wtf happened to this place

Attached: disgust.gif (394x280, 690K)

>April fools
Fuck off no fun faggot.

Are you posting on mobile?

Threadly reminder that you can like posts on mobile by switching to landscape mode. Mobileposters must quick reply to access perks (It will be next to the options field).

Once you’ve earned your first like you can type showscore into the options field to reveal your score. You will need to be in landscape to see the total likes next to your ID.

You can donate to my likes by clicking the like button above my post.

Happy dooting user and please doot responsibly.

Attached: 71B31972-FD4E-48D9-8D61-557F990EDB57.jpg (500x500, 25K)

Idk but i keep coming here thinking it will be as good as it used to be

Attached: 67E93F95-6A9E-4C3E-A0B2-8F6DAA3A33DD.jpg (499x416, 53K)

upvote pls🐰

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showscore goes in all fields



Umm this is the new and improved Jow Forums4chan, fuck off incel

you shall not pass