What kind of guys should I go for if I look like this?

How do I get a boyfriend if I’m ugly and look like this, even fat guys don’t want me :(

Attached: 300BC5E4-4746-46AA-86CE-33BEF620BD64.jpg (1932x2574, 1.24M)

You again? Stop attention whoring on Jow Forums.

On grindr.

honestly, none with that fake smile. you're not even ugly but it's written on your face that you're hiding something. I recommend a therapist.

Attached: b.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Does your name start with J?

Hoe listen. You made this damn thread before. Stop attention whoring. It's probably your personality because it seems shitty and clingy.

Probably also her penis.

Shit grin smile. Stop that.
Be my gf.

Sorry I can’t fake happiness like y’all npcs
I only want an irl bf

Be honest. Do you have a penis? Is your name Julian? If you are who i think you are, i guess i feel a bit of pity for you.

Stop being an attention whore, if you want that go on /b/ and post your tits. Also, you are a ugly whore, i recommend suicide, plastic surgery, or anorexia.

Also, most men would fuck a log if it had a pulse and a pussy, so you must have a really fucked up nasty personality to not get any action at all as a woman. Don't be so fucking clingy, overly emotional, jealous, controlling, and bossy, and you'll find a decent man no problem.

>Sorry I can’t fake happiness like y’all npcs
only those who haven't felt it for themselves can be fooled. no one can fake it convincingly.

You're not ugly, although you did look better on the previous pic. Looks ain't your issue, sis.

>it had a pulse and a pussy
Yeah, about that...

1. You are not as "ugly" as you might think you are. Not the best looks but something one can work with. If it all boils down, personality is the key to the relationship you desperately seek for.

2. Stop flooding our wholesome board with those shitposts. Be honest to yourself. The thing you want is attention not /advice/.

3. Stop smirking, it's not real.

what, you're a zombie tranny? then forget everything i just said, and just kill yourself.

Hot damn that is one impressive jawline.
If you were mentally stable and lifted you would have been an amazing looking man.

You're not ugly, maybe just a bit below average, but can't be sure because of the smile.

If you are in the EU you can hit me up.

You're not ugly. You just need a makeover. Hair, makeup and fashion choices need a lift.

Change outfit to something more "feminine" a bit of make up and try some different hairstyles you could be an 8/10, potential is definitely there.

Just start having sex with guys until one makes you their boyfriend. And give good head

Black men

nah she needs a padded cell and a straitjacket

Nobody wants to be around a downer, you should look into more positive outlets and lifestyles. If you literally think nobody wants you, you’re going to give that impression off to everyone new you meet.

How to report and hide spam:

1. Click the Triangle in the first line of the OP
2. Select spam option and submit

On the Jow Forums mainpage, press the minus beside the post to hide it.

done it already, I don't know where the stupid mods at.



The second a black man finds out she is really a dude they'll kill her to restore their honor, I'm not even joking

You'll look better if a dog mauled your face a bit.

Go for this one

Also kys tranny.

Attached: 2e6.jpg (2048x1536, 310K)

I don't think you're ugly, but we really don't know anything about your personality or interests; try elaborating on that so there's a better perspective.

Tranny's don't have personality. They make their gender their personality.

Can posting this image be an autoban already? I doubt this tranny even browses

I would be honoured to date sminem
Fuck off no one ever asks about my interests and I’m not autistic enough to just start talking about them
Here’s your timestamp, now fuck off

Attached: B2AF07BD-6AB1-456C-8A67-1704DCE9720E.jpg (1931x2576, 773K)

No one asks about your personality because people know trannies don't have them.
There is a reason the mental insane are separated from society.

>Sorry I can’t fake happiness like y’all npcs
Smiling is not happiness, peanut. Anyone can learn to squint their eyes while smiling, just as anyone can pull an obvious fake smile. I posted pic related in another of your cancer threads. Tell us if you want some more actual advice, so we can collectively put an end to this. Saging until we get a timestamp.

And if not, take photos where you aren't smiling ffs

Attached: creepy fake smile.jpg (650x485, 100K)

1. I have a personality
2. Even if I didn’t it would still be better than you’re rotting rancid cunt of a personality you toxic fucking waste, better neck yourself in public so someone shows up to your funeral, aside from those wanting to piss on your grave of course
Okay fine I’ll squint my eyes, also I just timestamped and do actually want advice to get a boyfriend, I’ll stop coming here when I get a boyfriend

Looks better than the pic in OP.

>Fuck off no one ever asks about my interests
Probably because they are busy listening to you bitching about your looks or lack of boyfriend.

>I’m not autistic enough to just start talking about them
There is nothing autistic about it. Assuming you actually have interests and do more than passively consuming media.

You don't want advice only attention, have your (you) I guess.

