How do girls get better grades than boys most of the time?

How do girls get better grades than boys most of the time?

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They study non stop

They actually try?

They are submissive and listen to directions when an authority figure dictates to them. This makes them very good at succeeding in school.

At least, that's my opinion. Maybe they are just smarter. IDK

Children are separated in classes by age. Everybody will confirm you that girls mature faster. 10 years old boys will be all about pokemon while girls will start to slowly copy whatever behavior they see from adults around.

Girls also have 0 testosterone. They dont get urges to run from school and do nonsense. They are docile and obey whatever they are told to do (like homework or study for test).

Thats about it really.

Attached: testosterones.jpg (599x1345, 118K)

They give teacher the succ

Women tend to cluster around the mean. You'll find more men at the extreme low and high ends of the intelligence distribution. Some other, anecdotal things I noticed in university:
>Women take far more detailed notes, but don't seem to remember the material any better
>Predominantly female groups tend to aim for perfection and can get bogged down in needless argument over minor details, while predominantly male groups are more focused on finishing but may cut corners
>Women tend to be process-oriented while men are product oriented. For women, it's most important to make sure that everything is "done right". Men don't care how it's done as long as the result is good
>Women spend a lot more time editing and agonizing over their work, while high achieving men tend to be virtuosos
>Women are more willing to ask for help and consult their peers, while men are more independent, for better or for worse

You're right in the first half, way off the mark in the second

Good try though

Literally girls have testosterone and boys have estrogen, just in opposite amounts.

This is just proof that the sexist people are literally uneducated and possibly retarded.

Boys are praised for being born, and then encouraged to do whatever they want like sports, music, or a career. When they don't do well they still get praised anyway. So they don't push themselves.

Girls have the opposite, discouraged from everything and told they don't have as many options, told they aren't good at math or sports, so they have to actually try if they want to be something.

I second this sorta,

maybe it's unrelated but as a guy when I'm told to do something even if I was just planning to do it like i'm 30 seconds from closing out my browser and doing school work if someone walks in my room and goes hey make sure you do your hw I immediately get like pissy in my head and am like no fuck you I won't now. Same goes for opposite but only sometimes. Point is I've heard other guys I know do the same thing with studying but I've never heard or heard of a girl doing the same thing so I wonder if it's related to what you are saying about questioning authority and listening to directions

you living in the 1800s?

Why do guys always think they habe thoughts and feelings that girls can't?

Literally all of my friends and I are like this.

This is reality and you know it.
No amount of feminist advertising changes the reality girls grow up with.
It's just made it safe to talk about it and protect ourselves, mostly.

>This is reality and you know it.
lol it's really not, and telling me I know it is a pretty ridiculous tactic.

Remember, it is only because they are more submissive and lack as much an inner voice.

Not because they might actually have some redeeming qualities over men, like being a bit more conscientious in general.

Thank god the situation is not reversed, otherwise it'd be nothing but praise for the guys, instead of a story about how the women are somehow disadvantaged and the men are only doing better because of some negative quality.

You're a guy so you wouldn't know, sure.

>Lol how sad is this dude tho

Girls are more conformist. They are much better in sitting down and do a task calmly, and obey the rules and the teacher.

In my school years I never saw a woman challenge the teacher in what was taught or even challenge their authority the way men did.
It's a bit scary to think about that.

Also, juvenile embracing of masculinity often can manifest in the school environment as a search for conflict with the school system.
Iirc back when boys and girls were seperated in school, boys weren't worse than women. That is because the systems were shaped around the different genders.

I imagine boys would be much better in a competitive school environment, where discipline and good grades are honored among your peers.

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Some really interesting insight in this thread but
I feel like we need a sociology board so people have somewhere to discuss these things


As I thought, just googled it and the first article I found suggests it's a conscientiousness thing, not submission to authority. So my assumption isn't totally baseless.

