Why is it cool and trendy to make fun of incels and MRAs now?
Why is it cool and trendy to make fun of incels and MRAs now?
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oh no..oh nononono
Nobody watches the simpsons. All its ratings come from boomers who fall asleep with the tv on
>they are making mill house a meme
meme magic confirmed.
Nope, sorry chunie, it's over for white men
Because men literally don't matter and we should accept that any one of us could be #metoo'd at any given moment and driven to madness and suicide by a false sex crime accusation. That's male privilege and if you fight against it you deserve ridicule
the feminist interpretation of incel is people who are psycopathically angry because women won't sleep with them at their command
>there are now more bad Simpson seasons than good ones
who watches this shit anymore?
I wish they'd stop!đ
The only people who do it are the ones who are involuntary celibates themselves. They think of inceldom as an ideology, Rather than a sexual status.
Women hate all incels, But they still need orbiters and betabuxxers. So they guilt-trip these men into believing that it's actually their fault by taking advantage of our current gynocentric culture.
They think that by mocking incels who engage in the incel subculture somehow either makes them not incels, or better than them.
Our data suggests it is effective in softening up otherwise tough resistance. Blame your own self esteem issues
Because they use sex to control us among many other things ,and if you're not under control you're a potential threat,
Is this the true power of majority women on the writing staff? Obvious and boring social commentary thatâs not even disguised in humour?
Great, Iâm glad for them and their huge salaries.
>have sex
>don't have sex
>zombie simpsons
OP is a faggot
Did you know a Jewish woman wrote the entire episode?
Because Jews donât want us to question the over-privileged status quo of thots, they ridicule any masculine self-preservational mechanism.
MRA and incels are pathetic and easy targets.
Incel is just the go to slur when a leftist is losing an argument.
You can't make jokes about faggots, tranys, mentally ill people, leftards, and so on, making fun of males is the safest option.
Punching down is ok when we do it sweaty
because we live in a jewish matriarchy
Because you have to recognise the power of pussy. If you deny the power of pussy you take away the only power a woman has. If you say you have given up on pussy you are taking their power away, if you give up the chase for pussy you take away a woman's power. You must chase pussy, if you don't you are a threat to the pussy power.
The wet hole is the only thing they have, actually it's worse than that, a lot of pussy just isn't that good and isn't worth chasing, the illusion of the wet hole is all they have, you must worship and lust after it otherwise you might just realise how utterly worthless females are.
Women have normalized he idea of arguing with holes.
>People still care about the Shitsons.
First off, Milhouse is not a meme.
Secondly it's subtle criticism of muslims. Because most muslim men don't have wives and are huge losers.
Formerly a meme
âOur father is Abraham!â they replied. âIf you were Abrahamâs children,â Jesus told them, âyou would do what Abraham did. But now you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do this! Youâre doing what your father does.â âWe werenât born of sexual immorality,â they said. âWe have one Father â God.â Jesus said to them, âIf God were your Father, you would love Me, because I came from God and I am here. For I didnât come on My own, but He sent Me. Why donât you understand what I say? Because you cannot listen to My word. ==You are of your father the Devil, and you want to carry out your fatherâs desires==. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of liars.
psychological warfare to undermine men that are not conforming to the beta cucks they are suppose to become
It always has been you barrel of fuck butter.
What is the last good Simpsons season in your opinion? As for me I think the show was enjoyable till around 13 or 14Coin Flip: Heads
ya sure you betcha.
Shut your cunt mouth you useless memeflag nigger
Milhouse is not a meme is not a meme.Coin Flip: Heads
season 3-8 is god tier simpsons. It's on season 31 now? I don't know a single person that has mentioned it in the last 5 years, fuck knows why they're still being made
>Does this violate NPC programming
>Is it an immediate threat to the status quo
>Ridicule and dismiss
Get fucked you slack-jawed mong bong.đ
Always has been, always will be, deal with it Milhouse.
