Post your ideology and show your score

Post your ideology and show your score.

Let's see if being a scorelet correlates to being a political brainlet.

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pic related

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National syndicalist

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i'm a liberal democrat. left leaning. don't know how to show score.

true brainlet

It seems like every time i get on here there's some new slang you wegros are making up. Wtf is a scorelet?

White nationalist/alt right tendencies but not full autist to the point where I cant talk to a minority in a friendly way.

Somewhere between a pragmatic anarchist and an eco fascist

National Capitalism

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>post your ideology
Loaded question

And that score shows am an fag

>can people who farm likes not be retards?
ITT we learn the truth.

>somewhere between fascism and anarchism

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i’m like 399 or something i’m not showscoring because NAP

also lolbertarian btw

Proud national socialist and as my score confirms a Jow Forums pro

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Progressive Liberalism


>alt right tendencies
>3 points
Checks out

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I don't know what these fags are up to, but I don't like it one bit.

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It’s a joke, scorelet.

Conservative-Capitalist. Though I do have a bent on getting rid of shit skins.

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So a nation that is subservient to international capital? Pathetic.

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I think the white race in america and europe should:

-marry a white jewish girl
-move to israel as a settler
-build an industry or trade in west bank
-These brave anons will use the jews network against it.
-50% white is better than can be hoped for in america
-Trumps family is already doing this
-If the west goes tits up, Isreal will survive
-jews fight muslims and we move in to replace them
-Anons with part jew bloodline should feel compelled to help
-I have no jewish blood but might let my kids have some
-prove me wrong

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I'll be nice an spoonfeed this time. For April fools we have Like! for posts and each user get's a score based on that and the number of posts. People with a small score are scorelets. You can show the score by putting showscore in the options field.

Conservative independent

>getting rid of the shitskins while keeping the people who employ them

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>Lets turn back the clock and expect a different outcome

Stfu, you’re getting dropped from my helicopter next, faggot.

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>not also lynching nigger sympathizers. You are a retard aren’t you?

Learn to greentext, jesus fuck.

eco fascist

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>not stomping out white supremacy wherever it pokes it's ugly white face out

I got nothing...

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having an ideology yikes
this expains alot

There wheren't many nigger sympathizers back in the day, but we still ended up where we are today. Conservatism is a failed ideology.
>inb4 real conservatism has never been tried🐸