I think I have a masturbation problem

I am now 24 and still masturbate like a teenager. I do it in the bathroom stall at work and the thought of it makes me feel weak. If I go a day without it, the next day I'll masturbate twice as much. The worst part is I tend to watch really freaky shit that leaves me depressed and embarrassed afterwards. I feel this is interfering with my work, and not a healthy habit. So what should I do? Stop masturbating entirely?

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Just have sex instead of masturbating? How is this an issue?

Not OP, but getting laid is extremely hard for a lots of people.

How? Most people get laid, why can't you or OP?

When i started lifting and losing weight my masturbation habits went through the roof.

Every night and even mid day at work.

I feel like a beast and I love it

because were not normies?

For me it's being social retarded to the point where I can't make a conversation longer than a few sentences. Also this

How many girls have you asked out?

How do you expect to succeed if you don't try?

It's stupid to whine about things you can't have when you don't even try!

Stop being an incel!

A significant minority arent getting laid

Attached: sex3.jpg (780x575, 34K)

this is my problem

Millennials are choosing to stay home and play vidya instead of getting casual sex. Incels like you are a tiny vocal minority who refuse to admit them not having sex is a choice.

Here we go with the incel science bullshit again...

I swear, this board has gone to shit, can't you retarded unfuckable losers stay in Jow Forums?

>not having sex is a choice
chosing not to pay whores isnt the problem, its not being able to create relationships

28% and growing is not a tiny minority.

R9k has been coopted by the gay agenda

You choose to not go to prostitutes, you choose to not use tinder or dating sites, you choose to not talk to girls, you choose to not leave the basement. You can't blame women or society for your life choices.

Wow! I feel so powerful now! Your words have invigorated my pulverized sense of confidence and self! God, I can feel my neurons connecting right now, and my muscle is bulging through my clothes! My self-esteem has been restored back to its' old levels from when I was born! All these years of isolation and rejection have been washed away instantly thanks to your powerful speech! I wish I could thank you for fixing me but unfortunately I just got multiple calls from women who sensed my extreme desirability within this 1 mile radius.

Incels are approximately 0.01% of male virgins. They are and always will be a tiny fringe group of deranged low intelligence cultists.

I cant force women to date me, and none of them want to

Then stay an unfuckable loser forever incel trash.

How do you come to 0.01% when the statistics say 28% of men aren't getting laid? Are you a roastie? You realize below average men cant snap their fingers and wish a girlfriend into existence.

stop doing it for a couple of days and see what kind of reactions you get. also, put a couple mics around. I bet people can't stop talking about you whackin it in there.

Find out why they don't want to date you and change it.

Are you too dumb to realize that nearly all virgins are volcels? Incels are a tiny fringe group. The tiny fringe group consisting of the most angry, desperate, entitled fucks there is.

I know what'a wrong with me. I'm 5'5" and have an ugly face. Things i cant really change

Honestly what's the point of asking out someone when you can't even make a conversation?

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Are you on any kind of amphetamines? I found they make me chronically jack it.

Why would you assume the bottom 30% of men are not having sex out of choice when it is clear that women have very high standards these men are not able to meet?

Every other man who's 5'5" and "ugly" has a gf/wife. Stop thinking you are a special snowflake.

What bottom 30% of men? You incels are the bottom 0.01% of men. 28% of young men are choosing to not have sex at the moment because of careers or vidya or whatever. As are women.

You really think only 0.01% of men are too ugly to have sex? Women say there are a lot more ugly dudes than that

27% of men least attractive. Suspiciously close to the number of sexless men

Attached: okc_rating_curve1.png (500x300, 9K)

Is that true? I never see ugly faced manlets like myself with female humans.

That's because you never leave the basement.

How about posting the chart that shows messaging rates? Oh no, you can't, that would destroy your narrative. The fact is, all girls have different tastes and your idea of objectively ranking men into attractive and unattractive is horseshit.

I leave it all the time. Im always observant of the young couples i see. 80% of the time the dude is taller than average height

Women have very similar tastes. A lot of times they can unanimously agree if a guy is attractive or not

>80% of the time the dude is taller than average height
What utter bullshit. It's been proven that a majority of male virgins are tall. You see what you want to see. If you were tall you would just be using another excuse. Face it, you want to be an incel, you don't want to talk to girls, you don't want to have a gf. If you did, you would have one.

The longer you go without sex the worse it gets

I was in your shoes and even grandmas were giving me boners. Do nofap and then find a nice girl to dump all your hot loads into

he does want one but his fear of rejection outweighs his desire for a partner

i don't talk to girls but that's because i know none would want to talk to me

because casual sex is degenerate as is tinder

also i reserve sex for only someone i really would care for


I'm an ugly, unfuckable incel.