
Why is there so many incels and losers on Jow Forums?

Like why don't they go to Reddit?

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Incels need advice, they are confused about the world and frequently isolated

ah yeah you are kinda right desu

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Can you name a better place for incels to gather other than one that fuels them?
At least Jow Forums tries to do the right thing, sometimes.

Incels needs advice but they don't want it. They actively refuse it.

>Can you name a better place for incels to gather other than one that fuels them?
Real talk right there.

This, they think that nihilistic black pill is the truth or they buy in some other pseudoscience bullshit.

They should just leave if they dont want to be helped.

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Jow Forums is quite possibly the most normie filled board on Jow Forums. Personally I only browse it, /diy/, and /wg/ sometimes. Yes, you might be on Jow Forums forever, but for most people it loses it's hold on them because it takes a certain kind of willful disillusionment with life to still cleave to the chan worldview

Man, her dick must be massive.

Doesn't the whining and blaming of others for their failure go against nihilism?

It's Jow Forums's fault for filtering them here and enabling their mental illness.

Fucking hell, a new trip faggot, whyyyy

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My true guess is that they came to find answers and stayed to give them.

their subreddit was nuked you NPC normie. Go whine about trump on reddit lol.

>Doesn't the whining and blaming of others for their failure go against nihilism?
No, they think is over if you are not 6 foot tall chad, lol. They also call people to comite the suicide.
Do you not know how to tag? Anyway you are kinda right, but i am pretty sure they came from Reddit and r9k.

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Incels are people too my friend. Everyone needs help, I’m sure you do as well.

>Incels are people too my friend.
No, if you hate a gender you need to get professional help, asap.
>Everyone needs help, I’m sure you do as well.
Not really, people bullied me hard here, i am on my own.

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im on this board for like 2 weeks now and at first i thought well this is pretty chill/cool but now my head hurts looking at this im not joking this is so fuckin stupid i don't know what to say like wtf this questions here i just can't so much cringe retarded stuff I can't understand this im serious

I won’t bully you. Incels might have hate, but we need to have understanding as well. Just writing people off isn’t a solution. People can be helped

and im depressed myself and have problems but this shit here i just can't i just wanna have good conversations but almost every question here is like so fuckin stupid idk man wtf

Well there is a mix of people on here: stupid smart bad good. Just like in life

I came herr for advice but all i got was condesending blue pill lies. I would leave but its too much fun arguing with these idiots.

And no. I never used reddit nor are incrls welcomr there (banned incel subreddits)

I won’t lie or give you dumb pills. What cha got user?

There's always Jow Forums.

yeah u r right and i respect that but these pointless and literally selfexplaining questions man.. or shit like "i have a craving for soup what do" read that just some mins ago, but whatever just gonna look for the good stuff

If jannies outright banned discord trannies and queers, i would return to r9k.

Some of you dont lie but your advice doesnt work for ugly guys. Personility only goes so far

Damn, is /lgbt/ leaking into Jow Forums?

It requires the capacity to see that you need help. No one is going to turn down trying to help some incel who tries to become a non shitty human being again.

It did a long time ago. Half the board is gays and traps and more traps

dude people spammed my face here and on discord, I am not asking you guys for advice again.

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Incels are people and do need help.
But if I'm to give an actual, honest advice for them that'd be a reality check.
Only after that I would come to the more empathic advices.

I really think that would be the way to d it for them.

This and another half of the board is incels crying that they can't get laid.

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You arent in much position to be complaining.
Why did you change your name anyway? Weren't you meant to off yourself?

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>incels following through with a plan


I am not an incel, just lost, 0 friends and with Jow Forums being shit, I am all alone, I am a really nice guy I dont understand why none likes me, everyone I met was under me and I can't be friends with them.

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Sorry, but how's that different?

do you have to hate women in order to be incel? i dont hate women or anything im just really and awkward. i have been going through my plan to finish school and have a pretty cool internship set up

No is fine, ask
>but how's that different?
Incels hate women, i dont
I don't have the problem with females, i have problem with males, none wants me as a friend, people want to fight me all the time and i barely say anything.

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I might be sticking my nose where I'm not being called, but in my experience I'v gathered way more frinds by just listening to people than being the one doing the talking.

Would that help?

The real L is in picture, i am not the same person, that is her, i am a guy.

