The State of Black America

Nipsey Hussle, 33, was due to meet cops TODAY to discuss gang violence, moments before he was shot dead.

The United States has a problem with murderous black makes that needs to be a) acknowledged and b) addressed. If it were red headed, green eyed males of the same age group, it would be considered a national epidemic and solved.

Black Males aged 15 thru 35 make up 3% of the US population. They are also responsible for 53.6% of ALL US MURDERS...and 98% of ALL blacks murdered.

Black males are the biggest criminal problem we have in America.

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this is our generations JFK assassination.

were pre-colonial africans more peaceful than they are now?

>this is our generations JFK assassination.
All jokes aside, the blacks i know are all going crazy about this and calling it a conspiracy or government assassination due to the HIV documentary he was supposed to release

>this is our generations JFK assassination.

>were pre-colonial africans more peaceful than they are now?
probably not, but they weren't in the middle of a predominantly white society trying to figure out how to live life and enjoy being in a safe place.

>the blacks i know
yea, niggers will jump to every stupid conclusion they can muster up with their subpar IQ of 60ish.

It was most likely either gangs that dont want peace or people that didnt want him working with police, snitching on the ways they do things.

Say what You will, but this guy is the black community's Seth Rich.

Fuck him I'm glad he's dead.

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DEAD AT 33. AT 3PM in the 3RD MONTH.



Wow, he really showed that boomer whos boss, well up until the part where he's dead now.
Niggers never learn.

He was working on a documentary that went against big pharma companies about some dude named Dr Sebi.
He was shot once to the back of the head if you look at pics . He wasn't just shot by random niggers, this was an execution

god i hate niggers

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shut the fuck up wh*teboi and pay me reparations pussy nigga

blacks won't have any peace until they reunite with long lost family in Africa. they need the support and care of their own kind . no one can hold them back !

Stupid dead nigger

We WUZ cyentists n shiet.

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Haha, bitching like a little bitch. Buhu.

pussy wh*teboi I know you wouldn’t have said shit

>red headed, green eyed males of the same age group, it would be considered a national epidemic and solved.

I doubt it

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Look where it got that loud mouth nigger saying so much shit, he's maggot food now, dumb dead nigger maggot food.

Same (((narrative))) as Seth Rich

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i'm not going that far. Just saying that he was making a documentary and the pictures show a single shot to the head , but news is reporting 6 shots to the body

i'm not with this guy

You mean "it"?

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Livingstone wrote about how Sub Saharan Africans were very violent and practiced cannibalism when he first started exploring the African continent, so I'm assuming Africans were always this way. Also considering they have higher amounts of the MAOA gene or "warrior" gene in them.

I would have told that sickle cell motherfucker to either turn down the jungle chant or eat my fist. you motherfuckers know who to pick on without getting your face crushed in sideways

Niggers don't understand that people don't want to hear their garbage nigger music.

Food for thought

>this LARP

good chuckle. how does it feel knowing the woman you love the most prefers a (real) BLACK man

There is only one god in America, the profit margin. Criminal thug culture is pushed on the black community for 30 years and boy does it show. There are a ton of smart blacks who reject it, but who can hear them, when drug dealers and murderers are promoted by billionaire record company executives? The glamorization of criminal culture has ruined countless lives.

>this is equivalent to murder

>can you turn your music down please?
>sure no problem
>this white mufucka lucky I ain't kill him cuz I'm gangsta

Niggers love to complain about racism but I didn't grow up racist. I grew up believing that racism was evil. Then I started encountering more and more black people as I moved out of my suburban bubble. They were always the ones causing trouble. Stealing, fighting, vandalizing, ruining society for everyone else. If I objected they called ME racist, and I was more anti-racist than any of them. I have called out white misbehavior just as readily - it's just that it's much rarer to see. Eventually I've had them assault me, steal from me. They made me racist. And this guy's tweet is exactly what I'm taking about. Who the fuck wants this shit in their society? I was raised to love everyone but it was the blacks who taught me hate. Great work, black people! You really showed me the folly of stereotypes. Everyone else is the problem, not you, right?

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Niggers are disgusting

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anyone that calls themselves "nipsey hussle" deserves a bullet in the head

You guys should move all blacks to Detroit and close it with military.

Is that Butterball?
Checked, Based, Redpilled

I find it funny that everyone in the black community is mourning his death, but will continue to go out and shoot each other. Blacks are the least self-aware idiots I've ever seen.

one less nigger XD

Lol dude...

Why do people larp as niggers on here?


The best thing is his parent probably called him that.

It's just hilarious how society doesn't even care because niggers do it so often. It's expected. Imagine if some main stream rock singer got murdered and how much different the reaction would be.