It does seem weird to me that girls would be so much more utterly obedient that this alone would account for why they put so much more work into homework assignments, and are more diligent about when/how they do them. That a need to appease to teacher is so strong that it'd overcome their urge to mess around on the computer, etc.

I think you are too concerned about how others view you and seek praise from your peers too often and are forcing that onto your world view. Growing up and even now I never paid attention to or rarely ever was put up by any of my peers or authority figures and I've noticed the same for most others I grew up around if anything I noticed girls being put up slightly more often than guys but I feel like that has more to do with the fact that most guys especially in their younger years feel like they need to oversell themselves and be all cocky for some reason. Outside of sports and similar interests and your parents its honestly pretty rare that guys are put up and praised unless they are actually good. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I was praised in my life by someone other than my parents or friends and it was only after busting my ass with no recognition

Image you posted says:
> "At various times during their menstrual cycle, women's testosterone levels may be 10-20 times higher than their estrogen levels"
>Also says: "Falling in love increases a woman's testosterone levels"

>You: "Girls have zero testosterone"

Bro, for god's sake

Feminist loonie

Females generally are conformists. Teacher says jump, girls say how high. Boys say make me.

90%+ of men are conformists as well.

There were quite a few disobedient ghetto bitches in my class. Even worse than the ghetto dudes.

Think a lot of it comes down to how they were raised.

Lol they dont.

Perhaps stereotypically they know how to study and men are too busy playing video games and fucking around.

I have the highest grade in my class for the single simple reason that I actually strive to do well on the exams and turn in all of the assignments. I feel 0 sympathy for any of the slackers in the class that have to retake it because they couldnt be bothered to even show up most days.

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I think part of what you are seeing is actually pretty simple. women are more risk averse. Men will try anything, because they aren't afraid of failure. this is why you see guys on extreme ends of any spectrum. when you try hard, you either win big, or fail big. also, not fearing failure means not bothering to try.

women, on the other hand, hate failure, hate humiliation, and hate disappointing people. they will try hard, but not too hard. doing the absolute utmost takes some risk taking, and women would rather stick to tried and true methods.

Honestly, neither is bad. when you are forming a group, you need a mix of risk-takers and careful people. they compliment each other.

Failure in school generally equates to just not giving a shit. Also, most men are somewhat risk averse. Only a very small subsection of the male population, >10%, would ever have the balls to be an entrepreneur or do anything legitimately risky.
The vast majority of men resign themselves to working for other men until they die.

> I imagine boys would be much better in a competitive school environment, where discipline and good grades are honored among your peers.

Hasn't this led to climbing suicide rates among Asian student bodies?

Pretty much. The best solution is just making school less textbook based and much more interactive imo

don't post your grades for your pre-reqs, underfag

Unironically because of video games. Girls don't play them. Guys do.

What are you talking about?
The praised for being born thing, do you mean girls don't celebrate birthdays where you are at? Because here, only some religious nuts sit that one out.
As for encouraged to do sports, maybe that is more of a male thing, but it is literally because young guys have so much energy, putting it to good use is the only medicine. Music depends on the parents and plenty of girls went to music classes when I was young.
Career? Nobody is going to tell a man that he should pursue this or do that. The way compliments work in my workplace is when I don't get shat on for a bad job. The silence from my boss is gold..
I am surrounded by a world of negativity, nobody pads me on the back and say things are good, and if they did I wouldn't believe them. My parents are proud of me and happy to hear from me, but I think they feel the same with my sister.

I don't know how much praise and encouragement girls receive, but I didn't get much, so I can't see how this is some injustice to women. I would think we encourage women a lot actually. It is have not been a better time to be a young and beautiful woman, but I am not oppressed by women because of this.

because the scholastic curriculum has been molded more where it benefits girls more than boys. Basically Boys need and crave movement and rough housing by default. They can grow out of it and adjust but boys have a lot of excessive energy that makes them less focused mentally and more focused physically.

