are you all still able to post under water? can we get pics of the new great lake?
How are Nebraskanons and Iowanons holding up with the flooding?
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Incredible that the media isn't reporting on this at all. Proves that everything the media reports on is bullshit. Anytime there's another mass shooting being reported on from every single western news outlet just's a false flag.
they don't care about the middle of the country user, they probably cream themselves at the thought of an entire red district being destroyed.
huskeranon here, shits fucked yo. Im in central nebraska where we didnt get raped by the bomb cyclone but basically the TLDR is the western end of the state was hit with a blizzard during calving season.
the east end of the state is covered in water.
millions of cattle and livestock dead
nothing will be planted this year
im surprised that economists arent bringing this up at least.
ill post what i got
dozens of bridges are gone... all these huge ice chunks ripped everything in their way to shreds.
the dam that started it all
Dirty whites, I thought your Jew god said that he would not destroy you in another deluge
that's literally every comment on reddit on the subject. I fucking hate those people so much.
I saw a news segment on Fox news that nearly 1 million calves were lost is that true?
if true, beef prices are going to btfo us all next year.
evil nebraska rancher saving some city dwellers food
Imagine if it was a nigger hood being flooded. also when it floods like this and gets to a gas station what happens with the gas? does none of the water get in or gas manage to get out. I assume the tanks are encapsulated by water at this point
I don't know, user I see a nose...
>"Global warming"
Sure looks warm!
Yikes. That really sucks.
which state is this pic
well, user what else could it be? are you implying this weather caused by man made climate change, was (((man))) made?
How did this happen??? The fuck is going on
Iowa or Nebraska, they are getting btfo this year by flooding that hasn't been seen since 1993.
What can I do to help, user?
God Damn.
Your fortune: Outlook good
yeah thats true.
and thats just cattle, that doesnt include pigs, horses, chickens, sheep.... etc
A heavy winter. Look at the puctures. All that snow and ice is melting.
pic related, Hurricane/snowstorm. weird as fuck weather.
shit...I don't know if I should stick around to shit post or go grocery shopping and stock up on beef before it's too expensive and I'm stuck eating chicken like a nigger.
>Imagine if it was a nigger hood being flooded.
I don't have to imagine, I remember Katrina.
so would you say those cows have been...udderly destroyed?
Fucking hell, can I get a qrd? Was it basically massive flooding+still frozen rivers? I cant even find a news story about this.
999rescueteam on fedbook
donate to these guys. they need all the gas money they can get. they have been one of the main organizations pulling people and animals out of cut off locations
no, it was called a "bomb cyclone" essentially a hurricane that was also a snowstorm in the middle of the know, (((typical))) weather
a damn broke and let a huge ice flow out and it pretty much tore everything up in its path
Man made, not weird.
Ah, explosive cyclogenesis, why didn't you just say so
So essentially, the massive amounts of snow, ice, and sort of frozen rivers from winter got whipped up by some freaky cold hurricane, it broke a damn and proceeded to annihilate the rest of the state?
that pretty much sums it up
Thank you & Stay safe Bro!
yes and the weather radar totally doesn't look like the nose of a particular group of people...
Sucks for you honky
How are you rural retard bigots gonna feed my fat feminist ass?????
water will get into the gas. Do not buy gas from a station in a recently flooded area, the water contaminating it can destroy your car engine. Unless you are a nigger or a Jew, in which case go ahead and fill er up.
Don't listen to him, people did this after Katrina with no problem
fixed the radar
found the nigger
and this disabled all the highways, flooded most of the state and farms, killed at least a million cows, probably many more millions of other farm animals, and destroyed hundreds of millions of tons of produce? This also disabled most of the farms in and around nebraska for the rest of the year?
hahahaha i love it
yes user everything is totally fucked.
fellow farmers and ranchers from other states have been sending hay and feed out of their own pocket, trucking it in from out of state.
some guy from florida came up with one of those russian off road vehicles with the huge tires and helped out. lots of Texas bros helping out because Nebraskans helped them out when they flooded. meanwhile half the nation doesnt even know anything happened and will wonder why food prices have gone up.
but with all these dead cows AOC is probably happy.... might have bought us an extra year LOL
grain bins torn apart.
Spencer Dam?
thank you for posting these images, user
And they tell you the mud flood couldn't have been real
Wait what, why hasn't this been reported at all?
yes that was Spencer dam
Thank you OP for bringing this up.
The fucking coasties don't care about what happens to the middle of the country because they also have no idea how much they rely on it.
I'm in the South so we deal with our problems bit this looks like a much worse deal than a hurricane alone is.
I'm very sorry for all of the farmers and at least I won't be surprised when the beef price skyrockets.
>that cute gazebo
so what's going to happen?💔
annnnnnd thats pretty much all i got anons
Yah, I been hearing about it every day. Don't know which media you are talking about.
>millions of cattle and livestock dead
nothing will be planted this year
This is the beginning of the attack on meat and dairy.
(((They))) want to make meat rare and expensive until the average person is forced into veganism.
Nigga, I've been hearing about it every day. Da fuck you on about? Call FEMA, they're suppose to help you. Or did trump drop the ball on you as well?
we will rebuild and carry on like we always do.
neighbors and fellow farmers and ranchers will help each other get by. I really wish people could see how farmers and ranchers from across the USA have donated feed and water... using their own gas and trucks to get it done. this is the best of america and what everyone else wishes they had. we will be fine with or without the governments help because that is what has to be done. seeing people come together like the local airboaters who as a club alone saved hundreds more people and pets than any state agency (shout out to NirBuiltBoats)
The fuck are you about?
I don't hear about it all day but I also don't watch the TV, I think that compared to the fit and hysteria that media threw after Katrina, this is nothing. And seriously, Katrina was bad, but it did not affect the country in a way that this is probably going to. So comparatively this is a bigger deal than Katrina ever was. And I fucking live in Louisiana.
Excuse my ignorance but did Trump call for the National Emergency on this one or not?
good to hear
they passed disaster relief funds but i dont think it was declared a national emergency
But Katrina cause a nigger migration, I'd rather have food shortages and high food prices than niggers.