Any particular reason why I am starting to hate ugly people? I just can’t appreciate ugly people no matter how nice or smart they are. Even though I was very ugly once and should empathise with them however all I can think of is that they are rude and disrespectful by not valuing their appearance and doing everything they can to look presentable to the public. Ugly people just annoy me so much looking at them makes me part angry too.
Any particular reason why I am starting to hate ugly people...
hey fuck u! rudeboi
I'm fat and I'm the same about fat people.
Every time I see a fat person I feel disgusted. I feel like they are subhuman. Just like I feel about myself for being fat.
Unlike you I am neither fat nor self loathing. In fact I love my self
Are you female by any chance? This seems the standard behavior for females.
>I'm fat and I'm the same about fat people
I especially hate it when I have to see them in restaurants. I also don't go to restaurants; I will not eat in public while I look this way.
because you see people not making as much effort as you. Sad to say you dont know that but by your gut instinct it says you know because you used to do it.
For some people it's more complicated than simple fixes, or even a chronic illness that wont go away. So learn to tolerate those who are unfortunate.
You too? I feel like the whole world is judging me every time I eat something in public or buy food.
I go buy some diet coke beacuse I genuinely like it better and I can almost hear the cashier's internal laugh.
why does it gross you out so much? i’m a very skinny/borderline underweight girl and i feel like the minority when i walk into a restaurant
never once was i like “ew fat people”
this sounds corny but you need to accept yourself/others for who they are and if you’re personally grossed out by being fat then get Jow Forums
>this sounds corny but you need to accept yourself/others for who they are and if you’re personally grossed out by being fat then get Jow Forums
I've been fit before. Was knocked on my heels by permanent back injuries, got sad about it, then got addicted to being sad. I'm working my way out of it... again. Bit harder this time since I have three compressed nerve roots and 24/7 pain, but I'm doing it.
I'm disgusted by fatness because I've solved it before in my life, I know what creates it, and it's a personality trait I loathe in myself more than anything. That loathing is my gift to the world; I will never accept anyone else who permits this to be their life. Why should I?
>diet coke
water bottle next time
>You too? I feel like the whole world is judging me every time I eat something in public or buy food.
>I go buy some diet coke beacuse I genuinely like it better and I can almost hear the cashier's internal laugh.
The good news is that nowadays, it's so ubiquitous that they've usually got better things to laugh at. It is a good reason to consider how you treat others, though. I'm much nicer (verbally, and in gesture) to people as an ashamed fatty than I ever was when I was fit, strong, and ready to conquer the world.
Not even sure I regret being an asshole before; this is a miserable way to live.
mentally I am I the same boat as you, but I am a middle age white fat dude. And even thought I am not obese I am over wieght it never crosses my mind that people are judging what I am eating because they are enjoying their food and their lives.
Projecting because you uses to hate yourself when you were ugly so you think they must do or ar least hate getting reminded of that past bit in your life.
then you can understand how easy it is to fall back down. I hate being fat and I dont find fat people attractive, but I dont expect them to meet my standard.
Then I will hear them laughing even harder 'the fatso is drinking water instead of soda cause hes fat and thinks he will lose weight hahahaha'.
Does it really matter how you treat others when you hate yourself?
The gym is a 15min walk from where I live and I can't sign up because I know I will simply stop going because it's far because I'm a useless piece of shit like that.
Same thing for me. That's why I can't be friend with most Blacks because most Black people are ugly(no offence attended).
>Does it really matter how you treat others when you hate yourself?
The only truth for this question is my own, and if I'm rude to anyone who is bound in wage-slavery to serve me, it's just another reason to hate myself. I do everything I can to ensure they remember me positively. Especially since there's so much more of me to remember now.
Manduka yoga mat is $80. (The pro, that is; everything else is shit if you're starting heavy.) Research and practice costs only time and discomfort, but since my life is 24x7 physical pain of some sort, it's difficult to notice more unless I really fucked something up. Even then, it's a lesson. Still cheaper than the gym. (I promise; remembering how to arrange some room in your place is far easier than remembering half a million machine settings, and cleaning up everyone else's stink. Not to mention the added benefit of controlling the overhead music and having no spectators to reinforce your self-imposed anxiety.)
>Then I will hear them laughing even harder 'the fatso is drinking water instead of soda cause hes fat and thinks he will lose weight hahahaha'.
why would anyone say that? Choosing a healthier option isnt a bad thing, I think it's just your personal fear.
>Then I will hear them laughing even harder 'the fatso is drinking water instead of soda cause hes fat and thinks he will lose weight hahahaha'.
Less likely than you think. Sure, someone might make a quip, but if you are controlling for calories in your diet, drinking water is exactly how to do it. Anyone snarking about that will likely get silenced by someone older who knows a thing or two about this.
Your own internal voice can't accept this, though. I know because mine has the same demands. Just remember how much better it feels to be properly hydrated, and consider the state of your body after 100 bottles of water vs. 100 diet cokes. Or regular cokes.
Eventually, you can learn some logical constructs which serve as answers when you are compelled to insult yourself. Working towards some basic accomplishments like the first push-up, first sit-up, whatever, will go a long way towards reinforcing this capability in you.