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Because this is the last stop before the incels go full Elliot

they dont want the same fate

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It's funny how you people think you are the "normal" one.
But you are actually here complaining about others,
discussing about how to push them away, further proving them right about you people.
Not to mention that you are actually rage that someone else not taking your stupid advice.


Jow Forums was literally made to get the incels off Jow Forums.

What they want is attention and as you all should well know since I'm assuming at least one of you donuts is actually allowed to be here as per the rules, any attention is good attention for them.

Jow Forums was made to make sad wojak posters go from /b/ to 'literally anywhere but.'
They never lasted on Jow Forums because honestly, most of their shit IS just duplicate posting.

No gf bullshit is still there on r9k and people orbiting females, it improved little bit since influx of incels from reddit but is still kinda shit

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Mate you're a newfag what the fuck do you know Cruz looking motherfucker

We ALL know how you look like nigga stop it

I can only speak for myself, and for the record I do not identify as an incel, however I want the truth. The whole, unpleasant truth. That for me means consulting the "other side". All they have been able to offer is bullshit anecdotal ""evidence"" and generic, unproven, and worthless advice. I keep coming because I want there to be some hope for me. I want to believe but I keep coming into more and more evidence to the contrary
>t. 5'1" 4.5" penis user

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You're all massive retards.
Being an incel is not something you identify as, it's the POLAR OPPOSITE and that's the point of it.
Incel means involuntarily celibate, if you want to have a gf and sex but can't YOU ARE AN INCEL, no matter what you think of women, threat them, or what you identify as

There's no "I don't have a gf but I'm not incel" you massive fucking retards.
You're all incels in denial.

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You said it yourself right there. You cannot handle the unpleasant truth and dismiss facts as "generic, unproven, and worthless advice".

How many girls have you asked out? How many matches on tinder or dating sites?

Fucking retard. Incel means identifying as an incel. No other definition. Anyone can get sex or a gf, incels choose not to.

incels like anonymity because it makes them less likely to be embarrassed, which is the root of all their problems

Nigger it LITERALLY means involuntarily celibate how dense are you? Fucking read or use your English to Ugandan dictionary to translate what involuntarily celibate means

You can only be voluntarily celibate. Why are you so angry about having chosen to not have a gf? If it makes you mad then stop being an incel and go out and get casual sex or a gf. The only thing preventing you is your incel cult teachings that forbid it.

I am not the same guy lol, real L got banned, jannies exactly banned me too becuse they thought i was evading a ban, lol.
Calm down desu xD, jesus...
Proof or stfu

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Which doesn't really make sense. No one can be involuntary celibate, unless they choose to be, which makes it voluntary and the term as stupid as the entire deranged incel worldview.

Read bookofpook
You need to learn how to play a game

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Why couldn't someone get a gf? Because he is gay? Or impotent?

Even gays and impotent people had girlfriends.

Pretty sure at least two thirds of the boards on this site are obsessed with traps/trannies in one way or the other.

No, gays and tranny lovers are a very vocal minority. They also don't have jobs so they have time to post all day.

Janies don't ban based on name are you THAT dense? You're just seeming more and more retarded with each reply you type.

I have a gf stop projecting.
You're an incel as well Cruz
Tell that to literal 1/10 who can not change their look, I'm not saying the status can't be changed but you can at a certain period in your life be involuntary celibate.

>Tell that to literal 1/10 who can not change their look
They are enough examples of offensively ugly people who still got partners. Besides, if we really want to be anal about it, visiting a prostitute would do the trick when talking about being celibate.

>you can at a certain period in your life be involuntary celibate
I guess but you also can fly for certain periods of time. Besides, do I count as involuntary celibate when I want to bang my friend who is on a long holiday? What if she's working there for years?

Only person with logic ITT
Kill yourselves incels in denial

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>have gf
>spews incel mantras like a npc
Seems legit.

Pitiful samefagging

>Proof or stfu
Why prove something everyone already knows, I'm not going to post your images and then have you bitch to the mods to get me banned like who knows how many idiots got banned before because of your bitching.

>No one can be involuntary celibate, unless they choose to be
Yeah man having shit communications skills is their choice, they chose to be alone because it's their choice. Your post is really dumb

You can always fuck a hooker, i doubt that 1/10 girl can fuck too, you are just trying to dig yourself out
>You're an incel as well Cruz
Classic insult from a Jow Forums local retard
They do, are you stupid? Just say someone is 17 on pic and they will ban person without evidence. They removed my ban once i explained them to check.

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Prostitute =/= gf, prostitution is just a cope.
You're massively contradicting yourself.