Probably because they are sluts that flirt with the teacher

Yeah well if you read the thread OP said "most of the time" you retarded male piece of shit.

So in Norway about 30 years ago or so buys were performing 1 grade better than girls. They then realized girls performed better in theory so they increased the amount of that until they had equal in grades in 2000-2005. Then girls started overtaking boys and they now enjoy having 1 grade better than boys. This resulted in "lol boys are just stupid/girls are naturally smarter" attitudes and nobody is talking about increasing practical lessons since that costs more money than teaching theory so here we are.
What's interesting is that while girls get better grades boys still get higher paying jobs after school.

Boys are shamed for being boys in this day and age, what are you on about?

The cringiest thing thats ever been posted on this website since it began. YOU are cringeworthy

Here in the US, the school system is still in "factory mode". Keeping kids inside all day until the hell bell rings and they get to leave. Preparing them for a factory job or a monotonous desk job. I'd really like to see what would happen if kids (especially boys) got to spend more time outside and learning about things they're curious about.
I think eventually people have to learn how to cope with the monotonous parts of life, but starting at the age of 5? Give me a fucking break.

A fascinating point that nobody has mentioned yet: Most teachers are female and female teachers will mark your work lower just because you're male



>In my school years I never saw a woman challenge the teacher in what was taught or even challenge their authority the way men did.
What the hell. Whether there was any of question of authority and initiative it ALWAYS were the girls to the half a dozens schools I went to.

At least back when I was going to school the stuff was mostly for losers unless it's a few games of FIFA with your mates.

>boys still get higher paying jobs after school.
Partly due women being pushed towards shitty careers and partly due them getting paid less for same shit. Nothing too interesting or unexpected.

you have your own website, which is a female version of Jow Forums. Perhaps you should go back there.

what a load of shit. Girls are constantly expecting praise and if this generation has taught us anything is that Girls are more well taken care of and they are already perfect. The only reason this femanon thinks the way she does is because she sees the grass is greener on the other side while tending to her rose bushes.

Cause only girls are stupid enough to excel in "listen and believe"

Not exactly kidding, either.

For example, university is almost completely useless at this point for a normal person, yet it's flooded with women. They're always behind the curve, while men surf on the bleeding edge.

>What's interesting is that while girls get better grades boys still get higher paying jobs after school.
well that's because boys take less days off than women. Women often have to take care of families while he father makes sure the family is funded. But now ita not much of a case

>Partly due women being pushed towards shitty careers
But mostly due to women choosing shitty careers because they want the work to be meaningful to them over getting a high paycheck (working with children, students, elderly, all idealistic stuff). You can see the same in men who work for shitty pay at video game companies even though coding for businesses give you a higher wage and lower hours.
Women also don't get paid less for for same shit but they work less hours which results in less pay. Men tend to work more overtime.

They can just ask beta orbiters to do any homework they have, usually this is the case, or else they're even given special treatment by professors. Schools are catering to women's style of learning as well, they're built that way now.

>well that's because boys take less days off than women.
No I meant they chase jobs that simply pay more right out of the gate. Them earning more money in total due to working more hours was not a part of the study.

I am thinking of a different study then

>Why do guys always think they habe thoughts and feelings that girls can't?
We do, and vice versa. Male and female brains are very different.

Mostly, we share the same thoughts, but on the ends of the spectrum is a bulb of emotions reserved only for each of us. This is to keep us alive.

Like if men knew how evil women were, we'd never talk to you again. So we need love to blind us from all that. And you guys need to be easily conquered, because if you weren't, then you'd never have kids. So your pride carries a limit where ours doesn't. Stuff like that.

really it's because they want a glamorous job. They want to be the first female to be he top _____ in their field. A lot of times they want to be recognize for something rather do what they are passionate about.

Funny how the apparently favorite child is the one that gets his ass kicked by society's pet groids through school and then sent off to die in an oil war.

