FUCK I wish I could talk to women

FUCK I wish I could talk to women

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What's holding you back, sweetheart?

Fear, anxiety, stress

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Fear of what? They are people like you are

Just remember they’re just like you. We all have fear, insecurities and our own particular issues.

Theres more to life than women you know.

It's not all it's cracked up to be. I talk to women all the time and don't get anywhere.

I can talk to women, but I can’t date women who used to have casual sex

not him but I know it's easy to get spooked that girls might misinterpret your intentions and label you a creep out the gate

But women have the upper hand in the dating world. They have more choices than men, so they judge you more harshly, compare you with more other men that also talked to them, chads included.

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And also - its fear of being judged negatively. They already know you like their looks because you talked to them. Being rejected by the opposite sex hurts your reptilian brain, because you're failing at reproduction and shit like that.

>no ultraviolet LEDs
early quantum computing is so primitive, at least they are using AMD for graphix imo it’s a solid reliable brand

This desu. It makes me feel like a loser, they KNOW why I'm approaching them and they already must be thinking of ways to shut me down

Nigger, this an incel drama thread. Nobody cares about your opinion on turbopixellator brands. Go install Gentoo, or whatever.

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It's too late for you.

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It's just your looks dude.

Not OP but I literally cannot speak.I was born into shitty schools in mexico where I couldn't learn basic stuff speak,read,do basic math then I became 10 years old and move to america where I had to learn a new language which I did but the very basic bare bones of it not to mention i got bully throught school for my voice and I have really mild autism and always had problems at home.I can't even speak my native language right anymore nor english so im literally a spechless man.This cause me to distant myself from society a lot.

Side story
> be me
> be in 6th grade
> social studies
> reading book in class
> my turn to read
> excited to read cause at the time not really care about what people think about me
> read with my broken voice
> read a whole section
> a kid stands up and says jokingly
> WTF did he say
This moment hit me deep in the heart and literally stoped talking less and became more self aware.I hate my life,I have a multitude of problems and this is just one of them plus my shitty friends made me scare of people and shitty girls made me scare of girls.I remeber one time I told a girl if she could give me a little bit of her candy that she was sharing with my good friend and she look at me in disgust and say no.Another was just bitchy all the time and told me thats not how you suppose to be or whatever and was just mean to me in general.This is how i became a clown no one wanted to take a chance on me so I became full if hatred.

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Fuck, that hit the feels.
I love you man, and there’s still time to make connections with people on a deep and caring level. You have a lot of heart, user.

I knew an autist that was kind of in your situation but he was completely oblivious to scorn. That man could never feel shame, even though he sounded plain awful while talking. People would laugh at him but he either didn't understand it or didn't ever care.

I recommend making a fake dating profile and just use it to talk to women that way you can get experience without even having to leave your house.

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just talk to us lmao

>lmao just b confident
it only takes "ew go away creep" one time to get ostracized completely

i quite like girls why wont they like me

Security get this creep away!!!!!


Just be friendly and hyperbole some of the stuff they say.

>Oh you've been hitting the gym? It shows. Please don't beat me up

get em out for the lads

I am only here to scare OP.

im really scared of internet boobs, phobia infact

Nah brah, you dont want to talk to them, women are boring as fuck, stupis as fuck, they just make me angry or sleepy

If you have an online dating profile and don't know how to break the ice with messages, ask women "if mermaids were bite size, would you eat them?" Trust me, it actually really works to get their attention. It is better than "hey" or "ur cute" or some other generic crap. The ones who will respond are probably just bizarre enough to weed out all of the boring, basic chicks.

I'm literally crying reading this. I don't identify your situation but the pure pain of what you said drove me to tears.

I'm genuinely so, so sorry for what you're going through buddy. I only wish you find some semblance of peace and happiness in your life. God bless you.

>Little bitch
>Reddit spacing
Yeah checks out

epic dude nice!!1

Cringe desu


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noob got pwned!

If you can talk then you literally have no fucking excuse just look at this poor user.

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You mean pecs? Lol user never has seen muscles