

Attached: 4xx0jqpa8kp21.jpg (640x791, 94K)

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hehe, dehumanizing people is fun😂


Attached: jew_vote_donors.jpg (1661x1350, 592K)

Drumpf is an orange

amazing, now do obama!

Brave & corageous

Which one is the monkey.

Attached: Patrick_Ewing_Totally_Looks_Like.jpg (401x271, 21K)


which one is a kike?

Isn't that something you get a Twitter ban for?

Trick question, they are both pigs.

that (((nose)))

Attached: 48758D6F-045D-468C-A40D-D347C4BBEF87.jpg (501x608, 176K)

someone tweet that back to him with his profile pic


Bill Clinton?

>which one is the President of the United States?

Pigs are based. Fuck this Mudslime

I'm pretty sure that only applies for those russian bots with green frogs as profile pics


I´d love to see the Obama version

I came here only for this.

Attached: enhanced-10822-1411477443-9.jpg (360x480, 18K)

The one with the higher IQ

What's wrong with the nose my fellow white man

Likes pls

>dude trump is anti-jewish man and 4d chess and shit
yeah that's why he gave his children off to jews and is super pro-israel. Makes perfect sense! If I was anti-Jewish I'd definitely just let my children race mix with jews to turn my family Jewish while I actively promote their goals. Retard.

Attached: brainlet.jpg (550x543, 83K)

it's ok to be a pig👌

I would feel safer with the pig in charge

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top is pig
bottom donald j trump

your mom?

heads OP is a faggotCoin Flip: Tails


Attached: ahegao 15.jpg (337x292, 32K)



OP is the pig.

The creepy thing in the little circle at the top

Jokes on this asshole, pigs are some of the most empathetic creatures on the planet.

Guaranteed if it was obama with a monkey you would've upvoted this thread


Attached: 6 million was not enough.jpg (1000x571, 332K)

Didn't Rosanne lose her job for comparing someone to an animal?

>Which one is a pig?
Easy. @stonecold2050🐟

They’re both great apes

the point is, that they cried like little bitches when they felt "dehumanized" by the NPC meme.

The retarded beta male who follows an ideology which wants him dead just for a chance to score Chad's sloppy seconds.

banned from social media, fired, jailed, not allowed to ever been seen or mentioned again.

dunno. but i can spot the faggot. the one at the very top left.

Do one for Obama and a chimp. Or Michelle and a black man.

the one with the hairy back and monkey blood...

lol the women that called michelle an ape in heels was a thief stealing from the gov almost like a nigger lol

>implying half of america hasn't called obama an ape in heels
Nigger what?

The top left circle?

As a kid, back whenever they chose the first professional "dream team" for the basketball at the olympics, i watched in awe as patrick ewing picked his nose with a full thick towel wrapped around his finger live via satellite.
it was something else.

this one?

Attached: commie endless cycle.jpg (1146x699, 516K)

no way dayoldfag, they didn't have likes back then


Nice score. It'd be a shame if I.... Beat it.