I got a ban after saying this on reddit

I recently made a reddit account for the first time. I've been on Jow Forums for 6+years. Even the prepper community, supposedly some of the most hardcore anti-bootlickers. At least they should be logically, are cucked into oblivion.

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Part 2

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upvote pls I need more karma

Your post was retarded.

You were banned for retardation

Apparently, you are too retarded even for schizo preppers, lol

Your first mistake was creating an account on Reddit

I agree with your content tho

Your autism is off the charts

I use reddit for pc sales I’m I gay?

That's your problem

its owed to the fact that these platforms run on internet points
remove the voting
remove the names
than people will actually have to provide counter arguments instead of ad hominem backed by false reputation

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This is reddit 2.0 now.
Ignore the like system. Unbiased, logical discussion can not happen with a voting system. This us why democracy has failed. The vast majority of people are NPC tier zombies who are influenced by whatever is accepted as the norm, which because of kikes, is now niggers, trap music, and debt. Most people swallow propaganda like a birth control pill. One every morning so they never get smart.

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No you

I'm just surprised that nobody called you an incel

>why am i banned from normie central
why do you think


Mate acting like a blackpilled retard wins no friends. You come off as bitter and cynical, not confident and resolute

Tendies were dropped.
>You said nothing wrong btw, all facts.

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In my everyday speech I talk like this, for 99% of people I encounter, they are too stupid, scared, or complacent to provide any logical feedback that I dont shoot down immediately. Sometimes I meet people that can keep up with me. I always have wholesome, valuable conversations with them, because they are logical.

>I use reddit

Christ you're autistic😂

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Reminder reddit is coming for you nazi's,

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you're alright, skelekike

Provide evidence.

Not the best approach bud👌

Gr8 post m8✔️

You got verbally beat up on reddit and you come crawling back. Eat shit loser, anyone hugboxing this gayfer should be gassed

How much of a desperate fag do you have to be to post this. Honestly kill yourself. If you don’t have the ability to weed out the tramps and thots and find women that at the very minimum are likable and affable, then just remove your disgusting useless genes from the gene pool. You’re much better at the bottom of a lake then making stupid cringey fucking posts on reddit you fucking pleb.

Gentle words are for men who don't know how the world functions.

>prepper community
>hardcore anti bootlickers

Gosh its so tasty to answer a statement with "get a partner lol". I understand why it bothers you. Just remember: when the right day comes, even Colt wont make them equal.

I'm not seeking empathy, I know I am right and logical.

It is a political discussion focusing on the fact that any sensical discussion is brought from reals to feels when a voting system is involved.

The reason I was banned from this subreddit is the same reason western civilization went to shit after womens suffrage.

Also you wrote "peppers" not preppers... gotta watch for that auto correct...prob though you were implying mix race

>insult rather than argument
Silence woman

Reddit blows bags of dicks.
The only reason to go there is for Jow Forumsgundeals because a bunch of autist find all the sales on guns and ammo for you so you don't have to.
Even that is cringy as fuck if you read the comments.

Nobody else saw the pepper thing huh...?

Go back to Stormfag

I have never met a woman smarter than me. I have never met a woman who values the truth over how they feel.

Went once, they are very easily influenced by propaganda. Thus, they have biased opinions.

Have you considered that conflating unfeelingness with truth actually just opens you up to a new type of blindness to your own irrationality and fallibility as a human

>my words hurt!
I value reals over feels cuck
Obviously you don't

Preppers are people planning to save their family and possibly keep humanity going after a catastrophe, OF COURSE they're going to value women. What the fuck kind of prepper are you? Got three spare WRIs available in your bugout bag? (wombs ready to impregnate) Right, you don't, because they don't exist.

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Show me where I was wrong.

I have went from ignorant, to humble, to false wisdom, to acknowledgement of false wisdom, to wisdom, to ignorance and back again several times. This process multiplies your knowledge, folding and stacking on itself.

You're almost right. Women naturally are meant to be subjected and act on the whim of men.

I feel like the people on Reddit don’t even really believe the shit they post on there. They just do it to get some kind of weird validation from strangers. That upvote button is a fucking drug to them. It really is just a circle jerk of virtue signaling faggots. The only thing Reddit is good for is sluts who show their pussies off on r/simps.

maybe but in the meantime we have to sleep next to them without getting our dicks cut off

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>I got a ban after saying this on reddit

I know. I know... I just got banned for being sympathetic towards a woman who was cheated on by her husband...

All I did was point out it was normal and natural at her age and not her fault.


These people are loons.

>traded feels for reals

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I have a girlfriend and I've had several before. I've told each one my feeling on this subject and they have all adored me. The reason I'm not with the previous ones anymore was that each one had a devastating logical or moral failure, or several.