Well, then there is also the aspect that the careers that are considered for women are get paid like shit. Although it's very tricky to tell how much it is due capitalism and how much due sexism.

>You can see the same in men who work for shitty pay at video game companies even though coding for businesses give you a higher wage and lower hours.
The different being that the game dev will still make fuckloads more than a kindergardener, despite doing a basically irrelevant job. Though again, not saying it's all down to sexism.

>Women also don't get paid less for for same shit but they work less hours which results in less pay. Men tend to work more overtime.
Definitely a factor too.

Even in shit jobs, the single mothers call off regularly, and the employer will act like the single, childless men are obligated to fill in for them.

I'd argue a kindergarten teacher is more irrelevant.
You learn more from your parents that year than anything, every kindergarten teacher I knew was a white trash hen that turned to drugs later.

Based. Woman have unique qualities like motherhood and many others. But one has to acknowledge what men have done and still do for the maintenance of this world

>Well, then there is also the aspect that the careers that are considered for women are get paid like shit. Although it's very tricky to tell how much it is due capitalism and how much due sexism.
I JUST told you it's capitalism!
If you post a job where you get tons of applicants who are happy just to work with people and don't care as much about the wages/are just happy to be paid for doing what they love then you will get lower wages since the are 100 other applicants for the job if any of them start demanding more money.

>despite doing a basically irrelevant job
You fucking what

>You learn more from your parents that year than anything
Only that not all parents have the time.

Though your experience with them sure sucks. Went to kindergarden in fucking eastern europe and as much as I disliked the place, at least the kinder-gardeners themselves were pretty decent.

>Maybe they are just smarter.
I've only met one girl in my life that was smarter than me.

>I JUST told you it's capitalism!
Pretty sure the wages for previously men only jobs like nurse or teacher went down disproportionally compared to jobs are that popular with both genders.

That was the only time when you had the capacity to see how someone else was smarter.

I haven't met one.
Seems like they're all drones who follow trends and pop culture.

Incel, the post, but I don't care:

Very simple: girls are more agreeable. They accept authority and will easily do whatever pleases the teacher.

Here's how a girl studies: she learns everything by heart the way the teacher intended it, she gets good grades, but rarely women comes up with genius or groundbreaking ideas. Notice how: even though women are vastly overrepresented in higher education, most of the great discoveries are still made by male (even though media will overrepresent female achievers because politics).

Here's how a boy studies: since he's not as good at memorising things; he'll try to understand all of the underlying reasons as for why things are actually that way, which is arguably harder, but if you manage to do it: you'll have a clear advantage over people who simply learned the solution without understanding it.

Here's a practical example I've noticed many times (I sometimes teach CS): girls will have a perfect score because they learn algorithms by heart, but very few of them are actually capable of explaining the why, some of them don't even understands the basic function calls but they get great grades because they learned the solutions by heart for the exams.

Guys will fail easier, but they mostly comes with their own solutions, they think outside the box, which doesn't always work, but eventually they'll achieve more in the end.

Women are great robots, men have a larger range of failure, but also success.

>Here's how a boy studies: since he's not as good at memorising things; he'll try to understand all of the underlying reasons as for why things are actually that way, which is arguably harder, but if you manage to do it: you'll have a clear advantage over people who simply learned the solution without understanding it.
girls do this a lot too

Of course, some girls in my classes were brilliant. But speaking as an average: most of them are just beasts to record things, not so much for critical thinking.

if anything though women are open to do newer things. Us guys are stubborn and have a tendency to know what works and keep at it. Seems to me women simply fill out where men cant and that goes the same vice versa.

I'll agree with that a well: men are disagreeable, which is a bad thing in a learning context with normalised grades, but men can be excellent entrepreneurs because they'll break the rules. The fact that so many big entrepreneurs are men isn't just because of patriarchy, it's because men are transgressors.

