I'm tired of this country

I'm tired of the feminist propaganda tired to hear that we oppress niggers and other aliens and tired of this multicultural stuff. I want to go back home to Ukraine to live there. Why I moved to Spain? Since I was a child my parents thought that it would be better for me to be here because Spain has a better educational system and that I would make a better life here instead of staying in my Homeland wich wasn't that bad because I wasn't poor and I could afford stuff.
Jow Forums what are your thoughts on Spain and what would you like to change here?

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Vota vox

Haz ESPAÑA grande otra vez

We're fucked just like you, this society needs to be nuked so we can start over.

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And by the way sorry for any grammatical error I could do while writing this post. I wrote it too fast.

Vox nos vende a los moros 100 de 100

I'm tired of your country too

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

I agree. Everything needs to start from zero.

Heads your country will prosper, Tails your country goes down the drainCoin Flip: Tails

Stop being a faggot, all this shit will end someday just be ready for the war, otherwise go back to your steppes and get raped by Rusia no multiculturality at least

God damn it Hans

Si fuera español votaría a Vox.

Sorry, muchacho, I gave you a chance,

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you can come to Mexico if you apologize

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>Get raped by Russia
Top kek my dude. Russia won't do anything because if they try to attack us they will have to speak with the entire NATO. The only thing that they can do is to aid indirectly to the rebels by giving them firearms and equipment. Also Russia does not require th entire Ukrainian territory they only need OUR only territory named Crimea for THEIR own purposes wich are a military base. Anyway I believe that without Lugansk, Donetsk and probably Crimea nothing will go for worse those territories aren't needed anymore.

You can come to Florida, there are a few Spaniards from Spain here and they make that distinction VERY clear.

>I'm tired
what have you done to stop them?

you are the same scum as those that claim to be patriots without having fought or done something for their country.

Dime, crees que una persona va a bastar para hacer algo contra todo eso? Cada vez mas y mas gente se une! Ademas, que has hecho TU para parar esto?

Leonidas had a much bigger army than Cortés
He just saw the shitshow those baby eating savages were doing and convinced all the oppressed nations to adopt Christian values and fucking those subhumans in the ass

get your history straight, Spainairds spewing this shit are the most pathetic creatures

Spics and their carteles scare the hell out of me.

>Dime, crees que una persona va a bastar para hacer algo contra todo eso?
you need 1/4 of a person to change the world

maybe take some lessons from Franco

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Slavsshit subhumans deserve to die

I will have a burrito and an enchilada, thanks

Well, now tell me the reasons why do you hate them and call them slavshit (btw they are whiter than you)

You have to go backCoin Flip: Tails

>my parents thought that it would be better for me to be here
>I wasn't poor and I could afford stuff
sure m8

But you need that special ability to be a 1/4 and persuade people to your ideology.

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t. moro🙁

Usa so hard to get a visa for

Pues la verdad es que si, Marcos.


is everyone in your country a lazy piece of shit or what? (if yes, heads)Coin Flip: Heads

>always backwards and never managed to compete with western Europe i.e. actual whites
>never managed to create a country that is competent on the world stage (Russia was a shithole until it plagiarized everything from the Netherlands, copied the west, and filled up the administration with germans, today its a oligarchical shithole with subhuman living standard that exists because it has oil)
>literally didn't know how to write until the Greeks forced them to and invented a alphabet their low IQ brain could comprehend
>countries are literal brasil tier shitholes (except the ones enriched by krauts)
>agrarian and uncivilized for all of their history
>subhuman intelligence, slavic philosophers are a meme, at most 3-4 relevant scientists in a millenia, literary tradition is nonexistent pre-romanticism
>attracted to brainlet ideologies like communism and leecing of from daddy Germany for gibs
>mentality of quantity>quality, the only reason they exist today is outnumbering their enemy like niggers and chinks
>brags about being based and not letting in immigrants (spoiler: even if they wanted to nobody would want to come there, which isn't much of an achievement)
>niggers with white skin

I never said Americans were white

yes like killing half a million "reds" and helping Hitler.

You can just dont come, you wont be missed.

And Germans/Dutch took influence from Romans and Romans took influence from Greeks and so on. Also, majority of nobility in middle ages was intermixed throughout anyway so to say that Russia had "German administration" at some points in history does not mean anything. Just shows how much history you stupid Americans know

And you should take some lessons from your nigger-lynching ancestors😃


If you were not a Canadian you would be right about Americans being retarded.

