How do I kill myself but cause the least possible amount of pain to my family? Preferably the least pain to myself as well. Be specific.
How do I kill myself but cause the least possible amount of pain to my family...
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With old age
user, please don't do it.
I know you might be suffering but I assure you it's not worth all the pain and grief you'll bring to those who love you.
Do you see anyone about it?
crash your car at high speed
nobody will suspect a thing
Knowing that is part of what has kept me from doing it already. I can't stand the thought. But i wish they would just let go and accept my decision as my right.
I don't trust anybody to talk about it with. Tried that once and lost a good friend because he betrayed me and told. Have not talked to him since.
I want to be pretty damn sure i don't fuck up. This will definitely fuck me up but how certain is it it would actually get the job done? The only thing worse than death or my family suffering would be for the attempt to fail but leave me significantly disabled or a vegetable.
there is plenty of 90s beaters capable of doing above 120MPH for sale all around the us
you would have to be mentally impaired to fuck up such a simple thing as accelerating a car and hitting something head on
but then again you are a pussy
>least possible amount of pain to my family
There is none. It will hurt just as intensely as it would with any method. You have no fucking idea what being on the receiving end is like, and you should always bear that in mind.
t. Someone who's little brother shot himself when they were home
>faking an accident
>as painful as full blown suicide with a note and everything
yea, nah
carve a gang tag on your chest and then walk into their territory with rival gang colors. Shank yourself in the neck. Bonus points for tagging yourself with ms-13.
You go to the nearest gang members and shoot them in the face. They'll shoot you right back and kill you instantly. Your parents will be sad, but at least you died a "hero" taking out scum with you.
>b-but they'll torture me!
No they wont. They only torture people who owe them money or assets and film it to distribute to other people who owe them assets or money as a means of intimidation.
Get professional help user. No, not a hitman, I mean a therapist.
Leave a note,
claim that you fucked up and need to start a new life somewhere.
If you are lucky and made it, you will look for your family,
if not, you will never contact ever again.
Now, find a deep deep forest where nobody will find you, and kill yourself there.
Remember to not leave any trail or identifications.
You family will imply that you are living well somewhere alone.
Giving them false hope is what going to make them not be painful.
Even if they found out you are actually dead years later, they will be too detach from your life to feel much pain.
Real suiciders kys no matter what because their reasons to kys are real. You are just another poser online begging for attention.
If you care about your family, you still have reason to keep living.
>>Get professional help user. No, not a hitman, I mean a therapist.
>>I don't trust anybody to talk about it with
dont do it man.
>If you care about your family, you still have reason to keep living.
You don't get it because you probably don't care about your family. Your parents probably don't love you.
I'm a 23 year old KHHV incel loser NEET, and my parents still shower me with love and care, and give me all I want. They just want me to be happy and do a few things for them (graudate, get a job, get a wife and kids). It would break their heart if I killed myself.
>I'll insult you and prove your point but I'll still deny it
OP isn't a Chad tho
make friends. whenever i dont talk with friends i want to kill myself always and forever
Jesus Christ, I’ve been reeling from this for 2 weeks now. How do you make new friends to compensate for the friends that don’t respond or are busy?
online friends, while they don't have the same visceral effect on your brain as real people, are a good start
but unrionically going to parties or bars or language learning app or just meeting a fucking cash registrar is a good start.
If you want to make new friends, the first thing to do is get involved in something outside the home that's relevant to you and that others attend. A hobby, volunteer work, a class. Someplace where you are in repeated social situations with people and have context to talk to them. Let it happen naturally, don't be judgmental, and don't give up if it doesn't work out the first time/place you try.
Op, don't kill yourself. If you love your family, friends, or anyone at all, you have a reason to live. Please. Invest in yourself so that you can make yourself feel valuable in the ways that you don't right now. Compliment people behind their backs. Be kind and available that need/want it and back off when they don't. You will make friends.