My gf is disboeying me rn...

my gf is disboeying me rn, my dad kept pouring her wine at a restaurant and i told her to stop drinking and then she drink while smiling at me and i was saying seriously dont drink it, now i wanna dump her / dont feel like talking to her. shes in washroom eight now, should i drive her home or what. im depressed and dont feel like talking to her , i wannadump her but i dont want to

not interested in faggy advice like she can do whatever she wants

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first need to know what your problem is with her drinking and if you both previously agreed with eachother that she would stop drinking

weak bait

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You don't want faggy advice but you come bitch to a chinese cartoon image board? You're not man enough to handle her so just grow a pair and put that bitch in her place already or Fuck off

Your gf is not a pet you can order around. Calm your drunken autism. Your dad can drive her home if you don't want her anymore.

fuck off bitch, if you read the thread i dont want yout stupid advice

All the others calling you out and you target me. kys

good advice. also, dad is gonna fuck OPs gf

basic bitch wisdom

There's like two people in this thread. Also, he said anything besides 'let her do whatever she wants'. He doesn't have to do what she wants either. Enjoy being eaten by your cat when die in your one room apartment in 15 years, fatty.

But seriously, what's the problem OP. Why are you mad about this?

the problem is i said seriously dont do it and se did it infront of ym face. she askrd me in the cat noe if i hate her i said thats a stupid wuestion she said di u dislike mr i said yes she daid why i said cause ur annoying me on purpose now dhes lightly sobbing in car and were in silence

>you sound emotionally and mentally well adjusted
>nah just playin

tell her to get back in her cage duh

You seem like the drunk one.
This shit is so incoherent.

>Also imagine bitching about your gf on an online forum while she is sitting in the car right next to you. Dear lord op

let her out of her cage only if she makes you a sandwich

im not drunk i was fucking driving retard, i literally said im driving so why the fuck do you think i wss typing like that.

i dont want some annoying bitch like that, basically i wanna dump her but its hard because we have good times then sometimes randomly shes an annoying cunt

Just let your dad bang her, easy.
Enjoy the self cuck, alcoholic.

my dads also a faggot but its not the issue, i said were not gonna drink this and then she kept drinking and then i said . seriously, stop. then she drank while smirking at me. then i was just thinking of dumping her and went silent

Im not an alocohlic, youre projecting, you dumb bitch, im not an alcoholic i was telling her to stop srinking cause its bad for her, shes only 17 , the age is irrelvent tho

You type like you're 12 when you drive. :)

>getting cucked by your dad
imagine raising your own sister.

the fag apple falling near the fag tree

This, OPs dad confirmed for fucking his gf. It explains this whole situation.

Sorry for being caustic in all seriousness; this whole thread is pretty petty from the get-go

hes mever even had a conversation with her


Oh man I meant to quote this post but my iPhone autocorrected your postnumber to “fag” for some reason

oh shit you're 17?

get off this board and do your homework this place is a hell hole.

dont dump her just out of anger its not good to act out of anger. try to calm down and think about what you want to say to her and why it bothered you. maybe type it out if you have to so you can organize all your thoughts and feelings.

thats good you dont want her to drink though

its experiences like this that teach you what you want in a girl so its not a complete waste that you dated her.

hold on a second
>17 year old
>pouring wine for her

bait confirmed

never said im 17, shes 17, under the lgal drinking age, which is irrelevent to why i told her not to drink . Im over the age. What i want in a woman is a subservient slave who doesn’t try to tease me and fuck with me, im also pretty clear about this. I dont chain her yp or anything stupid but I dont like disrespect

my dad doesnt know shes 17

Your dad can taste her nubility. It’s like wine.

Your dad is going to fuck a 17 year old then.

She's acting out and you're being a lil bitch about it

I fail to see the problem in this scenario desu

cucked by your own dad, shady

>texting and driving

hope you crash lol
also your gf can actually do way better

>not interested in faggy
You haven't taught her to obey. Faggot.

Why are obeyfags so aspie?
Does the Aspergers cause them to seek control in superficial aspects of their lives as well as over the lives of others?
Be careful too since they always undoubtably sperg out. It’s sadly an inevitability.

Your dad is telling you your girl is a hoe. Use her for sex and move on.

Funny how you gona dump yo girl and she is gonna suck off your dad and let him raw dog that pussy while he fucks her puckery pink asshole with his thumb.

The answer would have been to let her drink then fuck her silly later, but you too fuckin stupid to see a good opportunity when it wants to sit on your face.

And then the fat schizophrenic girl chimes in.

Can you please fuck off? We don't need mentally ill people giving out terrible advice.

it wasnt that big of a cuck, we got th sh went to the washroom, i gave her a glass of wine while she was gone, then my dad got another bottle for him anf his friend and gave us each another gladd before we even finished the first one, the girl drank the most because the bartender filled up her glass to empty the first bottle, i said dont drink the second glsss (shed already have 1 or 1.5 glasses) i told my dad, were not gonna drink the second glass blabla im driving 5 , then he said ok gf can drink it, i said no were not gonna drink it then. said k. gf was drinkignfrom second glass and i said its enough, then i grabbed it fro her hnd in the middle f a bar in a busy restaurant infront of everyone, said no. then after she took it and started to tryto drink it and i said seriously , dont drink it. then she took a sip while smirking at me and i was just saying seriously dont, its not funny. then she took the si p and i let out a little laugh cause i was thinking fuck wow cant believe u did that, then she said if its not funny why r u laughing then i said its not funny and didnt talk to her after she said do you dislike me in the car i said yes and then she started crying and talked to her mom on the phone (she called and put me on) and explained the situation

If you date someone that young then that shits gonna happen from time to time. She's a bit immature. Be the bigger man honestly it's not that big of a deal but if you honestly need her to be that submissive then you got a problem goy. You can try and change her but she knows she has you by the balls simply by sipping a wine lmao do you understand the power you're giving her?
Honestly I would take that anger out in bed and fuck her silly as a punishment until she can't feel her face ;) if you wanna dump her for other reasons (I imagine there are) just think it through dont act on impulse.

that’s girls mAte try not being an easily offended try hard and maybe their general idiocy and shit testing won’t piss you off

My husband wants this too! How to be a better subservient slave?

Let betas be betas.

You’re an idiot

"What i want in a woman is a subservient slave" dump her and try to find one then, good luck spending your life alone