Scorelet thread

Scorelet thread

Just got home this thread is for scorelets ONLY

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Post more milkers


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How many of them are traps?

fucking MILKIES

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Rolled 4 (1d6)


i hate being a pathetic scorelet

it's gookmoot's fault for resetting me last night


If you like this post, all jews will move to Israel

how did you fag up so high?


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>Go to work at 5:30 because I am a construction fag
>Get back and see all these niggas with dinos and skeletons and shiet
>feel empty inside because i missed out on a lot of shitposting
Its not fair lads. I hate being a wageslave.

i-is almost 50 still scorelet?

Worked like a bitch and then napped all day, how do I win?

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Testing something

I would have over 5,000 if I didn't get fucked over

delet this


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>tricked by jews again..
God damn you.

Did you sleep at all last night?🐸


Almost same here. Working is not good for shitposting

Hand over the likes.

L-like for like?

Earn your likes fags

this April fools day just doesnt feel like fun. I don't see the point. Is it supposed to be like reddit?

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>not counting on & preparing for a 24 hour marathon shitposting session on april 1st

Scorelet here😽

If I get 50 likes I'll post OC images.

100 likes for her Snapchat.

Calling tailsCoin Flip: Tails

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Can I come in, guys? I can't even dino. :'(

My main board turned into a fucking gay orgy last year.

I can do this now. Woo.
Who is that milk truck btw🙁

QRD, nice milkies.

Gibs like plz!

Angry Milkies

Attached: Angry_Tits.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

Nothing beats a trap brap.