>The fact that so many big entrepreneurs are men isn't just because of patriarchy
How can you be so sure? We were constantly pushed to do something with ourselves and can look back at millennia of positive role models, which are constantly reenforced by media and authority figures. Women usually get "marry a guy". Simply to go be able to see past this shit would require an extraordinary person who is willing to go against the grain; before we even touch that a female entrepreneur would constantly have to fight for being taken serious.

Obviously times are slowly changing but only the generation past zoomers might be able to experience a somewhat fair outlook.

Since we're going off of anecdotes here instead of actual studies; as a girl in my CS classes, many of the males I've had the displeasure of working with haven't bothered to understand the underlying concepts for anything, and therefore don't have enough working knowledge to code themselves out of a paper bag. They do the bare minimum in their classes, assuming that the prof knows all, never really questioning the material. This really screwed me over last semester as I was lumped into a major project with two of them and had to do 90% of the work because they were basically useless. It was awful, one of them couldn't learn how to use an API endpoint or push to a repo after 4 fucking months.

Meanwhile I work my ass off every day, adding to projects in my git repo, almost never taking professors at face value and taking all the initiative to learn things on my own. But it's great knowing that there are dudes teaching me who think just like you and will assume my success is due to my obedience to them and my shitty male classmates failures are because of a tendency to 'think outside the box'. They put in no work to git gud but, like, just give them time, they'll get it eventually.

I have a quick question for you, master: what evidence do you have the womens' success in class is due to submissiveness? I don't mean personal experience; do you have any sort of study or hard evidence to prove it? Do you even have any proof that women just memorize the material where men actually study it? As if and good tests are 100% about memorization anyways.

My theory: Women get more attention. More attention and validation leads to higher self esteem and that leads to better performance and less worries.

It doesn't help that most teachers are female.
Male role models are not really anywhere to found when it comes to education. By the time we have male teachers a boy's mind is filled with "How a man should be" according to a female.
Boys also copy adults around them, but who the fuck do they copy, women pretty much.

This is extra bullshit given how women tend to have much lower self-esteem and generally underestimate themselves.

girl has problem
>clearly this is your fault, be less fat/prudish/sexy/cold/stupid/emotional
boy has problem
>you're the last sane man, fuck society, they should have listened to you!

If boys copied women, then their academic performance would have been better. The thing is boys often do the direct opposite, especially when puberty happens.

But yeah, i agree with the issue of over representation of women in academia on the teachers positions.

I agree with a lot of what you said, maybe the situation here is different but I only gave my personal experience, I don't expect anyone to take that as gospel, and to be fair: you only answered to my anecdotical observation with more anecdotical observation, not sure where we're getting with all of that but, oh well.

Many of my top students are women, and for a lot of good reasons: women are more mature than men, or at least they get to maturity quicker. Something else to note: women in CS also do better on average because there are fewer of them, therefore they're most likely to REALLY be involved in the studies, while you have a lot of guys who juste ended up here because they think they'll make the next Facebook, they have no interest in the material, survivor bias.

>But it's great knowing that there are dudes teaching me who think just like you and will assume my success is due to my obedience to them
I'm aware of my biases, I don't think I ever had any prejudice against girls: once again, this is an observation, an average, I've had the pleasure to collaborate with excellent female students and many of males are dumb as a rock.

pffft yeah right
Women get validated constantly. It's easier for women to be social, you can't deny this.

Who the fuck are you quoting?
>girl has problem
>oh its okay fuck them, come here, you are strong sister
>guy has problem
>lol stop whining, faggot virgin

There are fuckloads of studies regarding this. In basically every aspect of life too. Although it's something you'd easy notice if you went outside.

>It's easier for women to be social,
Now that's an entirely different topic, and instinctively I'd agree but got no clue about the data about it.

The educational system in almost every developed country is slanted towards women.

Also women mature faster, are more submissive etc...

The narrative bothers me, even though when men grow up, they are smarter, most of the shit always cited is pulled from HS. Grades really don't matter that much when it comes to career success or anything else in life for that matter.