Incel with the literal meaning of it can be applied to a lot of virgins who can't get laid yes but, calling someone an incel means they subscribe to the incel forums and have adopted their ideas about women and their misfortunes. So calling everyone who is involuntarily celibate isn't valid

>having shit communications skills is their choice
Obviously. Dude, I was a fucking stutterer and sometimes too anxious to talk to cashiers; and obviously there are people who had it way worse but you can always improve what you have.

>they chose to be alone because it's their choice
They chose to lead a life and have a mindstate that leads to them being alone. So yeah, it's their call.

>1. abstaining from marriage and sexual relations
The choice to visit a prostitute would've fixed the latter part easy.

I recommend you to turn off the pc and go outside, you seem obsessed with me and that girl.
He does this all the time, mentally ill
This too

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Yeah they can improve but it takes a tremendous amount of time, until they improve themselves and feel confident to start dating it's not their choice.
>They chose to lead a life and have a mindstate that leads to them being alone. So yeah, it's their call.
Their earlier life choices lead to that yeah sure but what if they want to not be alone now and can't? Then it's not their choice anymore

And not or

There are no men who can't get laid. So incels by that definition do not exist. Hence the definition of an incel can only be someone who identifies as an incel and subscribes to their forums and ideology.

>everyone is one guy
Like clockwork

Incel doesnt mean you hate women. Just that no women has ever wanted to touch your dick.

So what timeframe would make things involuntary when the person is working towards something?

If I want to buy a macbook and have to drive to the store in bumfuckwhere, does it make me involuntary macless on the entire drive? What if I'm some poorfag who needs to find the money somewhere? Would be working at a mcjobs for a few months make me involuntary macless?

There's that word again. Inceldom is literally based on this word. Which in this case is also a lie.

>You're massively contradicting yourself.
Thats what are you doing, how stupid are you?

Ladies and gentlemen,
This is good example why i hate incels like him, they are super toxic. They avoid advice like girls.

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>There are no men who can't get laid
You are so disconnected holy fuck. You don't need to look further than this website for fuck's sake

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>Just that no women has ever wanted to touch your dick.
Lol, thats what they belive, this is not true at all, they are just lazy and toxic people that dont want to improve.
By using same buzzwords you just prove my point even more, Hector.

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Prove me wrong. Tell me why you "can't" get laid.

Is that even English

>You are so disconnected holy fuck. You don't need to look further than this website for fuck's sake
people that have shit personality come here for advice to improve them self, how stupid are you? Almost every male gets laid soon or later.

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I'm no Hector, Pedro

Too lazy to walk to the fridge, guess I must be involuntary fasting.

>Almost every male gets laid soon or later.
Weren't you spamming threads about being a virgin a couple of months back?

Holy shit this is the ultimate cope

Agin you avoid the advice and you jump to insulting...
No wonder you are a virgin, why would anyone want a toxic person like you.

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>Weren't you spamming threads about being a virgin a couple of months back?
No i wasnt, now you are just making shit up, classic incel.

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This is 100% true, if you want sex but you don't have it you're an incel but there's one thing. It can be changed over a period of time, you can change your looks, go on a diet, learn to behave normally in conversations etc..
But people like that don't want to put enough time into it and they want immediate results which is impossible.

So yes you're all incels AKA involuntarily celibate but it can be changed and it isn't a permanent state.

Essentially every incel is involuntarily celibate but voluntarily involuntarily celibate, you choose to not take time to better yourself and make yourself better and someone who can get a girlfriend.

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If someone has a big issue that makes then feel depressed and fucked up that they struggle to discuss, its very often related to love and/or sex.

I don't understand why this is such a fucking complicated thing to understand. People like OP make me feel like a dine a dozen loser. I'm trying to better myself, but cunts like you just tell me to fuck off.
Then where do i go? Reddit? Reddit is shit for any real discussion. Its a place you don't generally go to foradvicr or real discussion because you WILL feel judged, your thread WILL be ignored, etc..
Also fuck off with your camwhore pics.

*love, friends, sex and/or dating
Loneliness is brutal on your mental health and I don't just mean Isolation.

I've had passive suicidal ideations that just seem to pop up from nowhere.

>I'm trying to better myself
The thing is, incels aren't. They just lie about it. If you are actually trying to better yourself you would listen to advice, and you would also want to stop being an incel.

If you want it and can't have it it's involuntary whatever, simple as