Show me where in the Bible it says you go to Hell for committing suicide

I’ll wait

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though shalt not kill

>Tells Israelites to commit genocide and infanticide against goyim in the next chapter

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Those were all defensive genocides

(Exodus 20:13). God is the author of life, thus, the giving and taking of life ought to remain in his hands


That doesnt say hell tardo.

But does choosing to end your own life count as “killing” or “taking a life”? It’s been defined that way in modern times. But who’s to say?


God chose to put you on this Earth.
He created you for a reason.
To throw that gift away is an insult.
You might not even end up in Hell, you may never exist after you die.

it doesn’t. as long as you’ve attained christ consciousness youre good to go

...and that reason may involve the way I choose to kill myself or something I would do on the way to killing myself or perhaps the act of killing myself in itself was the plan all along.

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Disobeying the direct word of god means you go to hell
>Does taking a life count as taking a life? Hard to say to be honest

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Well and what qualifies as suicide? Are Pall Malls suicide? Did the men at the Alamo commit suicide by holding their ground and fighting a hopeless battle? If the Alamo isn't suicide then what if I just go around slapping bears until one eats me?

Heads dead.Coin Flip: Heads

>>To throw that gift away is an insult.
Sensitive little shithead isn't he? Why can't God just forgive you for taking you own life?

You can't take what's already yours m8

low level bait🍴

you are the lord's to command (usually through causality). He called you forth and will call you back. Returning home before your appointed time is rude and presumptuous. Though I doubt time really applies to the almighty so none of this makes any sense anyway


the line is do not murder, killing is if it is justified, murder if it is not.


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Jesus forgives all so suicide is included


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If disobeying means you go to hell then everyone goes to hell. If youre saved killing yourself doesnt make you lose it. Fucking leaf brainlet probably a catholic.

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Acting as God is the sin, when you commit suicide you are acting as God.

You die in the act of sinning. What more proof do you need?

also why do you want to know. Do you want to end life?

>get quints on meme day
>zero likes

>Defensive genocides

Like the Holocaust?

The Bible actually never mentions hell

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>You see god, where you said thou shalt not kill, you actually didn't mean under this circumstance, so all those people I killed don't count and you have to let me into heaven now okay? God? Are you listening?

justified killings are stuff like self defense, defensive wars, and capital punishment of a criminal you cannot safely contain.