ITT: When they don't even try to hide it

Post obvious white ethnic replacement agendas "masqueraded" as AND THAT'S A GOOD THING

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Come on guys. I know you've got some

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Salon definitely never tries to hide it

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Louis CK is a big Green supporter so I hear


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White people are the real people of color. What other race has blue eyes/green eyes, and blond/brown hair naturally?

CNN telling the masses where to find confederate monuments at the height of when they were being torn down

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Trump is a Nazi and stuff.

Thanks brother. Would also love more contributions. Don't forget to save and share with normy friends when the timing is right

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Aaand of course everyone has seen this one. Easy mode

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>Jeff Stein

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I had a pic of the article and them him getting upset on twitter on how he's being called out as a jew. Will try to find it

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That article talks about how the Middle East has also experienced a fertility problem, and might have advice on how to tackle the issue.

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Why should liberal Jews hide?

>women won't accept babies from anyone making less than them
>it's a male infetility problem goy


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not masquerading

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Either masquerade as white or don't. The true colors show either way

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These people are sick fucks. jesus

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Jesus, what a piece of shit.

LOL. That's a good one. Because she's actually talking about strategies on how to cope with male infertility, because the Middle East has had male fertility problems for longer. You got these idiots good.
But sperm counts have declined.

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>akin to gas chambers
Yeah because it’s not real.

God damn jews

no its about how w*ite """men""" can impregnate women so they need based Muhammad to do it for them /s

There are no "true colors" to show. You're the one who's a liar.

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Yup, me posting a collection of anti-white agenda articles sure makes me a liar. Thanks for the bump kike

>posted by someone who literally doesn't care about Palestinians and thinks they are shitskins

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White people are at fault for this. The majority of white people are white apologists, who fuel and condone this.

The rest are just too fucking ignorant and will only have one child or none because they buy into the myth that children are too expensive.

White apologists and white women who breed outside the race should be killed before anyone else

I guess I misinterpreted it as purely anti-Semitic. My bad.
That said, if you're going to call someone a kike, drink Ganges water

Also the bullshit about spacing pregnancies is only fed to white women, because spacing pregnancies makes women want to have another child less as more time goes by, and makes child rearing more difficult since the children are vastly different ages and can’t soothe/ occupy/ entertain each other, becoming more taxing on parents time.

If you’re upset about the fact that kikes are behind this, or even upset about kike being used as a joke or an insult I have no fucking idea what you’re doing here.

Go suck a foreskin kike

People are really scared of whites, particularly white men. These lunatics need to keep their phobia in check. Can't be healthy.

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It's not even worth calling them kikes. Just call them what they are. Apply the name jew to a jew and watch as he slinks back in horror.

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real question is how do we eliminate the parties involved. The operate with impunity

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When has a non-white country ever prospered?

Lol fucking try me.
This is why they want to take our firearms away.
It's no matter though, even if they made guns illegal.
I'll just wait for Jamal down the block to come at me with his shaved-serial glock knife him in the throat and take it.
Or just use a bow and arrow till I drop someone with a gun.
How many niggers do you know that can use a bow?
The one weapon that their ancestors used and all American blacks totally forgot.
Shamefru dispray!

Well, at least they were trying to hide it

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They're in chaos right now. They were hoping for Mueller's report to keep the legal pressure on Trump. But now that the cat's out of the bag they're panicking because they don't have a new plan or tactic.

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Oh. Well, a lot of them are false portrayals. Which is why I said it was a lie.
I'm not really upset, but if you're going to call me a kike I'm going to say mean shit to you.
I have my foreskin, but I can't suck my own and don't need to.

>keep whites in the majority
Whites are 45% tops. TOPS.

"Karl Popper was born in Vienna (then in Austria-Hungary) in 1902 to upper-middle-class parents. All of Popper's grandparents were Jewish, but they were not devout and as part of the cultural assimilation process the Popper family converted to Lutheranism before he was born"

Imagine that

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>entire thread about anti-white agenda articles, a large portion of written by jewish detractors

Oh man.. classic

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You're a retard.

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Good fucking lord dude...

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Good work lad. I can't believe they can call it a conspiracy theory in the same breath as their continuing rally cry for white replacement. Sickening really. It's quite obvious that racism goes all the way around and it's just their special masquerade, their ethnocentric interests, their fears of large forces of unified whites collectively changing their minds, etc.

So do white people just not realize they're being systematically bred out and replaced, or do they not care?

Not really. Nowadays Jews are pretty open, which is why some people are freaking out.
Most American Jews will cease to exist soon because of intermarriage, though.

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I love this one. Double standard succinctly shown

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