If you wanted real advice it would be that fishing for attention is extremely unattractive, and it like all forms of narcissism is a major turn off that instantly makes you a 0/10 to most people.

>I’ll stop coming here when I get a boyfriend
'Boyfriend' is a category. What kind of boyfriend are you after? Which virtues and vices are important? How do you value these? What sort of relationship dynamics are you most open to? What age gaps are you considering? Is it important to you that a partner is as/less/more experienced as you?
These are just on top of my head, and there's plenty more to consider.

>I have a personality
No you don't. Having a personality means you understand and accept yourself and know what you are. Trannies are mentally unstable people who have no idea who they are.

>fishing for attention is extremely unattractive
Dunno, I like it. The defeatism is a total killer though. At least even most narcissist have a positive vibe.

wtf this is real? are you serious? no it's not, this is just another fucking LARP, but whatever i'll fucking bite i need to blow off some steam i really don't give a shit anymore even though i know exactly where this pointless conversation is going

if by an infinitesimal happenstance this is actually real, literally just go on tinder or ANY dating app and you will get swarms of matches messages and interest from armies of men, many even relatively attractive looking. I remember talking to a girl in real life like you, she flat out rejected every single fucking person that ever approached her and just acted extremely distant and uninterested, really really bitchy whenever anyone approached her at a bar even told people she wasn't interested and friendzoned them then kept attention seeking and going "ohh why doesn't any guy like me"

anyways have even been outside to a bar or nightclub ever? literally just fucking stand there and men will approach you every minute and even pay you money just to talk to them in the form of buying you a drink, even multiple drinks, i know women much uglier than you that don't even bring any money or predrink alcohol they just go to a club or bar and stand there and a bunch of men buy them a shit ton of drinks they get wasted and they tell them to fuck off straight up in their faces and call the bouncer to kick them out telling them they tried to rape her if they don't like it

the thing is with you girls is you don't consider anyone who isn't at least an 8/10, at LEAST a 7/10 with a perfect life a guy or even a man, they're just people to you, actually they're probably not even people in your subconscious, it's just like they don't even exist, in this case anyone who doesn't meet your unrealistic criteria you do not consider even having interacted with that person, so yeah if that's how you define men, then of course nobody likes you because the people who fulfill your insane criteria have better options

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>with you girls is you don't consider anyone who isn't at least an 8/10, at LEAST a 7/10 with a perfect life a guy or even a man
That's not a "girls" thing but how anyone who values themselves looks at the world.
Still a pretty good post beyond that.

A personality is a set of behaviours, it has nothing to do with “accepting yourself” you uneducated fucking mongrel, take off your helmet and let your constant head banging free you from your severely autistic life
I would literally date any guy who would approach me irl but none do, I don’t have any standards I just want a partner holy shit
I have never rejected anyone and haven’t even had the chance, I’ve only ever been asked out as a joke you dibshit
That is a shit view of the world if you discard everyone who isn’t attractive and don’t treat them like people, that way of thinking is why I’m at where I am now

You will never pass and all guys see that. Since you don't have a personality, you can't even be fun to be around.
You are literally a waste of space.

You seem really confrontational. Maybe that’s why you are unapproachable? Hard to say. Based on looks at least and if I knew nothing about your personality, I would ask out, even if you did have a feminine penis

>don’t treat them like people
That's obviously going too far, they just aren't people worth too much time. And "attractive" in this context obviously goes beyond looks and even beyond dating.

>that way of thinking is why I’m at where I am now
And you think going to the other extreme is going to help? By being needy enough to take anyone, you make yourself unattractive to most already and the only people left will either be more of a mess (aka. pull you even further down in the long run) or actively abusive and take advantage of your self-worth. Better to aim high and stay by yourself than diving down the sewers hoping to find more than shit there.

Ok reiterating my arguments against me, funny how me with no personality can think of something original but you can’t Usually not this mad but JoJo got another filler recap episode and I fucking hate it so goddamn much
I hope no one ever takes you because you refuse to show time to other human beings just cause of their appearance, you’re one of the shallowest I’ve met

alright everyone ready? i really can't take this shit anymore, i'm going to create a fake tinder profile with this dumb fucking attention seeking whore's pictures and let's see just how much she's "never been approached" or had "any guys" share "any interest" in her eh? hahaha my fucking god

keep the thread open

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Why don’t you think you have a personality? What are your interests? If you’re into Jojo’s that’s already enough to get your average weeb interested in getting to know you

You have good taste in anime at least.

Go ahead, it’ll prove my point
I think I have a personality, it’s that other person that is so convinced transgender people have none

>this absolute madlad

>I would literally date any guy
To what end? Not everyone interested in you may have good intentions.

