bores her and at the same time she got in to a phase where you are something over and over and over again that affects you too.
You both need a vacation and do somethings will get you interested in new things again. Then you will see things perk up again.

Send a pic then, OP. Just blur out the face.

>120 pounds
Is she 4'10?

Your marriage is over.

she is stupid too, she just finds it depressing.

She browses this board, so let's not

Then this thread is proven bait.

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She’s probably depressed if she’s stopped caring for herself. I’m that height and weigh 95 so she’s obviously not herself. Atypical depression is the type where people gain weight, I think.

>What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Leave her.

She won't understand it until you tell her you don't want to be with her anymore. She probrably wont understand it afterwards either.

Jst leave her, get yourself a new gf, and for the love of god, don't marry!

>Enjoy having all your stuff taken away from you when she inevitably divorces you.
Say, is that really how it works on your country? On mine the worst that can happen is she takes 30% of your salary and maybe the house you live at if you purchased it after marrying.

>He knows that she will eventually want a divorce
Yes, most marriages fail like that, people don't get along and you made the wrong choice, I would at least have children If I were you

>I would at least have children If I were you
That is asking for financial ruin. It is the only way the bitch can actually take you to the cleaners here.

Also, I did not choose this, my shitty country has retarded feminist laws that declare you legally married once you are dating the bitch for 6 months. Not joking.

I'm in a similar place. The wife just doesn't care for herself, never seemed like she cared. She is super dependent on me. She has no hobbies, or interests as far as I can tell. Our sexual drives don't match up at all. To the point where I don't even try to climb all over her anymore like I used to because she'd rarely be in the mood.
And when I go off and do things on my own she makes me feel bad about it. I go to work. I spend 6 or 7 hours at the gym per week. And hang out with my best friend once or twice a week when she's in bed.
We've talked about it I've told her every issue at this point and she's realized how it's ruined us. I'm at a point where I want to get out of this marriage. I talk to other girls and see how they actually have a bubbliness to them that's contagious. To the point where we've gotten emotionally involved on one occasion.
Is this a sign that it's over? Can she start making changes and will it even matter to me if she makes those changes? I still feel like I love her, but it's not IN LOVE

>Is this a sign that it's over?

>Can she start making changes and will it even matter to me if she makes those changes?
She could, but won't. Women are shit like that man, they believe it is YOUR job to fix everything and do everything. They lack willpower to change anything in their lives and instead of trying to improve they blame others for their problems. It is like those fatgirls that dont want to be fat but also dont want to diet or exercise.

>I still feel like I love her, but it's not IN LOVE
You care about her, but you do not love her. Why would you when she clearly is not willing to put on the same effort you are in to saving your marriage?

My advice to you is to leave her, she is using you as a crutch to not have to fix her shitty life, this is unhealthy both to her and to you.

Where the hell do you live?

Sorry bud. You shouldn't love what can't love itself or your love will be drained by an abyss.

>Where the hell do you live?

The original law imposed marriage upon you after 1 year living with the bitch, now it was decreased to 6 months, and you dont actually need to share the same house with her as long as she gets a few witnesses to confirm you had a long term relationship with her.

This is the kind of shit that made me lose all respect for women and feminists as a whole, they are like vultures circling dying animals.

>The original law imposed marriage upon you after 1 year living with the bitch, now it was decreased to 6 months, and you dont actually need to share the same house with her as long as she gets a few witnesses to confirm you had a long term relationship with her.

Please tell me you're joking. This is happening on planet earth? Yikes.

>Please tell me you're joking.

>This is happening on planet earth?
Yep, and it is only a matter of time before feminists try imposing this on your country as well. Fight it while you can or accept your doom.

I start to believe less in democracy every day. In a dictatorship at least you can point fingers to one person, with democracy they just point back to "the majority of the people". Why did we allow this..

No fucking way thats true. Give me a source or Ill call you a liar

>I start to believe less in democracy every day.
I never considered my country as a democracy, to be honest. It is a fucking mess.

>No fucking way thats true.
I wish I was kidding man, I really do.

>Give me a source or Ill call you a liar
Are sources in portuguese enough for you? I don't think there are english articles talking about the stupid laws of my republiqueta de bananas.

lol Bolsonaro will change that law. Or maybe it benefits him because people will get married that way and people nowadays don't wanna marry.

Does she work though? What's happening in her life?
I'm in a similar situation but I'm the "wife". I got fat because of my shitty job and I just don't care anymore about my looks. Sex was never great desu but I don't feel like it now so I rarely want to shave/etc to have it. But my bf has been jobless for years now and it's becoming annoying as hell, I feel like I'm the only person here doing something and I should be able to do whatever the hell I want.
I hate being fat though I don't tell him "he should accept me" but I don't excercise and fail to diet. Maybe she's also getting tired of you or something you're doing? I don't know but you should talk to her about it. Which I haven't done but oh well.

>lol Bolsonaro will change that law.
The president does not have the authority to do so, that powers lies within the senate, which is full of leftists.

>Or maybe it benefits him because people will get married that way and people nowadays don't wanna marry.
That is downright retarded.

I thought he supported traditional families and shit like that?
Anyway I was googling about the 6 month thing and couldn't find anything. Do you have portuguese sources? I tried in spanish and english, nothing.

>I thought he supported traditional families and shit like that?
Forcing men to be legally married for the purposes of women divorcing them an d taking them to the cleaners is hardly what I would consider "a traditional family". Besides, as I stated before, he does not have the authority to change the law, that power rests within the senate.

>Anyway I was googling about the 6 month thing and couldn't find anything. Do you have portuguese sources?
I would like to you to try translating the article 1723 of the brazilian civil code.

The truth is that you don't even need to be with her for 6 months or live togheter. If the bitch can get enough witnessess to pledge for her claiming you had a "long term, stable relationship with the purpose of creating a family" that is enough for the court to declare a civil union, giving her all the rights a married woman has to take you to the cleaners.

"Art. 1.723. É reconhecida como entidade familiar a união estável entre o homem e a mulher, configurada na convivência pública, contínua e duradoura e estabelecida com o objetivo de constituição de senpaiília.

§ 1o A união estável não se constituirá se ocorrerem os impedimentos do art. 1.521; não se aplicando a incidência do inciso VI no caso de a pessoa casada se achar separada de fato ou judicialmente.

§ 2o As causas suspensivas do art. 1.523 não impedirão a caracterização da união estável."

The 6 months thing is just the average amount of time you need to be with her in order for you to not have any hopes whatsoever of the court ruling in your favor. It is not a hardlimit or anything, but if she gets like 4 witnesess to confirm you were togheter for that amount of time, our retarded mysandrist legal system will not think twice before ruining your life.

>dating a girl who browses Jow Forums

>I have to accept her
Wrong wrong wrong and dip now before you get fucked over
Your bitch probably has BPD or a manic depressive disorder or something
She is mad projecting blame on to you and I think it's time you let her realize her life is not just a stage play that others are mandated to show up to
She can very much end up alone for her shitty choices and she very much needs to know that.
>sex was never great
and you got married???
good, no, your decisionmaking is clearly the kind of clout from which people will want advice handed down.

Maybe men wouldn't get tired of you if you weren't fat and arrogant, lol

>and you got married???
Not married, just living together.


Still, dip. These relationships where you people can't communicate as equals are fundamentally unhealthy.

Classic “she let herself go” before marriage she felt she had to upkeep to keep men in her left keep the weight low shave. Now she’s got the ring she doesn’t need to do shit anymore