*blocks your path in the nuclear wastes*

''Hand over your food and water, shitlord.''


Attached: leftwing prepper.jpg (1365x1124, 315K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I used to focus only on preparing for earthquakes and other natural disasters. That changed in 2011 when I went to my first protest, an Occupy Oakland action, with a medic bag. I didn't know yet that I'd be out there for hours, so I didn't have supplies I consider basic now — food, caffeine, extra smokes, insoles for my combat boots. I didn't know how aggressive the police would be, and the handkerchief around my neck was more for a punk look than medical necessity. I hadn't received formal training to be a street medic; I just happened to know first aid and CPR and wanted to help. I carried a 15-pound bag on my back, full of medical supplies, mainly gauze and tape but also things like tourniquets that I hoped I wouldn't have to use. I was scared — I'd had rubber bullets shot at me the night before — but I was determined to drop off water to the protesters and make sure that people had sterile supplies.

Attached: leftwing prepper 2.jpg (1067x1600, 358K)

>dmt tattoo

yea im not worried

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Well, she's stored up enough fat for winter...

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is she... holding a fucking staff?

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smack a dab, throw up a smooth seig heil and run up some stairs. when she comes up ill jump off behind her and cut her down with my katana. if she catches wind of my deception, ill just retreat and snipe her from a distance

id be like a ninja compared to her

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Ironically, as the event happens and food becomes scarce, she'll die much more quickly than a thin person as the strain from lack of food will put a significant stress on her already weak heart.

During the time it takes for her to complete one swing of that bat, civilisation will have completely recovered and she could just waddle into a McDonald's

That's not DMT, it's cholesterol.

blackthorn shillelagh, you buy them on BudK
they are pretty nasty if you know how to use one

Attached: ha.gif (369x271, 1.99M)

What a find she'd be in the wastelands. We could live off that lard for months.

>Extra smokes
>15lbs of supplies and sore feet
>rubber "bullets"

Yarr, yer blubber will light me lamps for many a night.

Literally shaking from a Trump victory, but mentally strong enough to survive doomsday. Hahhahahahahah

>be me
>run 10 meters
>hambeast is too slow. Can't reach me with her cane.
>hambeast stumbles after 2 meters.
>hambeast goes down. it is out of breath.
>hambeast dies of a heart attack.

I mean, if this is what I have to skullfuck when I scavenge the wasteland then I guess it's part-and-parcel to the end-of-the-world.

But I'll do it begrudgingly.

It's her walking cane. She is so fat, her legs cannot support her anymore.

B...but she's completely healthy! A.. at every s... size!

I would kick her in the balls.

>"doomsday prepper"
>nowhere near prepped because of her enormous weight
>will die in the first few weeks, because she'll be too slow and out of shape to keep up with people in far better physical shape
>also, no man will be enticed enough to protect her as she is not attractive

>pulls out gun and shoots
>leaves the body unlooted

Is she prepping to hibernate until the nuclear fallout has passed?

She prepared to return to the sea when a tidal wave hits.

After reviewing the article of this hambeast here's the review:

>Obese: Disadvantage
>Smoker: Disadvantage
>Slingshot for PD: Disadvantage
>Bright Colors for poor concealment: Disadvantage
>"Medic" but lacks a basic IFAK: Disadvantage
>Arrogant: Disadvantage
>No Gun: Major Disadvantage
This woman will be dead and is not valuable to a group because of her large dietary needs.

I guess I jog lightly around her?

People like that would be the first to die. Probably can't even fast walk a mile without being exhausted.

I work at the Hanford site, be careful with nuke shit

>I met my partner, a fellow anarchist who specializes in constructing urban shelters and creating makeshift weapons out of random finds from the local dumpster. Ape is many things I am not — slender where I am curvy, tan where I am pale, easygoing where I am exacting. One of the bonds of our relationship is our enjoyment of teaching and learning from each other. Ape teaches me how to handle and care for knives and guns, while I teach him how to recognize medicinal herbs in an urban setting, how to preserve food, and how to stitch up a wound.

You can’t make this shit up folks !

encourage obesity so they die and participate in as few elections as possible.

those are oddly traditional roles for them

SJWs really really like blunt objects and clubs.

Attached: gang-gang.jpg (640x480, 55K)

>"Give me yo shit white bo-"

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The fall of civilization would mean no more HRT for the trannies in that pic.

>Urban shelters
my money is non him being a pavement ape who builds skidrow bum shacks with a rudimentary knowledge of shooting handguns sideways like some Hollywood movie

I think this is how they view themselves

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Jesus Christ, the only way I would ever enter her is if I had killed her and wanted to use her body as a winter shelter, like what Leonardo DiCaprio did to that horse in Revanant.

>Ape and I had sex at an “End of the World” orgy on the night of Trump’s election. The crowd was mostly sex workers and queer folks.

I don't know how to react to this.
The level of disgust is big, but so is the hilariousness of "End of the World" orgy when Trump was elected.

Well, I'll just laugh in disgust.

>feast on hambeast corpse

Another lovely day in the wasteland

Why are they resurrecting these moldy oldy threads?