Also, FWIW, we may be fat, but they're all ugly and we can diet.
Have you still not learned to avoid seeing people even when they are in front of you?
Lookism is real. I used to be a 8/10 but then I lost my hair and it affected me so much that, not only visually but psychologically and I can't bounce back or bring myself to shave everything off. I am a slave of my own mind and feel like the ugliest motherfucker around even tho I'm not. Im normal build but I can even gain muscle because I think it will look like I'm compensating for my insecurity. Only now I can relate to uggo and know I treat the uglys better then anyone else especially in public. I think if I never suffered baldness I would never understand how it feels to be ugly. The point is I'm grateful for the kick in ribbs.
it's called being shallow, judging a person on their worth by physical features alone.
I swear Nogs are ugly. I find wide noses, kinky hair, dark skin, high waist-to-hip ratios, prognathic jaws, long arms, and soulless, vacant eyes to be ugly features, and Nogs happen to have all of those traits in a very exaggerated way. I think Nogs themselves are unconsciously or consciously turned off by those features, which explains why Black men are always chasing non-Black women.
Why aren’t you ugly now?
>ugly once
>not ugly now
LOL, the only way out is cosmetic surgery, and if anything, that made me even more jaded and brazen towards the attractive.
>be ugly
>life is hard
>pay the price of a used Passat for someone to fix your face
>life is suddenly easier because everyone around you wants you to succeed
Unless you have cancer or something, there is no hardship in life that isn't mitigated in some way by being more attractive. I only wish I had done this when I was 18 and not in my late 20s.
In closing, fuck you, OP. You faggot ass bitch. I would get a barista job at your local place just to spit in your coffee. And you wouldn't suspect me because I'm attractive.
Honestly I feel no sympathy for ugly people, there’s a myriad of ways to improve your appearance and get instant positive feedback from strangers but it’s like they refuse to play by society’s rules and expect others not to be shallow assholes.
If ugly people only knew how much life is easier as an attractive person maybe they would actually take care of themselves for once.
I’m convinced the world is made for only the attractive and the rich. You can be smart but if you don’t possess the other 2, that’s useless too.
A lot of people are ugly for reasons that they can't help. I looked rather unfortunate even with the stupid "get a haircut, hit the gym, and shower :)" meme advice. Now I walk around dressed like a hobo, I no longer lift, and it doesn't matter. I still get attention.
You should feel bad for people with facial deformities, they don't all have thousands of dollars lying around to fix it.
You just seem like an edgy kid. Keep in mind that everyone is one unfortunate life event away from being ugly/poor.
Why should I look presentable for the public? Fuck the public, I’m showered and clothed and that should be enough, if you don’t like it don’t look
What if you are ugly? Just because you find certain people ugly doesn't mean everyone else does. I think you should step down from the imaginary throne and calm the fuck down.
Sounds like OP's kinda ugly on the inside which is worse, imo, than being ugly on the outside.
If you have the most perfect apple in the world but it's rotten and full of worms on the inside, would you still think it's perfect and take a bite?
I'd Kobe OP into the garbage can.
This is definitely something someone ugly would say.
Physical appearance is the a huge indicator of your quality as a men/friend and worker. To say that usually the prettiest aren't the smarter and stronger is a lie. Ugly people most of the time are uglier inside
Look, I don't like uggos either and try to avoid them but to have a strong enough reaction like hate ... it's clearly you seeing a part of yourself in them and hence hate not them but the reminder that you was ugly too once.
>Ugly people most of the time are uglier inside
While this seems true at least based on my experience, I wonder how much of it comes from the world treating them like shit.
>all this self pity and fatty cope
Read the garbage you’re posting and realize how pathetic all of you sound. You’re not satisfied with how you look? Make some goddamn effort to change it then.
I agree tho, they are like this because they're life is harder. But they are still very very ugly inside
There is nothing wrong with being fat.
Being fat and not taking care of your hygiene is like gringe x square.
I'm just not fat by any means by the way, but not a model either.
There actually risk. Many cancers + diabetes
Attractive and ugly people are both shitty for different reasons. The average will inherit the Earth
>The average
I hope so, as a average.
I have an ugly and a top-tier attractive friend. I am average.
To summarize:
Ugly friend is bitter and full of hate. Blames factors beyond his control for everything, since he has been treated badly by the world and reflects that outward.
Handsome friend is callous and uncaring. Believes he is more competent, intelligent, and athletic than he really is. Breaks hearts constantly and can't understand why the girls hate him so much afterwards. He has been artificially held up by the world, and as such, lacks a real attachment to anything or anyone.
My stupid anecdotal 2 cents.
You see yourself and fear you are still that.
You demean them internally to place yourself above them.
It's the same shit when fat girls diss fat girls. "Ugh, she's so heavy she can barely carry herself up the hill to work." bih you drive up that sameass hill erryday and other bih you get your ass ridden to your job in a car too. y'all fucken dip, baka
Funny thing, I was much nicer and happier person when I was oblivious to how ugly I am. Once I started realizing that, it made me very bitter.