I was talking to a women from Spain last year in Telegram messenger. Had a few chats. One thing that jumped out at me was she wanted to participate in a annual festival in France where they recreate medieval times, and you fight with others wearing metal armour in an arena.

I was thinking "but you're a woman". I watched a video on YouTube to learn more about the festival and one of the first things of note was "women are not allowed to participate in the fighting". Did she know this? Was she going to make a big stink when told no?

don't sweat it broski

Well, everyone has his own opinion and will leave you mine.

Ukraine was existing long before Petr I founded Russia (the word Rus was taken from Kievan Rus) we had our own government and we had our own flag and symbol. We joined them because somehow they got more territory and a bit better army. We joined in exchange of our protection wich benefitted us. Then when Katerina II came to rule she was a bad tsar and tried to take from us our culture and our flag, symbols etc.

Katerina II was inspired by Netherlands and copied their flag to her own wich means that not all slavs are that stupid that can't create their own.

We aren't as advanced as the fellow Germans because Communism is a real threat to a development of a country. If we wouldn't join CCCP I believe that Ukraine could be a potential country with a better quality of life.

Why we aren't niggers?
We are not as pale as Scandinavian but for sure we are white(We have Aryan genes). The real "niggers" of Europe would be the Greeks, Macedonia, Turks etc.

I want to say that not all Slavs are stupid(no pun intended towards my Russian friends) that we aren't Brasil tier because Brasil is worse in many ways(no pun intended) and we are not black in fact, we are whiter than you. Now of course you will look for gypsies or black people with European genes to defend your position.

Lo siento pero Vox no es más que otro partido del sistema, si de verdad quieres hacer España grande otra vez te recomiendo que te concentres en militar exclusivamente en partidos nacional revolucionarios, solo asi podremos comenzar el proceso de liberación social y nacional que necesita nuestro pais

If it would be in Spain then probably there would be a lot of women with everything purple (literally) and shouting that this is against women and should be banned. But if it would be in another country then she would post about it in social media awaiting for someone to agree with her.

For example if you speak with the radical feminists or how they are called here "feminazi" they are triggered by every action executed by men.

we speak english here, not arabicrapebaby language

Save Franco's grave, faggots

VOX hace muchísimo más bien que mal sólo por el hecho de que está abriendo los ojos al populacho con temas como Cataluña o la inmigración masiva.

>Dime, crees que una persona va a bastar para hacer algo contra todo eso?
De hecho es el individuo el que comienza las acciones. Si sólo te limitas a ver cómo colapsa Occidente, estás siendo víctima del efecto espectador, de la indefensión aprendida, y de la propaganda que lo inunda todo a través de la tele, las RRSS y la radio
Nadie te impide hacer nada. Tú eres tu primer obstáculo, y si aún no puedes hacer nada agresivo, puedes plantar carteles, acudir a grupos que lo tengan claro, e ir organizandote con otros españoles de bien
Si vienes a esta hilo a quejarte, entonces vete a tu país, no queremos mujeres para luchar, queremos hombres capaces

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So what?

>Jow Forums what are your thoughts on Spain and what would you like to change here?
it doesn't gonna change..the problem are the people = Spaniards, not the government itself

Never surrender

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capital cities are spawning pools of degeneracy?

im seeing more niggers in valencia every day
man i hope everything goes to shit and burns so i can see normies and boomers suffer, they have to drown in multiculturalism for anything to change

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Just jump the fence nigga

>it would be better for me to be here because Spain has a better educational system
>Spanish education system

Yes unfortunately the jew government makes it harder for Euros to migrate here which is sad but people always forget the marriage option.

cleaning the commie scum up and help to uncle adolf, where is the problem, son?

maybe they let me in if i put on a fake mexican accent and a fucking sombrero

better =/= good

They wont know the difference.

Make sure to drive drunk and run over some Texan girl.

como suena tu acento

Ukraine has a comedian as president.....

i would get rid of the niggers.

It's la maldicion azteca

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>Don't vote this party user they're part of the system

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We barely have niggers its the fucking moors


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Thats what happens when you make secular humanism your God

No fags tho.

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I dont wanna work construction with mexicans lol

I'm sure you're just afraid of beer and pork cause is haram or something.

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>come to Florida
So much crime but exquisite women

user we are full

White Europeans died so that their demon spawn could look like this. South America wasn't worth it.

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The people who are ruining the world have names and adresses. Make a change. Feed them lead.