Just got kicked out of Disney for saying we need a wall

>be me
>be taking daughter and wife to disney world
>standing in line for 30mins
>see spic cut the entire line with his wife and kids and walk to an empty register
>"hey man theres a line"
>he responds, "so?"
>instantly see red
>"Fuck you motherfucker theres a fucking line dude, all these people have been waiting, you need to wait to."
>just chuckles and turns around
>say "primitive piece of shit this is why we need the fucking wall"
>can literally hear line behind me gasp
>can feel wives face get beet red
>"whatd you say?" as he came closer
>"you heard me fucker!"
>by now security is on us
>entire line is saying im a racist asshole who attacked this poor family man for no reason and that I started it
>tell security he was trying to cut in line
>security asks me who I think I am for calling him out on it, it's their job to handle these things
>tell them well they werent fucking doing their job so someone had to
>they tell me to stop being combative while they called in 5 other security guys in
>get escorted back to the Hero lot we parked in
>wife and daughter are pissed
>wife is scared we'll end up going viral on twitter or something later

What would you have done Jow Forums? Wife is pissed I didn't just ignore the guy cutting and ruining our whole day over it, I'm pissed about always being forced into taking the moral high road and letting those who don't give a fuck about it have their way all the god damn time. However, apparently, even when you do something about it you're a fucking asshole anyway.

It's either: bend over and let people walk all over you, or call them out and be a fucking asshole for initiating confrontation.

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Ten likes and I'll take OPs wife and daughter back to Disneyland, and not be a faggot.

Fucking spic got called out, you did the right thing. Don’t let it bother you. If your wife isn’t as redpilled as you are by now, maybe it’s time to drop her.

You sound like a belligerent asshole who should have just told park staff.

good man

Kek, true if big. Honestly, I would've made a similar comment, but I am also usually drunk when in public. I accidentally struck a homeless black guy with my car and fled the scene with a few buddies from work in my car. I jokingly said, "at least it was a nigger" with a few laughs. One of my coworkers proceeded to tell everyone at work what happened and what I said. I never really recovered from this desu. Hopefully nobody recorded you.

Based boomer that still has a spine. Imagine how much could be accomplished if just 10% of the US population visibly reacted this way. It would hit the tipping point and begin the process of uncucking our shit.

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That sounds like what I would have done so I'm not gonna give you shit for it.🦎

That is white privilege in action

You did nothing wrong, wife and kids might be pissed for a day or two but its worth not getting walked over by some entitled spic.

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I'm sure Walt is proud of you

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I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for $500 alex. If it did, kind of ironic, their entire park is surrounded by a wall.

I support you.
Disney loves cucks that's why there were so many in your line.

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Good for you guy, hope wifey lets up on ya and the daughter will come around. Protip, if ur in Fl take em to busch gardens next time. The little ones will get rides and animals

i fucking hate getting cut in line. makes me murderous. you kept your cool compared to what i would have done OP. well done. Its Ok to be White.👌

you should fucking kick the shit out of your coworker. Ruin their life if you get the chance.

>with a few buddies
>proceeded to tell everyone at work
So they weren't buddies then.

I wonder OP, did you get some good boom boom that night? I could see your wife being mad at you in the moment just because everyone else was.

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You just ruined your kids memory of Disney & tried to blame it on the mexican. Good job OP. This is how SJWs are raised.

If you go viral, tell us.👌

>What would you have done Jow Forums?
I would have done the same thing user. I hate bean-niggers with an almighty passion. I was getting heated just reading your post, because I know exactly how this stinky lice ridden subhumans are.

Good on you for sticking up for yourself. Despite the mudpeople and cowardly liberals shuttering around you, you probably showed a handful of other white men that you can, and should in fact stand up for yourself, your people, and your nation.

I would only be worried about your wife, as they’re easily led by emotion, and embarrassment is a strong one. But you sound like a man who can handle it.

Respect brother. Fuck these invaders.👌

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we need more men like you.

>memory of Disney
so the kid will have bad memories of a filthy greedy corporation that hires sick people like James Gunn and Sarah Silverman? thats a good thing. also, a fucking leaf.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

He's not a bad dude per se, he just thought it would be funny to tell other people the story. Guys these days no longer have a code. If you go out and get into some drunken shenanigans, you keep it amongst yourselves. Now when you're out, every single asshole has their iPhones or Galaxies out, recorded shit for snapchat or social media. It was never like this.

You did the morally correct thing, however you gave the cunt all the ammo he needed when you used the wall reference and said “motherfucker” i Disney land. Walt was full on 14 words and if he was alive today the only beaners you’d see in Disney World would be working in the kitchen, where they belong. Don’t use women as a barometer, they have no loyalty and care way more about what the peanut gallery thinks than what is right.

At one point in the recent past, everyone would’ve been on your side. I blame the jew media.