How is this not a Bong word?

I heard (((they))) killed him, I also heard (((they))) killed some guy named Dr. Sebi.

what i'm trying to say is, it was the jews and niggers should rally against them.

White memeing... it must be stopped.

I like it when niggers die. Every like on this post is another dead nigger.😂

Dog bites man is nothing out of the ordinary... niggers killing niggers...
Man bites dog however should be a cause for concern...
The rare occasion that a white person kills a nigger.

Where's the video of him dying? Saw one on YouTube where paramedic flipped his red undies to check his butthole, but wasn't impressed.

You need to add a hyphen. Lady Gemmima Nippsey-Hussle

You can’t fix niggers killing other niggers, it just isn’t happening.

Top jej

Legalize murder in selected zones and the issue is done within two years. Not that purge shit, real on video murder. People would flee the zones and only the most based would stay

There simply weren't as many until the white man came and told them to to rub feces in the belly button of newborns, etc. South Africa was sparsely populated until the Bantus came down and started to get Gibs.

Newspaper guy got the last laugh

Imagine if you just believed your racist friends from the start. You might have avoided some of the bad interactions. Oops, I mean diversity is our strength, how dare you? Now teach your daughter not to be afraid to get into a random nigger's car with the child door locks turned on.

>33 years old
>take 3 and 3 and you get 6
>3 pm, 3rd month of the year
>also 3+3=6
>6 shots

holy shit user you're onto something.

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Death to israel and zionism.

>black. He looks like the Somali in capatin philips movie.

Look at me, I'm black now.😃

>Black Males aged 15 thru 35 make up 3% of the US population. They are also responsible for 53.6% of ALL US MURDERS...and 98% of ALL blacks murdered.

lol. The stats we must not speak.
This is why black ladies should concentrate on wytbois.

Thought that was xxxxfagtension

oy vey goyim retract your statement or I'll report you.

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like this post and mumy will give you a kiss

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Wish there was a better way desu but I believe a lot of Brenton's are the only resolve for the nigger epidemic

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waitwaitwaitwait.... The nigger in this picture is only thirty-fucking-three!?

Never heard of this nigger until yesterday. Most niggers are famous until they become infamous, like Jussie (nigger kike faggot) Smollett.

niggers are funny! they make money via gang/violence ways then once they create a business using those money made via illicit means, suddenly speak up against gangs/violence. Get shot for being hypocrites

There's no other way. The temple must be purged

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Niggers really are stupid.

All jews must be gassed


Imagine a US without niggers and spics.

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Niggers are soulless, unthoughtful ingrates incapable of forethought or hindsight. they're doomed to be eradicated preferably by superior whites, but more likely by their own hand. Literal rats

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the black murder rate isn't high enough

This. Most airlines don't put up with nigger shit.

Blacks hate white people the way liberals think whites hate blacks. But it takes interacting with them to realize it.

Put simply Lincoln was right, this was never going to work, they’re not like us, they hate us, they don’t want to be white people (being good little WASP-y consumer drones in calm neighborhoods with big houses driving to good jobs and going to PTA meetings), and there’s no point in continuing this charade. Malcolm X was right and was killed for it.

That stat is racist. Please stick to gender wage gap stats.

Ironically the tough guy nigger lasted less time on this earth than the old white guy lmao

Eat dirt you braindead pavement ape

What a paradise that would be.

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cultural appropriation

Then it would be like 50 years ago and (((they))) would be pressing to fill it with niggers and spice. Fucking FDR having us fight the wrong enemy.

He was actually a pretty cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything.

He went to inner city communities and tried to deconstruct the gangster lifestyle promoted in rap songs that he believes hurts the black community by perpetuating gangsterism. He also had a STEM center for inner city kids and promoted people like Elon Musk amongst other businessmen and scientists as oppose to Lil Wayne.

He hated the gang lifestyle and renounced it. Cool nig that has my respect. RIP

Are you kidding me?
Half the whites in the USA are doing mental gymnastics right now to figure out how to blame this on white privilege.

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>a dead nigger
who cares

12% < 50%?

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Nothing of value was lost

How can someone who behaves like a thug, deconstruct thug culture? And I say this as a black person

hell im a smart nigger who reject that shit and i still ended up selling dope for a decade
if youre in one of these inner cities first you have to secure enough resources to get away from the city (without dying or jail)and then you have to learn all the skills your deadbeat parents never taught you (prolly before youre even able to get a job in the real world) and work for years to afford things like higher education because your back problems are real because youre working labor because you have no education and any middle level desk job seems like getting crown king of your own country

he was /ourguy/

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