If I spent the last 7 years on my computer and barely leaving my house should I just an hero?

If I spent the last 7 years on my computer and barely leaving my house should I just an hero?

There are no memories or stories to tell of those years it's just nothing, I wasted my only life. I wish I had woken up sooner and did something but it's too late

Attached: dasd.png (1448x980, 158K)

Not to late to start making memories now, who cares if you're seven years late

Haha, employers do for starters. Can't tell you how many times I've seen employers make a WTF face when their candidates tell them they haven't worked for many years. I try not to judge these people, I didn't live in their shoes but yeah, certain people will take that into account when evaluating individuals. A lot of people won't even want to talk to you because they'll think you're a loser.

Start by getting a job. You will at least have proper schedule to follow, improve social skills and leave house. Build from that.

So I take that to mean you're around 25ish? If you're around this age range you can still change your situation OP, start working at the very least if you don't have the means to go to school, start small.

Lie to employers, tell them you have experience in anything they ask, then try your best the first day of the job. You'd be shocked how many times I've seen people pull this to various degrees of success

How old are you?

21 and a half

For fuck sake I thought from your OP you'd be at least 28.

Grow up and get some perspective. At 21 you can still get a first job, go to college, get a first relationship, learn a new skill, without anyone judging you. These days kids don't really grow up til their mid 20s or sometimes even later.

There is literally NOTHING stopping you from achieving your dreams except YOU.


stop whining my dude, you're still a baby and you talk like it's all over. oh you played vidya 10 hours a day in high school like literally everyone on this site, big fucking deal. you can enroll to uni right now and no one will bat an eye.

IKR I saw the pic and I'm thinking this guy did what this other dude I knew did and spend a lot of years contemplating what to do and didn't do anything until he started moving. HAHA.

In less degrading words, you haven't really missed anything.
Your last 7 years consisted of mostly school. I'll guess no college, so you've been doing nothing for 2-3 years. You won't have any problem jumping into the workforce or back into the social circles, unless you're just a horribly anti-social wreck. But even then, you'll eventually find some employer that doesn't expect you to be capable of meaningful human interaction.
Once you get to 25 it starts to get tougher.

But time is going so fucking fast

I was 19, I blink and now I'm 21. Fucking 20 just disappeared. Half of the year just fucking disappeared too.

Never went to highschool(or any school)

What country do you live in?
Because normally you shouldn't even be able to exit school until a certain age

Dude if I went to school I wouldn't be complaining, I did NOTHING for 7 years

Just sat at my computer.

UK, I was "homeschooled"(really though I taught myself everything I know) all my life

>or any school

Or you could just learn from it and go enjoy new experiences etc.

so are you able to go to uni? idk how UK's education system works.

>Once you get to 25 it starts to get tougher

See, when you say that all I can think is "holy shit that's only 4 years away, what are they talking about"

I don't know if other people have more time than I do(an hour is longer in their world? idk) or they just get shit done quicker. Feels like I have no time at all.

yes life is short. face it and let it scare you into action.