>I don’t have any standards
Most likely a part of the problem, much more huge than you might expect. If you don't set up any targets, how are you suppose to hit any?

Your idea of having a boyfriend seems like a means to an end not related to the life you wish to lead, but rather an escape from an indescribable position of helplessness and chaos. How would your life improve if you had a boyfriend? At least answer me this, and try to elaborate beyond "I'm lonely" and "would be nice to spoon"

Shallow? It's called standards. Makes the whole thing more fun and efficient for both sides.

As long she's fine with it, it sounds like a great idea. What will be the bio?

He's obviously being a stupid fuck due linking it to you being trans, but so far you haven't even attempted give some fucking basics about what you do with your life.

You don’t understand it’s not a means to an end at all, it would be nice to have someone who loves me and that I can freely talk to and relax and have fun with and go to places with
You’re liyearly judging people purely based on appearance how the FUCK are you not shallow? YOU DUMBASS FUCKING IDIOT

if your forcing the squint with pic to the left, it's still fake.

A person's appearance says a lot about them. It took me aqhile to learn this but you can judge a book by it's cover, just not fully.
People see you and know you are a man trying to be a woman and it's instant red flags and no sane person will ever want to be with you.

Believe that if you will but also accept that your shallow

>it would be nice to have someone who loves me and that I can freely talk to and relax and have fun with and go to places with
Yeah, sure, it is, but not with just a n y o n e
I bet you chances of meeting someone like that, that you'll actually enjoy being with for years and years, and that will help you to build and improve in life, that shares the enough of the same interests, goals and values as you, increases drastically as soon as you pen down a few statements about what you'd like such a person to be like. As long as you don't have anything remotely specific in mind, your wandering without direction, map or compass. You're blind to most of the world, and the only thing that can help you see clearly is your litteral focus. I'm not even speaking metaphorically.

I'm back. This time on my phone posts will be slow. Sorry for the delay i actually did this and even used my phone to do this shit. Here we go you picky attention seeking bitch. Here we go lads. Put me in the screencap. Incels dot whatever it is now hi

Roasty / LARPer if you're still watching this give some more pictures so we can wrap his up quicker

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-22-20.png (720x1280, 785K)

>You’re liyearly judging people purely based on appearance
It's not like I'm judging their character (although at least based on experience ugly people tend to be pretty bitter, whinny and negative) and the judgement of "oh damn, this person is hot" is hardly more shallow than "oh, damn this person is smart".

Beyond that, appearance can tell us a lot of things about the character too. Even silly stuff like clothes does. As long you're not rushing to conclusions, it's a solid approach.

Ok, well if it’s not your personality exactly then it could just be the obvious that you’re trans. You actually look pretty decent from just the two photos, but the best you can do is try to put yourself out there. There’s plenty of dudes who would date a trans girl, but it’s certainly a lot harder to find one just by meeting people irl. Have you tried online dating af all?

Absolutely fucking based.

sure, but that's a camera issue. Most people aren't glad to see cameras, but they smile to them nonetheless, and while doing so quinting is better that not squinting.


The least you could have done was pick a name that doesn’t sound both fake and retarded



Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-27-48.png (720x1280, 192K)


This is the fucking message i just got right now while typing the post above. Let's see what it says haven't opened it yet. LADS this is in LESS THAN FIVE FUCKING MINUTES and we have nearly 20 people that like us and a message. Dumb bitch. Holy shit my phone is fucking blowing up while I'm typing THIS too lmao god damn this is rediculous

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-28-23.png (720x1280, 138K)

Cancerous fucking bio if this is what tinder is like I’m glad I don’t use it. Also there is a sex toy that is a literal flashlight with a vagina, I’m going to get matches if you list me as female and dtf, this proved literally nothing and you’re literally experiment shows you’re mentally fucking inept

Every is shallow. Appearances matter and the people who say they don't, don't understand socializing.

Also damn, the dudes san Juan look damn fine.

No one can love you when you don't love yourself, faggot.

Proves nothing because of the bio, again guys will fuck a literal flashlight
It’s not obvious I’m trans because no one even notices that, I just like an ugly man and it makes me sad as hell

>Abundance of horny men that will fuck anything with a hole.
And what was the point of this? This is already known.

It's very obvious you are trans and you are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

Appearances don’t matter to me soooooo
My mom tells me that but It’s just not true, I’ve seen plenty of girls who hate themselves with boyfriends

And if the user makes a profile where it's clear that you're trans and you're still getting fuckloads of matches, what will be your next excuse?

>with boyfriends
Who just want an easy fuck most of the times. Weren't you talking about muh love?