Modern women want to shame men into getting into relationships with them because men have finally gotten sick of putting up with their shit. But they can't call men "faggots" for ignoring them anymore, they call them incels instead
I'm sure the Romans made fun of the Visigoths before they met them.
No he's right, you are a memeflag and so should shut your mouth.
What's really dumb is that incel is a self-designation. These are the names they came up with to call themselves.
And MRA is literally just the male equivalent of feminism, which leftists worship.
Go push a digeridoo up your cock you antipodean kangaroo-loving fruitcake.
Uhuh, yeah, whatever you say memeflag.
Youâre still here? I thought I told you to go push a digeridoo up your cock.Coin Flip: Heads
It was always cool and trendy, men who couldn't get laid always got dabbed on in all cultures and time periods. The thing is, they were usually a small minority. These days you have a giant incel underclass and it's not really funny anymore, it's a sign that society is broken
Incels and MRAs are totally different groups. There is some overlap, but not all incels are MRAs and not all MRAs are incels.đ
Are you still memeflagging? I though you memeflagged your memeflag like a good little memeflag.
Because what else can a memeflag do?
>watching the simpsons in current year
it was shit over a decade ago
You should cross your legs, hold your nose, and fart. That might blast the wallaby jism out of your mind. Then youâd be able to follow simple instructions.Coin Flip: Heads
Stopped reading after (you)
Because nothing a memeflag has ever said has mattered.
>quack quack quack quack quackCoin Flip: Tails
Uhuh, cool memeflag though.
>quack quack quack quack quack
It's literally a demoralization psyop, ignore it.
>Why is it cool and trendy to make fun of incels and MRAs now?
Itâs a way to control any kind of male movement that could revert or reveal the inequality that men face through shame. By calling someone an incel or a MRA, they seek to group together with what are believe to be loser men, men who canât get laid are men who are âdefectiveâ in the eyes of other men or women. Because women have never had to hustle like men to get sex, like have an actual personality, swag or knowledge in any subject of interest, they remain ignorant of the difficulty of most men and simply assume that men can get sex just like they do
>shit fags and fat chicks say on buzzfeed
Donât let (((them))) gaslight you into mistaking their made up top down agenda into a genuine social movement
Demorilization and destabilization are the principles of the "progressive left"
Mistaking incels for (((hollywood producers)))
MRA's are literally progressive SJW's that think their filthy ideology can accommodate men and masculinity (it can't).
Plebbit kissless cat ladies and pink hairs need somebody to feel superior to. They use âvirginâ as an insult because itâs the worst thing they can think of.
Why is it cool?
LOL. It's true.
So where does MGTOW fit in all this. They aren't incel or MRA.
How come when I look at the father face, my eyes water up and feel really bad for him?
Because its masonic social conditioning
>Mocking MRA
Fucking hell the Simpson's are so laughably far behind that I can't even begin to care about this.
gonna chop my sons dick off lil donnie how u like that donnie? no grandkinds donnie huh gonna shit and cum?
I liked Hank Scorpio.
MRAs are fucking beta retards who think they can cry like women and get what they want. They deserve to be mocked and scorned.
>They aren't incel
>Be woman.
>Spray cooch.
>Get crabs and herpes.
>Do anal and get AIDs.
(((Who))) is responsible for this episode?
Incels don't get laid ever, not by choice.
Most MGTOW are divorcees or been fucked over via long term gfs and deciding nope to any more bs. Bit of a difference.
>Most MGTOW are divorcees or been fucked over via long term gfs
Have you got a single source to back that up?
user is legion but do you know who is even more legion?
Women with cats on the internet being bitter complaining about incels and mra.
Same here, user. I haven't heard SHIT from it in YEARS.
Incels are losers. Vocels are chads that transcended women.
>S30 E18
They want to teach us how to hate.
It hurts
This sneeds to be updated, it's 5 seasons behind
When I was young the Simspons had a uhf tv. Now, even in the 90s uhf was old. but that was the point. they didnt have a new tv, or a nice car. Because they were supposed to be a typical American family. Now they have a big flatscreen tv and use smart phones all the time. Simpsons are fuxking DEAD.