Has anyone ever had anxiety over being a virgin? I'm a femanon who is a virgin and although I'm in no rush to lose it I feel extremely pressured by society to lose it ASAP. How do I deal with this anxiety? I'm not ready to lose it yet although my s/o isn't a virgin. He doesn't even pressure me to do anything sexual but I still feel as if there's some societal demand of me to get rid of it.
Has anyone ever had anxiety over being a virgin...
Completely honest here, don't ever do anything you don't feel like doing. It's the perfect recipee for a bad memory.
Do it when you feel like doing it and shut anyone who says otherwise off.
And your bf seems like a swell guy for doing that. That's a keeper.
Don't do something stupid and get AIDS, little girl.
t. almost got herpes for hiring an escort
23 y/o Volcel virgin here. Nah, I don't give a fuck. Sure some may chuckle or joke but who cares. The only thing that makes me feel sad is that I don't have anyone to hug and cuddle at nights, but even that is bearable
I'm not a virgin, but i felt like a loser for a while because i didn't have sex for over a year; meaning i felt the social pressure in a different way.
But then i came to my senses and thought. Why would i give a damn? Sex is mediocre compared to all life has to offer. People bragging about having had sex are degenerates anyway.
Also, you seem to be reading to much Jow Forums or some stupid board if you have "anxiety" for being a virgin.
Either you're a tranny or you're getting too influenced by those two digit IQ retards in those boards that want everything but give nothing. Since there is absolutely no woman who has such personal problems like a man's; just look at /cgl/, some of them are virgins, but they're not stupid enough to make the mistakes of others by getting an STD and becoming labeled as the local whore.
Look, I would've told you to go check the feels thread at /cgl/. but I haven't lurked much there for a long time, and I don't know if you will be able to post about this issue that you currently have.
So I guess you should read about it in that board since I'm lazy as shit to read everything in it.
You feel it's a demand because it's what everyone does eventually. People look at it as a passage into being an adult. There really isnt a social demand for you to do so but you are putting yourself through unnecessary anxiety.
Girls that don't sleep around are more respected. Especially by the family oriented guys
What's the difference between sleeping around and having multiple previous relationships?
why would you want respect from them in the first place? If anything people already made those rumors about you might as well just do what you feel like and ignore the rumors.
2? 3?
Or 20 / 30?
The difference is your ability to have a lasting relationship.
>why would you want respect from them in the first place?
Mutual respect is a good thing in a relationship
Hypothetically 5ish in the same year? Dating doesn't always stick, and trying out compatibility then amicably deciding it's not going to work should be normal.
so you want a family oriented guy? Then stop worrying about sex and wait till marriage. Blaming society can go on for so long that you have to realize at some point the problem is with you and not society. Society really doesnt care about you as much as you think. As long as you arent an actual drag on society then you have nothing to worry about. Sex is just a peer pressure thing and just that, Having a family is a big step which you have plenty of time to explore yourself until then.
>Hypothetically 5ish in the same year
that's way too many, to put it bluntly.
I don't get why.
it indicates an ease with jumping into and out of relationships
If it's all consensual and ends when we both agree we don't think it will be a meaningful relationship, wouldn't being quick to leave a relationship be a good thing?
Not really because it indicates a lack of any proper bond, much like I would miss a family member or a friend I would expect to miss a partner if I left them. If you're only in a relationship for a couple of months it means you haven't really tried either, in my opinion. Your relationships must be extremely shallow if they're so short lived, and past experiences at least partially predict future ones. If your last five relationships are over so quick why would the sixth one be any different?
They're short lived because they were shallow, yeah. I'm looking for something that lasts longer but haven't found a relationship that felt right yet. It's not like I'm purposefully limiting dating to a couple months before making a judgement call, that's just around how long it takes for us to get past the newness of the whole thing and tell if it'd really go anywhere from there.
>If your last five relationships are over so quick why would the sixth one be any different?
If you're trying to make me give up on trying it's starting to work
I'm not trying to make you give up on anything but you're clearly doing it wrong. Did you have any kind of chemistry with these people? Why did you even decide to try a relationship with them in the first place? You're not window shopping here, you should get comfortable with the person well before you enter a relationship with them instead of trying them on for size. Move towards the actual relationship status more slowly.
We're not strangers, but I don't always know everything about them. I always thought getting to know someone intimately was a part of dating, not a prerequisite.
It feels shitty to spell it out, but I'm not getting any younger. How long do most people usually spend on a given relationship, assuming it doesn't work out?
Well there's all sorts of different levels between total stranger and the man you're married to, and I think you probably don't know them well enough if things are over so soon. At the very least I'd wait a little longer before jumping into dating the guy. The vast majority of relationships I've seen last at the very minimum a year.
Well I don't think dating close friends out of the blue would be a good idea right? Acquaintances seem like the perfect degree of separation.
A year seems excessive. I don't want to fall into a long term relationship solely because it becomes easier to stay than to break the norm despite not feeling complete. I hear that happens a lot.
>last minimum a year
Comfirmation bias
>Well I don't think dating close friends out of the blue would be a good idea right?
Probably not but it might be worth trying if you think there's any attraction there. I only say probably not because if it doesn't work out it can ruin the friendship.
>I don't want to fall into a long term relationship solely because it becomes easier to stay than to break the norm despite not feeling complete. I hear that happens a lot.
Again there's an inbetween and you're clearly falling too far to one side, as well as being too quick to jump to the next relationship.
There is, but I won't risk it. I need to keep all the friends I can at this point.
I can't imagine the inbetween, but if keeping an open mind like a month longer may really change something I'll give it a try. The thing is, it's usually the guy who points out it's not really going anywhere and wants to call it. More often than I do at least. I agree of course because at that point it's usually obvious to both of us.
if you're not ready, then you aren't ready. it's as simple as that, and you shouldn't feel pressured into doing something so intimate. im a femanon, 22 and havent lost my virginity bc i know im not ready. and thats okay!
well I guess I mean just spending more time with them and getting to know them better before you start dating. In the end I don't know how useful my advice is because I've never been in a relationship in my life despite being 28, but 5 in a year seems just as dysfunctional although at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Don't know about dysfunctional, but it's definitely not making me happy. It's really discouraging, like I'm not capable of a relationship. I kind of wish I never started dating. At least it seems like being a virgin or inexperienced is less of a negative than being seen as sleeping around.
At least you tried I suppose, I avoid them entirely because I assume I wouldn't be capable either. You're probably not incapable, any normal trying five different relationships in a year is going to find that most of them don't work out. I mean think about how uncommon it must be to actually find someone compatible with yourself, and how it probably takes years to find them, and then think about how unlikely it is to find that person randomly among the five you've tried.
You know you're fucked when people say "at least you tried".
But really I appreciate the encouragement. Thanks for the advice too, I'll try it all.
Why couldn't you have been named Vito??
>at least you tried
lol don't take it so literally, I was contrasting your attempts to my lack of them. I don't think you're incapable it just seems like you're doing something wrong - if you can find five guys you're willing to try dating it seems to me that your standards are too low. Either way good luck to you.
>I feel extremely pressured by society to lose it ASAP
Imagine being a male. For women, being a virgin is generally considered positive if anything. If you're a male and you're a virgin past the age of like 21, you're immediately deemed an incel loser who is too ugly to get laid.
You're not an incel loser because you're a virgin, you're an incel loser because you identify as an incel loser.