>Appearances don't matter to me
Yeah and look how well off you are

Here we go i have so many fucking screen shots I'm just going to dump them here. Oh and Roasty LARPer don't worry you dumb attention seeking slut, I'll change the bio to something more tailored to you. Look at you still in denial you literally have the worst case of cognitive dissonance I've ever seen. You think this is abundance? Imagine going to a nightclub and bar, honestly if the technology existed I'd walk into a club with a fucking hologram on my ass just to prove your stupid fucking attention seeking bullshit wrong infront of everyone

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-31-03.png (720x1280, 170K)

You guys say it's obvious right? So stop fucking giving a shit, it's OBVIOUS this person is trolling. I just got a super like while typing that by the way, hold on i have so many fucking matches and messages and shit fucking notifications I can't even keep up lads

I want you all, those of you still in denial, who think dumb sluts like these are telling the truth or LARPers arent LARPing to see the truth first hand

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-31-10.png (720x1280, 186K)

No it’s not, I look like an ugly cis male
Yeah, I don’t think this means shit either dude
I know a girl who hates how she looks and has had a boyfriend for 5 months so that’s a lie
At least I’m not a sociopath who only wants people to be living blow up dolls like you
I timestamped and I’ll do whatever you want to prove it’s me, not a larper

Dumping as fast as I can keep up with this shit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-31-37.png (720x1280, 178K)

>and has had a boyfriend for 5 months
So? How does it supports the idea that he loves her?

>Thinking appearances are the only thing that matters.
Did I ever say that once? I know you are mentally unstable but try understand basic communication.

Dumping. Don't worry Roasty I'm reading your attention seeing messages I hope you like the ego boost, I hope I can show just as many people how full of shit you are as you get orbiters too

If you're still watching I want you to timestamp yourself with a piece of paper that has "Rosti Fra-Arbys", the date the OP thread number and the board and then tell me whatever you want your bio to look like, I'll show you the new one I made as per your slutquest. You know what's funny is you talk shit about how desperate these men are yet here you are on Jow Forums on the Internet talkig about how you don't have any standards and you'd be with literally any man that approached you, that all you want is just a partner, that you can't understand why nobody likes you. Yet look at these men, how do you think they feel? Do you really think they are ALL disgusting horrible human beings straight out of your imagination, or are they just. Like. you?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-31-54.png (720x1280, 160K)

Dump a dump a dump. Wanna take a dump on this wannabe Roasty's corpse

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-32-25.png (720x1280, 307K)

>disgusting horrible human beings straight out of your imagination
Hell, even if they were, at least they actively try to accomplish their goal of getting laid.

These are so weak ass openers but god, Ricadro looks hot ... unless he's hiding his gut.

Here's the new bio Roasty, even has your own messages that you said to better showcase your true fake attention seeking personality you showcase on anonymous image boards for dumb strangers with penises to reply to. Oh no wait you don't want that LOL

Like I said, whatever you want to change I'll do it. Anything you want. What kind of things do you like? Are you looking for love and a relationship? Oh maybe you only want 6ft2+ fit bodybuilders perhaps? The world is yours roasty. And if I'm correct you don't even have a vagina. But thanks to his gynocentric female supremacist society they sure would be with you, and fucking you isn't even a contemplation

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-34-27.png (720x1280, 702K)

honestly you look fine, not like WOW but like middle of the pack
nice skin, eyes and hair

just all abit average

you have to tell yourself that your own brain is skewing these things its literally seeing things incorrectly

Did you mention the trans and anime bits though?

Dumping. Oh you guys wanna see Ricardo huh? Don't worry there's plenty of him, if you think he's hot just wait a few minutes til you see some of the shit I'm about to pull up. But don't worry roasty they are ALL TERRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS UNWORTHY OF YOU. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE MEN JUST TRYING TO FIND A PARTNER JUST LIKE YOU ARE DISGUSTING AND JUST WANT TO USE YOU AS A FLESH LIGHT RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-36-03.png (720x1280, 161K)

Dump gonna get through dumping and remove the last bits add the anime and the I actually have a fucking cock and am not even a girl part don't worry

Still waiting for your bio Roasty. Oh no wait I forgot it doesn't prove how hypocritical you are because you've already deluded yourself into believing every single fucking one of these people are out of your league and even SO BENEATH YOU THAT THEY'RE DISGUSTING. BUT NOT YOU. OH NO YOU'RE SPECIAL ROASTY. YOU'RE SOMETHING ELSE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-36-52.png (720x1280, 190K)

Dumppppiiiinngg OC quality shit jannies hop off my cock

Hey guys where's toasty roasty McLarpsalot? Seems awful quiet I don't see my selfie request with all this hard work and fuel to the fire I'm adding and all the attention you're getting might as well give us something

Either way I'm having fun with this shit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-18-38-35.png (720x1280, 146K)

Holy fucking kek these posts. Based user