>I'm new to making music
>I currently use fl studios
Do you guys have any sugestions on how to improve my mastering skills and make nice melodies?
>I'm new to making music
>I currently use fl studios
Do you guys have any sugestions on how to improve my mastering skills and make nice melodies?
YAYEEEET. i like ur style bro, it's new and refreshing
great songs
I like your style!
this is so sad lmao
Are you a retard?
You've got a long way to go, but you're very talented!
gr8 m8
For melody, I'd read the hooktheory books. For mastering, try the addiction formula.
OP I gave you the benefit of the doubt the other day when you posted this exact same thread and I assumed you were serious
but hey being ironic and not caring is cool right, let’s see who can be the most ironic and the least caring haha I mean I don’t care to do that really, I was just being ironic
I fear for when you breed. Racing to the bottom, and kids these days are getting faster
Thank you, I will look into it!!
Lol, what is your problem mate? Go cry a river :)
No you won’t you cunt.
What the fuck kind of kicks do you even get out of this? Just go fucking find some chemical to chug that will actually make your brain feel good. At least it will be contained within the confines of your putrid body, instead you choose to spew this dumbfuckery out in the open for a measly rush. Get your rocks off out of my vicinity you utter cunt.
Yes I will look into it. Unlike you I'm open for opinions and won't get mad if something makes me cry. Have a lovely day user
Oh and yeah it's quite amusing seeing you being a crybaby over nothing
You are my problem, and shit threads like this with no actual purpose besides feeding some pathetic feeling of power you feel knowing that people are replying seriously to something you pretended to embody.
I honestly can’t understand your mindset when you make threads like this, I literally cannot reduce myself to being that fucking trite as to sympathize with your sloppy, stew-like mindframe
Damn I love ur sounds bro
You're cute when you're mad. But this will be a major contribution for your internet usage: if you don't like something, just ignore it
Replies: 18
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You waste other peoples’ time when they give you a serious reply and it makes you giddy somehow by thinking you’ve reduced another persons’ time to your sad level of import.
Well I just would like to show people my music and I just see haters as free promoters. So that's why I'm thankful that you're keeping this threat alive!
Don't worry about the hate, they're not worthy of your time..
Here’s some actual good advice:
If you don’t like something, change it.
That goes for any aspect of your life that you aren’t completely satisfied with, from your day-to-day interactions to your mindset and perspective.
I gave you a heartfelt reply yesterday, but you weren’t looking for actual replies, your intent behind this thread is to waste those peoples’ time who actually happen to grace you with some form of sincerity.
I’m not mad, this is simply austerity (which you are too much of a zoomer to currently grasp)
It’s still
Posters: 4
Jesus fuck you have a major problem in your brain.
hahaha don't you see this is just banter to me. I don't even really read your comments. I'm just thankful that you're actually stupid eough to keep this thread alive and I just see my soundcloud numbres rising
Nice music dude!
You reap what you sow.
You’re doing yourself a disservice by not reading advice. Keep up the nihilism though, that’s always a great path (/sarcasm) and it never ever leads to lonely bitter suicide.
haha and how is this advice?
And you’re lucky that the mods are dead. samefag bumping your mixtape would not fly in my day.
Go hand out some free CDs on the street corner like any civilized negro would do, you embarrassing assclown.
You sure are a special breed
Sick beats bro!