Similar situation happened to me last time I went.

>Be me
>Uncle takes my brothers, cousin and I to Disneyland
>First time going at 19
>Staying late to see the show they put on at end of day
>Barriers set up for the show.
>We find a nice spot nearby
>Boomer retired CHP officer uncle takes a seat on a bench
>350 lbs of Q U E E N stroll up
>She wants to cross the barrier by stepping over the bench
>Uncle tells her there's no room, and to go in line
>She crosses over him as he's sitting
>He gets up and yells at the top of his lungs
>"This is why everyone hates you people! Fucking nigger!"
>Look around
>Show going on
>Nobody noticed/cared
Mfw he got away with it
Mfw it happened at the "World of Color" show

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>cut the entire line
>walk to an empty register
Do you avoid empty registers at the DMV user? How about the grocery store? Checks flag. How about the shooting range?

When did standing up for your nation become calling out people for cutting in line & needlessly bringing race into it. More bad parenting than anything else. Like are you retarded, autistic, or just trying to make your ancestors turn in their grave?

walt would be proud.

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> Guys these days no longer have a code.

That's the point my dude. Who should be your brothers and allies are not. They deserve it worse than the nigger you hit. They betrayed you. Straight up.
Quit being a spineless faggot and recognize you are being cucked.

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I would've done everything short of the wall comment. You can't say shit like that in fucking Disney World and expect to get away with it, and you still have the moral high ground given that he was in the wrong. All you needed to do at that point is get the other people in the line to call him out as well.

Why are you at (((Disneyland))) in the first place. /pol pisses and moans and then just hands hundreds of (((dollars))) to peopl that hate him and his Nation.

Life Lesson: You just can't say IRL what you say as 'user' on Jow Forums... because of the usual reasons (none of which have to do with whether or not you're actually RIGHT about it).

next time, create a video clip and post to youtube, let it go viral.



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how you cannot see that race is a factor here is beyond me. You are simply being willfully ignorant or you have never had to deal with minorities ever in your life.

Yes, this. If this happened in the 1950s a bunch of white men would have dragged this beaner off, beat the shit out of him, and threw him in a dumpster.

You did the right thing

Perhaps couldve done without the cursing so you wouldnt get kicked out

But confrontation was right - as a society we need to do more to enforce norms like being a decent human and not cutting in line

Write to Disney for a refund for not following their posted rules about waiting in line, and for kicking you out instead of the liar who cut in line.
Post on every social media.
Rage about you being the victim.
>Use the libs own practices against them

Maybe it goes viral. Maybe others have same story.
But don’t piss off your wife too much of it’s a thing. Maybe better to drop it. idk user.

Absolutely based. Would have sided with you OP. Fuck spics and fuck niggers, take your daughter somewhere else. Probably more fun to go to a normal amusement park, it'll be less crowded and cheaper

Easy retribution
>Invite him to favorite sportsball
>Anonymously point pack of niggers to his domicile when he will be away.
>He comes home to niggers raping and killing his family
>You drive off with a hearty kek
>Call cops to pick up dangerous niggers
And the world is a better place

The so-called minorities made me racist with their horrible behavior. I still like Asians although they can’t drive for shit.

Beaners know very well the score. They are like nogs in that they will act like primitive fucks intentionally to draw out a negative response from white man, claim racism, film it, get it viral, get white man fired. They win the war without firing a shot.

Being kicked out instead of the guy who was breaking the rules?

line cutting is basically quintessential non-white behaviour.

Don't go to disney, don't buy their films, don't watch them. They are (((owned))) propaganda.
In reality, you should have gone for the security the very first moment he refused to go to the back of the queue. They generally do something about it if you tell them. If they don't, you can make a formal complaint.

It was a better time; a simpler time.

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Im phone posting

>Implying kids know or care about anything other than the cartoons.
Also that is so irrelevant. Like the purpose of a vacation is to create good memories / relax / have fun regardless of where you are. OP just had to ruin Disney, a childhood dream for many kids.

If you can't control your anger for a fucking weekend you don't deserve to be a parent

Codreanu is based

>needlessly bringing race into it.
Bringing race into it is inevitable, because nobody said anything to that asshole because of his race. These people act the way that they do because white people wont say anything to them. They waltz into this country and then proceed to walk all over our ethics and customs because they don’t have any respect for us. And why would they? We don’t stand up for ourselves. We don’t maintain the order inheritant to OUR civilization because we’re afraid to “bring race into it”.

>Like are you retarded, autistic, or just trying to make your ancestors turn in their grave?
You used this too soon faggot, this is end of the argument-tier bantz you’re supposed to use when you’re losing. Anything else Chang?

Take me too please

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>going to fagney




They're worse than niggers, they're howler monkeys

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>have no social media at all
>rarely out with my lady friend
>can do or say whatever I want still
>faggots or niggers that get upset at it have nothing on me
Livin the good life. I hope one day I can open up my own business so I can really go power level to the max. No boss to find to try and fire me either.


