/4k/ General

Only true elites may post here. So, anons, how's life on the top?

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jews are using high score accounts to manipulate users today. like this so post to fight the heebs


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I'm trans-4K!

bro u are almost at 1488 score

Is that the highest score?

F the elites...

Imagine calling yourself what Jow Forums hates

Hi guise, look I'm one of you. Don't look at my score pls.

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Over 10000 score gang reporting in

Feels gr8

have a like

Attached: Sloppy Job Mossad.jpg (1000x1000, 318K)

How do I get score?

well either they have run 50,000 successful false flag operations according to you guys or they are sloppy, which is it?

not even close

gib monies

prettay prettay gud

gibs like so i can be elite. We are the 99%

I don't get it



true power lies in posting your powerlevel and a spooky skeleton in the same post
i've only seen one person do it

Kel 41k

the jew fears the weeb, apparently