I'd definitely befriend her and her juicy succulent fat rolls to help my own food supplies last longer

Her story feels complete embellished or fake. She’s too fat to be able to participate in those protests or take tear gas, her lungs are already spent hauling her around.

>while I teach him how to recognize medical herbs in an urban setting

pictured is her doomsday food store, enough for 1 day of meals

Attached: prepper-pantry.jpg (602x452, 271K)

...there are no fat people in capital wasteland!

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>new insoles for my combat boots
What a fatass, I’ve never changed the insoles on my workboots

Shes so fat they crap out after she spends the day at a trump protest with a 15 pound backpack

...so like in Resident Evil?

Wow, that first picture doesn't do her fat ass justice.

They might hurt themselves on sharp objects.


*blocks your artery*


Woah dude, spoilers

>tfw leftists are reverting to traditional tribal gender roles and social stratification in the urban ruins of our decaying society

Attached: horizon zero dawn.jpg (610x532, 40K)

Would instinctively shoot first as soon as I see that green hair.

>Occupy Oakland action
>Gen Xer

Gen X is worst then boomers

America, the bitch gets her head blown off.


Attached: Agatha Avoirdupois Duchess of Consternation.jpg (500x336, 32K)

Really thats the only thing I could get hard for is hatefucking her face

>hoarding 2 years worth of food in her body fat
damn thats actually pretty smart


Doubles as dildos

>8 Targets...
>XDM 16 rounds...

Not panicking

Attached: XDM9202HCE.png (1725x1270, 1.94M)

>Dooms day preparation
>No guns


Literally turning into a potato

Bitch you cause earthquakes when you step.

Ayy lmao❤️

I keep telling you fuckers. The left is better prepared than you shitlords. Your idea of prepping is "muh guns" while you stroke you're small peepee. The left already has bunkers and networks.... You nazis will fail as you always do. It will be a blood bath of brains (albeit small) and blood. Haha. Can't wait!

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That fat fuck would feed a wasteland tribe of cannibals for a couple weeks.

It's the new Double Headed Black Invader dildo.

this bitch might want to prep a little by hitting an elliptical machine.

#1 prepping item is personal fitness. If you can't hike 25+ miles in a day you are probably fucked.

adding insult to injury she smokes cigarettes. this whale will be dead in one week in any real emergency

Your fortune: Average Luck

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red or green?

lol this looks like the theater department at your local city college

Why would the left be prepared?

The left is the ones who think everything is going to be fine, even they are the ones that will cause a bleak and terrible future world. They preach to non -leftists their extreme opinions and actually many of them believe the bullshit.

Why would they fear for the future .

They are the ones directing the course of our countries and the west. They should feel comfortably complacent and not sad for the future like the right

>Walking through Mojave listening to big iron
>Cross us a desert hill
>Immediately gets down, spots a giant creature in the distance
>Pull out binoculars
>Through dusty lens is a giant bighorn with green hair
>Get closer, pull out 10mm
>Tumble weed rolls between us and the creature turns around
>Dear god, that's no bighorn
>"GIMME FOOD HOOMY" Shouts the massive irradiated beast
>Fire a few rounds into the creature, fat flaps absorb the blow
>"ME ANGRY, FOOD NOW!" Shouts the beast, pulling out a greasy and sloppy iron rod from her hair infested pussy
>Fucking dart back to the New Vegas strip
>Lock the door to the lucky 38 penthouse
>Yes man asks what's wrong
>Blame the boomers for the horror they created.
Fucking millennial's.

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>preparing for earthquakes
I think everyone around her should do the same

Holy fuck can you imagine the number of twinkies this bitch has to store?

there's no such thing as leftism in an apocalypse scenario.


Kek this would be a good show!

>to recognize medicinal herbs in an urban setting
i.e. buying pot

if potatoes were that ugly, i wouldn't have them. ever.

You can also use the SR-71 technique of simply going faster than the threat

she's not hording
she IS the horde
..lookie here boys...we done struck gold!

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She probably generates enough gravitational pull to bring the tide in.

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Lol. Family and church networks trumps le fat homo medic larper club.

I read the whole article. You think any of those San Fran onions boys own @Ks clones?

First sign of aggression that doesn’t play by cops rules will have them raising the white flag.

thats how to get a like⚽

she picked a healer when obviously she is a tank

Based and checkedpilled

The fuck is this 'Like' bullshit going on? Mods?! Fucking Remove it!

that wasnt genx



idk if you’re baiting but this is a legit point. the left is currenty running circles around the right when it comes to networking and organizing.

Tranny Conan O'Brien acting hard, and shit.

"Oh, sweetie, you shouldn't have done that."

Dog One hits her left hamstring and is gone, a grey blur trailing red drops. He'll be coming round in a big circle, but he won't be needed.

Because Dog Two hit her in the throat on the way down.

I don't need to make him break off just yet. Poor baby's hungry. Actually, now I think of it, so am I, but we're going to have to fry some of that lard off first.

I tap the ash off my joint, and pull the big knife from its sheath.

Tfw you didn’t know this like bullshit even existed but somehow your score is 24 and you’re literally 733T as shit or whatever but you don’t know what that means because you aren’t a HAX07 or whatever