Turn that shit sideways.

Sure fren, but keep your hands off of OPs wife. That bitch is mine.

Thats funny
>be me
>day after election 2016
>in line for space mountain
>see group of white people as they take off on ride and hear them chant "build the wall!"
God 2016 was so great. Like if you agree :^)

Based and true

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>entire line is saying im a racist asshole who attacked this poor family man for no reason and that I started it
Kill traitors first.

You have to likecme now, okay bby

Everyone ITT is a goddamn faggot. This is a larp.

Everyone in the past would have called out the spic for being unamerican in the first place. Civilised culture includes politeness and decency. There is no queueing or order in third world shitskin countries.
If you don't say anything, they never learn, until your whole country becomes like theirs. That's why you'll have to learn chinese and eat dogs, you never spoke up to stop it.

>not strategically using the Fastpass system to bypass lines
Rookie mistake
t. Orlandofag

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Yeah I had a flight and they aired Ralph 2 and it was even more women empowerment bs, moral was to trust women and leave them alone to their own devices. Anyone with a modicon of sense and time spent alone with a women who trusts you knows they need to be under men's hand

you probably couldve done without the wall shit you idiot.
You ruined your kids vacation and the spic is riding splash mountain right now. I don't think you showed him anything dude

lol disneyland is a beaner magnet why would you pay to be surrounded by sweaty beaners?

Fuck you these spics must know they're not welcome

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You weren't kicked out because you said "build a wall." That would've been funny.

You were kicked out because you went way too far. At fucking Disneyworld. That's a major white trash thing to do. You're no better than the mexican desu. Act like an adult around kids you fucking worthless hillbilly.

You could have been tactful and clever, insulting him and getting your way. Instead you have the impulse control of a nigger and you got kicked out of Disneyworld. Very sad.

the one benefit of having a daughter is the guarantee that the child she has will continue your genetic line.

Rolled 6 (1d6)

>going to Disney World at all to begin with

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This exact same thing happened to me the last time I was there with my family, except I didn't curse and just said "this is why we need a wall." The father in the family behind me chuckled. You weren't kicked out for being racist, you were kicked out for yelling curse words in a park surrounded by children. Disney is family friendly.

I don't believe you

a score of 129 is telling me "fuck you" thats rich

Based Dinobro♠️

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You should have stand in front of him OP instead of making a scene. I hate those people too.


They’re worse than niggers because they’re smarter, and don’t fight conventionally. Sneaky bastards. What’s the chance that the Spanish who discovered America were mostly Spanish-Jews?💢

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No believe

Isn't that a few hundred dollars

Based dude. Dads rise up.
I knocked a zoomer faggot out last night. I made fun of him because he was sporting vans. I called him a "faggot bitch trendy tranny loser." He came up to me in his retarded hoodie and puffed his chest out. He attempted a swing, but I grabbed the back of his neck, pulled his head down, and kneed him right in the dome. BOOM. Lights out. It was fucking great. Dipped before the police showed up.

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You should have just cut everyone too.

Looks comfy desu, I wish I was cuddling with them........maybe not.

How is it a factor when many more mexicans were probably waiting in line? Like, bringing race into any trivial dispute is hate for the sake of hating and is the reason why the majority shuns racist beliefs. You guys devalue your entire belief system by using it any instance your blood boils even when it is unjustified.

I'm right wing & racist do I can see where you are coming from. Literally the only people who have tried to mug me have been niggers. Montreal is full of misbehaving and scheming Arabs & Nigs. Their culture is fucking disgusting.

But, by being blatantly racist what do you accomplish? Absolutely nothing but propagate hate that furthers the divide & encourages misbehavior of minorities since it gives them an excuse. The minority already has the upper hand because of societal norms, so you are just making yourself a target.

One of my relatives just blocked and jabbed them when they tried to cut the lines.


No, it's included in the price of a standard ticket. Lots of theme parks upcharge for it (like Universal), but Disney uses it to manage the crowds. You can pre-plan 3 fast passes per day, and once you've used up all 3 you can start using more on any rides where they are available.

That's it faggot I'm taking your family to Disneyland. Tell your wife to pack rope and rubber sheets.

>furthers the divide & encourages misbehavior of minorities

You answered your own question user

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Was this Disneyland? Then I'm not surprised Calicucks kicked you out. Go to Universal next time.

Could you stop making us leafs look worse? That'd be great, thanks.

This. Hate is a gift. Cherish it.

i rate this two and a half honks

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You did the right thing. Risking your wife and daughter's safety, but still. We need more people standing up, showing the mass of retards that not everyone is cowed.

I just cannot stop fucking my dog

You went to (((Disneyland))) you earned it.