Scorelet thread
Just got home this thread is for scorelets ONLY
Scorelet thread
Just got home this thread is for scorelets ONLY
Post more milkers
How many of them are traps?
fucking MILKIES
Your fortune: Outlook good
Rolled 4 (1d6)
i hate being a pathetic scorelet
it's gookmoot's fault for resetting me last night
If you like this post, all jews will move to Israel
how did you fag up so high?
>Go to work at 5:30 because I am a construction fag
>Get back and see all these niggas with dinos and skeletons and shiet
>feel empty inside because i missed out on a lot of shitposting
Its not fair lads. I hate being a wageslave.
i-is almost 50 still scorelet?
Worked like a bitch and then napped all day, how do I win?
Testing something
I would have over 5,000 if I didn't get fucked over
delet this
>tricked by jews again..
God damn you.
Did you sleep at all last night?🐸
Almost same here. Working is not good for shitposting
Hand over the likes.
L-like for like?
Earn your likes fags
this April fools day just doesnt feel like fun. I don't see the point. Is it supposed to be like reddit?
>not counting on & preparing for a 24 hour marathon shitposting session on april 1st
Scorelet here😽
If I get 50 likes I'll post OC images.
100 likes for her Snapchat.
Calling tailsCoin Flip: Tails
Can I come in, guys? I can't even dino. :'(
My main board turned into a fucking gay orgy last year.
I can do this now. Woo.
Who is that milk truck btw🙁
QRD, nice milkies.
Gibs like plz!
Angry Milkies
Nothing beats a trap brap.