Debate me retards. Right here right now, I will take all of you on at once.
Debate me retards. Right here right now, I will take all of you on at once
Monarchy is the best form of government
Spookposting in farm thread
Blacks pay income taxes on their welfare checks.
Change my mind.
traps are gay and suicidal
spook me up man
you're a retarded nigger faggot, but I agree
I am fine with this
Cheez-its are better than Cheese Nips
Fight me faggot.
prostitution should be legal.
Trump is a faggot
You don't exist prove me wrong
false, 2 second google search reveals cheese nips are in fact the healthier choice
hard agreed
If you're going to treat yourself, do you get a salad or a steak?
No fallacy to be seen here
Real Christianity stands against jews.
Real Christianity hasn't been tried.
Change my mind.
if I dont exist how am I posting nigger?
faggot nigger retard
>faggot nigger retard
typical Canadian argumentation tactics. When faced with superior American facts they withdraw into their gravy-stained hovels and resort to ad-homonym.
Silly leaf
Canada has the geography to breed very hardy & mold resistant strains of Marijuana.
Prove me wrong.